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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know my SC2 name has changed to Swiper.noswiping and yeah interesting times with the new patch and ladder reset. I love the creep change, LOVE IT!
When the servers went up last night I found myself doing 2s with my buddy and though I think it might be short lived the reset moved us from Copper to Gold league after going 4-1 in our placement matches. Do I think we are gold material? Honestly, probably not, but it has been my opinion that the old matchmaking system and the growth of the beta has resulted in a situation where before the reset people's leagues weren't really representative and with the change this reset will probably do really well for placing people in the right leagues and hopefully make for more even matches, always a good sign.
I am currently not at home so I won't be able to get there and do my 1v1 placement matches for a few hours yet so stay tuned for an update on where I wind up in 1s.
UPDATE: I'm now 1v1 Silver
So for those as nubby as I am I will share a cool story of a ZvT I played yesterday morning which proved to be a good example of what I can only call the Mutafeint build. I have since used it in a couple matches and it's a pretty nice build, let me explain what I do.
Start off teching to mutas. Try to avoid getting scouted as if they figure this out too early you might be a little boned. Once you have 2 bases making mutas pump them for a while and do as much economic damage as possible. This will cause the terran to hopefully panic a bit and swap stuff like his 3M build into mostly marines and prompt him to tech into thors and put turrets up all over the place.
Once you have done as much damage as you think you can effectively get done with the mutas, put them on a patrol of all the currently empty expansions and hopefully if they aren't careful will snipe any attempts to expand with units that the Planetary fortress can't attack. It will also reaffirm if he can't get a good scout on you (hide tech etc.) that you are continuing to produce mutas and he will prepare accordingly to handle them. Now comes the switch, get a hydra den and a Baneling nest down and use your muta squad preventing unprotected expansions as an opportunity to push out as much as you can and get your expos really working. Try to get as many upgrades as possible and move into a full speed machines ready to Speedlings, Hydras, and Banelings. The lings decimate the thors, banelings melt the marines they toss at you, and without support any tanks they make will be useless. When you are ready for a final push, get your mutas back into your army and make a stab for the main, try to see if you can get your mutas attacking something far away from your main army that will avoid turrets and when the terran mobilizes to get them you rip into their front door with your army, you can even throw in roaches as they are a good soaker of siege fire and marine fire. Proceed tot hen destroy the base and hopefully since the flexibility of tech for terran is too slow to get heat seeking missiles in time before you break their base and set them too far back to recover.
That's all for now, I'll see what I can muster in another day or so. Enjoy your clean new record and I hope to see some of you again on the Beta Battlefields.