I got the beta friday, and i seriously cant believe how much it makes a difference not having chat channels...
The fact that my only complain with sc2 so far is that there is no chat channels should say something about how much fun it is to play(although is seems not having high ground is as big a deal as the articles here say), but seriously, there's no social aspect... I only know one other dude in the beta (guy who gave me the friend invite) and no way to really contact anyone else except for in ladder games and when they say "no thx, no customs, im just mass laddering...".
I added about 5 people out of the 'practice partners' thread and said "hi, interested in custom games?" to all to them, without even a single response, so a big fuck you to those people :@.
Anyway... If anyone would like to play some custom games and just generally chat about the game (It's MUCH easier to learn a new game when u have a few heads to bounce ideas off, any good player will tell you that) give me a holla, or if you have a group of people who use vent or w/e and i can join in that'd be sick . Atm im something like 23-12 on platinum 1v1, was B- P player in bw, i'm happy to play with anyone really but mainly looking for people around my level to game with ^^;;
which server are you on? ;;
U.S. server i think (unless it lets you add people from US server on other servers :o)
yo, hit me up as James.stim
We are both aussies so it shouldnt be too hard to hook some practice up!
BTW im 85-65 ish platinum
edit: oh lol hey vst.pinder
Yeah it can be pretty lonely without chat channels
then definitely add me up joklem.joklem i wont be on anymore today but up for custom whenever online platinum rank 20ish toss
thx guys added both
yo add me, fallen.fallen
im in gold but i've been hoovering around rank 1/2/3 and i play T
but i was B/B+ toss in sc1
Yo dude add me for sure. LuckySword.proxi
I feel like I'm in The Book of Eli, it is just a desert wasteland. Chatrooms would be a lot nicer. Or at least user created only ones, so communities could form. Like a TL.net irc on battle.net, etc.
add me awesome.cityx platinum player used to be around 4th rank, dropped after changing race and now back at 11 rank as the 2nd best terran player in division 7
Anyone in this thread can add me I know TheAntz has already. NCX.NCX Gold #2 Protoss
and yes its definatly lonely without chat channels, but its good in a sence, I played about 300 games in the short period of time I've had my beta key, unfortunatly it feels like I'm burnt out now. Seems like the time in between games gets longer and longer, smoking cigarettes in between games more frequently. I used to play about 30-40 games a night, now I barely manage 10-15 and I find myself playing 2v2 with my buddy Bigpon just for the comradery lol.
yo anyone in this thread add me, snotboogie.fend
fellow aussie, was D protoss