been playing a bunch, trying out new stuff and not doing too well on ladder. But learning alot
pvz is so broken its not even funny im like 0-7 vs glade now, lost to mass muta close to all the time. granted he is very good and a better player then me but when you know its coming, and you make the "hardcounter" of 2 stargates and still lose its hilarious. also saw his match history and looks like smuft loses 70% vs him
funny how phoenixs lost the corsair splash, mutas still have the glaive splash, and protoss have absolutely no chance in an air to air battle once both unit counts go above 12.
Not to mention at anypoint he feels he might lose an air battle(almost impossible) he can switch to mass hydras and u have 20 pheonixs which do jackshit
nirvanavsglade PVZ retarded shit
anyway since im uploading games here are some other decent replays
nirvana vs sid.SC2Replay
old patch
This blog will soon enough be filled with angry zerg players telling you that mutas are fine and pvz is fine and that you're bad thanks for the replays, checking them out!
On March 14 2010 16:23 TheAntZ wrote: This blog will soon enough be filled with angry zerg players telling you that mutas are fine and pvz is fine and that you're bad thanks for the replays, checking them out!
or angry toss saying hes right
I play zerg and mutas are fine and pvz is fine and you're bad!!!!!
I said this like 5 times in other threads but i think they should give stalkers bonus damage to light targets. That will help alot I think with PvP and vs zerg with muta. If they do that and stalkers can hold off zealots a littil better. Then you can decrease the warp gate time near where it was orginally. That should help PvZ too.
2 stargates is a terrible idea. Even if phoenixes could beat muta, zerg could just make corruptors instead. Then you are left with 2 useless stargates, and corruptos infesting any other buildings that might allow you to make a come back.
edit: you even pointed out yourself that a hydra switch would beat 2 stargate
USA29055 Posts
pvz is insanely hard atm.. I feel like I win with gimmicky builds but if the Z has any kind of a brain I die 
Dunno if it is a broken mu atm but the patch certainly changed how we (P) have to play and it seems we don't got it figured out yet.
On March 14 2010 18:15 Wretched wrote: 2 stargates is a terrible idea. Even if phoenixes could beat muta, zerg could just make corruptors instead. Then you are left with 2 useless stargates, and corruptos infesting any other buildings that might allow you to make a come back.
edit: you even pointed out yourself that a hydra switch would beat 2 stargate What is a good way to counter the mobility of the muta then? cannons dont cut it, a flock of muta take down anything less than 5-6 cannons jammed in one spot, and if they see that they just fly to another part of the base In BW the same problem would exist, except corsairs demolished all Z air, so after a certain point muta could be fought off with enough corsairs, while early on, mutas > corsairs (before the P gets like 6) atm it seems like the opposite, in low numbers phoenix counter muta, but large number of muta > large number of phoenix, cirrupters >>>> phoenix, hydra switch rapes you if you tech to and make phoenixes. This isnt 'pvz imba lol' rage, more like a question, IS there actually an answer to muta? A feasible, viable way to fight them off without expending resources into something that will be absolutely useless and get you killed if they do hydra switch?
yea antz exactly. and wretched if 2 stargates is a terrible idea what else will beat muta? you have to play very good zergs till you realise that sairs give u the most fighting chance. if u dont let him get another gas expansion u do have a chance to win.
The only other thing i could think of would be a timing rush with mass sentry zelot stalker but thats practically an all in build
On March 15 2010 02:04 aLt)nirvana wrote: yea antz exactly. and wretched if 2 stargates is a terrible idea what else will beat muta? you have to play very good zergs till you realise that sairs give u the most fighting chance. if u dont let him get another gas expansion u do have a chance to win.
The only other thing i could think of would be a timing rush with mass sentry zelot stalker but thats practically an all in build it IS an allin thats the point and it doesnt even work because mutaling rapes it senseless ok seriously if a zerg makes mutalisks, and uses them to harass your base, what do you do? You cant make a tight base because you NEED the wall at the front in case of ling runby/roach rush You cant make stargate because explained above. Really, the zerg can always scout it and break the shit out of your ramp with roach or defend easily and mass hydra to kill you since you have nothing that beats hydra If you make a zeal sentry army, you are simply contained in your base because muta/ling eats it alive EXTREMELY cost effectively (no, no fucking amount of force field micro saves you unless the opponent does NO micro at all, or just hasnt made any units and is just plain terrible) getting cannons effectively means that what little chance you had of doing some kind of allin push to kill him before enough muta come out is gone
so seriously what is the answer here? How the fuck is ANYBODY able to beat a zerg who uses his mutas to just constantly fly around your base while laughing at how pathetic your sentries speed is, and how pathetic stalkers damage is? Has anyone actually beat a zerg who has done effective harass like this (not some zerg who tries to harass, and immediately flies away after taking a single hit from a sentry, one that actually flies the muta around and constantly dicks the base)? If so, please, post with replays how exactly its possible to beat this