Just wanted to introduce myself before posting throughout the forums. I've been following TL ever since I got into the pro-SC community. I used to do newbie VODS of me playing DoW2 over at GameReplays and quickly got annoyed with the balance of the game. I started listening to SC casters and quickly found out about Artosis, Tastelss and SDM in GOMTV, day9 and the like. Especially Artosis, if not for this awesome nerd, I'd have never gotten into this (or dragged my friends into it). So props to them.
I'm a full-time graduate student and professional Japanese->English translator. I'm working on getting my MA (almost there!), and my thesis project is to retranslate the Book of Five Rings from an authentic manuscript for the first time (it's a messy and complicated story). I'd be happy to do translation work for TL-members for a good discount.
I love SC and I'm really excited about SC2 (don't have a key, but hooray for streams!). I'm hoping to make friends, play good games, and generally share in this amazing community! 
great to have you here.
Watashiwa Kidd des. Did I say that right?
Welcome, make yourself at home ^^
I... am... Canadian.
Welcome to TL
On February 19 2010 06:54 kidd wrote: Watashiwa Kidd des. Did I say that right?
It makes sense, and you wrote it out phonologically (more or less). Generally, when written in English, the particles are separated from the nouns and the whole mora (Japanese syllable) is written out like so:
"watashi ha Kidd desu"
You say "wa" (わ) but it's written with the character "ha." It seems strange, but it's a classical Japanese trait for the W-line, the H-line and the ... non-letter-line ... to be mixed up. Classical Japanese writers mispelled stuff all the time
np, and I'm happy to be here I'm really happy to meet more of the sc community and enjoy the good times.
United States3573 Posts
Sup dude.
hey welcome , it's pretty awesome to have someone who can translate japanese>english other than haji
btw can you tell me what やらないか means? i see it often on nico nico douga and associate it with something gay, but i'm not sure exactly what gay thing that is
It's the negative of やる + question か. Just looking at it here (I don't know nico nico douga), I'd say it means something like... "won't you do __ " or "don't you wanna do ___" but this kind of verb is *heavily* context heavy.
Here's a random example: 彼が私に声を掛け、彼の助手をやらないかと誘ってくれました。 kare ga watashi ni koe wo kake, kare no joshu wo yaranai ka to sasotte kuremashita. He called me, asking if I would be [lit. would not be] his assistant.
Obviously we don't say "I will do your assistant," but think of やる・やらない as doing/being whatever the direct object is.