When it comes to playing against people who know you or when you have a repuation to uphold, making excuses becomes a vital aspect of your game play.
Now, im not the type of person to make excuses, but i have seen enough of it going on to know what works and what doesn't. So i'm hoping to deliver a guide which can help people improve this aspect of their play. To begin with, making excuses is important for 3 primary reasons:
1: Making excuses holds yourself accountable for your performance, and greatly helps to improve yourself as a player, as quickly as possible.
2. Making excuses imbues your opponent with a sense of worth, and really makes them appreciate you as a person .
3. Making excuses is excellent sportsman ship and the height of good manners.
Excuse making needs to be done in an effective and organised fashion to generate maximum power. It can generally be broken down into three core components which I will explain, and give examples of.
- The pre game excuse: This completely negates any bad play from you before the game even starts. In additition, if you win, it makes your opponent look even more terrible. This excuse should be performed in channel before game, or in the loading screen. At the latest it should be done during your drone split.
Examples: "I can't play properly today because i'm on my laptop" (this excuse is particularly effective for players who only ever play on a laptop)
"I'm a bit rusty, i haven't played in weeks" (Bear in mind you can still use this excuse even if you have been practicing. Practicing is different to playing.)
- The mid game excuse: This excuse needs to be performed during the game, perferably early on when small mistakes mean a lot. Losing because you messed up your build order doesn't count. Afterall, if you did everying properly you would be able to defeat jaedong right?
Examples: "Damn i forgot my pylon" (note this only works for protoss players) "LOL my drone bugged out" (make sure you mention that this ALWAYS happens to you)
The post game excuse: This excuse needs to be performed within 30 seconds of typing gg, or in the channel after the game. It is possibly the most important excuse and offers the widest range for creativity. An important note about the post game excuse, is that it does not need to be true.
Examples: "Sorry i was on the phone" (this is perfect, who is ever going to prove you wrong?) "Couldn't play properly, my girlfriend arrived mid game" (This makes you look cool as well as discounting your loss)
The winning excuse: If you manage to actually win a game, you can make your opponent feel worse by employing this dreaded tactic. It is the same as the post game excuse although it is performed after your opponent types gg, or in the channel afterwards. If you play badly and still win, you must be invincible right?
Examples: "Hah, didn't even spend all my money" "I was afk a few while i had to get the door"
That's about it guys. Please note that for maximum effectiveness, you should use all three types of excuses at the appropriate times. With perfect execution, you will feel like a better human being and find yourself more loved by everyone around you. By the way, i must apologise for my bad typing, its really late at night and i'm very tired.
Happy gaming!
"Couldn't play properly, my girlfriend arrived mid game" (This makes you look cool as well as discounting your loss)
LOL genius.
When i used to play on b.net i never typed anything other than "gg" unless someone provoked me... I'm not very social person when it comes to sc..-_-; i prefer voice chat over typing  Skype ftw :D
haha, you ask a mod to move it into the appropriate section, you don't just remake the same thread on the other section lol
On February 05 2010 12:45 OmgIRok wrote:Show nested quote +"Couldn't play properly, my girlfriend arrived mid game" (This makes you look cool as well as discounting your loss) LOL genius.
that happened to me once... my gf seated on my legs and begun kissing my neck, i just GGed right there....
On February 05 2010 12:56 Inzek wrote:Show nested quote +On February 05 2010 12:45 OmgIRok wrote:"Couldn't play properly, my girlfriend arrived mid game" (This makes you look cool as well as discounting your loss) LOL genius. that happened to me once... my gf seated on my legs and begun kissing my neck, i just GGed right there.... u don't have to make excuses here..we all know
The winning excuse is the WORST. I loathe it. You try really hard against someone and have a really close, fun game with them. Then in the channel they're like "im so newb - i totally played my worst game ever" - indirectly implying you are worse than "so newb". Obviously it doesn't send me into an emo spiral but I just find it really disrespectful.
thanks, i already use a lot of these excuses but i think i can now improve my technique
i hate people that do this... i try to catch myself not to say any of it, even if it happened only cuz it seems like "Oh... your room was too cold? So you would've won if it was warmer?"... yea....
used most of them. still good
On February 05 2010 13:22 prOxi.swAMi wrote: The winning excuse is the WORST. I loathe it. You try really hard against someone and have a really close, fun game with them. Then in the channel they're like "im so newb - i totally played my worst game ever" - indirectly implying you are worse than "so newb". Obviously it doesn't send me into an emo spiral but I just find it really disrespectful. I do that against you to make it seem like you aren't so good Nah my excuses were for reals though
it seems to me as if the whole point of this guide is to promote bad sportsmanship and cockiness. the only people who hide behind "excuses" are people who suck at the game. and apparently the OP is one of those people.
16951 Posts
Successful troll is successful :/
On February 05 2010 15:02 Empyrean wrote: Successful troll is successful :/
More like unintentional troll is successful.. how could you possibly take this seriously?
5/5ed, gave me a good chuckle.
I always like good troling. 
And Im sure we all tried one or two of these and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I would rather see someone gets more creative tho.
On February 05 2010 14:57 holyhalo5 wrote: it seems to me as if the whole point of this guide is to promote bad sportsmanship and cockiness. the only people who hide behind "excuses" are people who suck at the game. and apparently the OP is one of those people. lololol gb2Romania
Am I the only one who doesn't understand how its a troll? Seems obviously sarcastic to me.
Korea (South)17174 Posts