So I haven't touched Starcraft for nearly two months now and just played a few D games on iccup. I was a solid C zerg (C+ high) previously and played quite a lot last season (nearly 350 games). I also practiced very competitively, as I played for Berkeley in the CSL.
I am reluctant to return because I am a full time college student and SC can be very stressful. However, I also feel revitalized from the break. During my time off, I followed the proleagues very closely and feel like I have developed better game sense.
When you play so much in one period, you have higher chances to fall into bad habits. After this break, I feel like I can start fresh again. I really would like to represent my school in CSL again next season, but I fear I will not be able to juggle school and Starcraft efficiently.
United States4796 Posts
Best of luck to you balancing the two.
We really hope you play more CSL.
I haven't played starcraft in a week.
Not feeling as stressed. But after a while Starcraft will make me happy again :p
Good luck, I always stop playing during school and focus on following the pro scene
Are you playing 3v3 bgh with frost again? because that's what all the pros do...
ahaha damn i havent talked to frost in forever. i wouldnt mind hitting up some BGH, but last i remember was that drop hacks made b.net really lame
School > Starcraft
School will take you places while Starcraft will leave you in your parents house. Play SC for fun and don't take it to serious. You won't become pro or anything anyway.
Since you are studying, just play Starcraft for fun (not competitively) every once in a while.
Game of starcraft. 20 minutes of work. Rinse and repeat.