On January 03 2010 09:17 Ftrunkz wrote: good luck man, im interested to know how the newbies will go in hell with almost no experiance... Hell is seriously 10x harder than the jump from normal -> nightmare. ya seriously
but i geared all of them so that they have decent resists... like mostly 30-40+ in all resists... as long as they stay back and dont do stupid shit, a1-2 should be no big deal.
Did you just go over the basic concept of Diablo II
At a place dedicated to SC
nice blog, reminds me of the good ol' days (though I never played hc)
You should do Ironman D2 runs with the only rule being you can not return to town after you leave.
Never played before but still was an interesting read
On January 03 2010 10:41 McFly wrote: You should do Ironman D2 runs with the only rule being you can not return to town after you leave.
Omg that sounds awesome I haven't touched HC since I lost my lvl 92 sorc with full Tal Rasha and one SOJ
I think I tried a trial of D2 once and didn't get too into it. Nice read though, it was interesting learning a bit about it.
This somehow reminds me of http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=8623963&f=87
Anyway, normal and nightmare will be very easy for your team, but I think you might experience problems in hell due to bad resistances. Act 2 viper temple will probably be hard, although you have 3 characters that technically could clear it while standing behind the skeletons. Travincal might be dangerous too, but should be possible; durance of hate level 3 might become hard if many monsters spawn near the staircase. Act4 can be hard due to souls; otherwise it's pretty easy. As for act 5 I dont have much experience; Ive seen many people die in frozen river.
I suppose you can just hide behind the skeletons while the trapsin/fire-sorc blast everything; the hammerdin will provide a nice aura for the skeletons (which can also benefit from might of the mercenary). Technically the hammerdin alone could clean anything, as those are the most imba chars, but Id recommend playing very cautious (on the other hand I've cleared the chaos sanctuary few times with a naked hammerdin lol...). 1 more friend with a support healing char could be nice; perhaps some FOH to heal (if you attack partied players you heal them), max prayer to heal via aura (use cleansing as this doesnt require mana; or maybe meditation; but you could give an insight to one of the mercenaries). Alternatively this palladin could boost your resists via salvation
u should get a werebear druid with oak sage and shockwave, the oak will greatly boost your life and mass shockwaves = nothing moves, very safe
What's your username?
My level ~95 TPPK cold sorcs would like to meat, erm, meet you and your party.
you should find the TL D2 team; if theyre still active that is i remember there was at least a dozen active players, if not a couple dozen
One of the best ARPG. You make me remember some of the old times as well. Goodluck to you though, With that said, maybe you could check out Torchlight, best D2 clone to date.
hell andariel went down EASY..... however.... we experienced some nasty lag a bit after she died, and unfortunately our barbarian didnt leave the game and died durign the lag.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz now we are rushing him back, what a pain in the ass.... such a lame way to die
Russian Federation1381 Posts
D2 is great, i finished hc hell with friends too once, it was one of the most epic game experiences i've had.
Ce-skeleton-revives necro is imba, revives are underrated, horde of walking protection and they can deal damage in numbers too. i think i actually maxed ce and revives, with all the +skills the amount of crap on the screen was amazing, and ce decimated everything.
Thanks for the nostalgia man, great read. Looking forward to D3.
Singapore66072 Posts
wow damn, reading all that makes me miss D2 and how much fun it was 
I would have gone Ice Sorc if I were your friend, frozen orb and frost blast is damn useful at slowing down herds :o
Other than that, seems like a pretty standard party, fun read, brings back lots of nostalgia ^_^
Sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I had been able to get into Diablo II. Picked it up when it was newish, and didn't really have the computer to run it well. I've downloaded it a few times since them, and was restricted to single player, but it was still fun. I need to convince Kingkosi to get a stable internet connection and pick up a copy so that we could play.
damn, sounds awesome. I was thinking of building a support character of a FoH pally in a HC party to provide +res vs. the lightning dudes or -res for sorcs against immunes. I hear next patch is massive nerf for hammerdins so I wouldn't trust that. Anyways, your experience sounds pretty awesome. Last time I played hc with friends over vent, we only got to like act5 before our first casualty -_- and nm act2 (maggot lair + scarabs T.T) for our second, and then everybody was like eff this and stopped playing. everybody except for me and another were new to it, but still, we didn't get very far :o
you probably won't be playing when school starts in a couple weeks, but PM me if you still are and wouldn't mind seeing how another support char in ur party would work
On January 03 2010 13:33 WheelOfTime wrote: What's your username?
My level ~95 TPPK cold sorcs would like to meat, erm, meet you and your party.
TPPK is the most faggoty bullshit, thanks for admitting you use it. Do you also have it write a giant middle finger for you after you sit back and let your bot PK? Blue moon faggots.
max block on sor is more important that HP in HC
On January 03 2010 21:50 phase wrote: I hear next patch is massive nerf for hammerdins so I wouldn't trust that.
As it stands right now, there's a nerf, but it's not nearly as big as many would like to believe.