why is the scripted dialogue of many big name movies just terrible?
take this seriously please, I know your first reaction is "lol yeah it can be bad sometimes, now why do you care so much?"
but really -- these people are payed to think of absolute garbage. I know people exaggerate when they say "I could do better," -- but I really could do better. Why? Because I've talked to human beings before.
it's not always a big deal, sometimes it's just a snippet here and there that goes unnoticed.
take the Dark Knight movie for example. remember the big action scene with the joker's men attacking the police escort? well, the scene comes to a point where the 2 cops in their truck are surrounded by baddies -- they've basically realized their lives are in imminent danger.
so what does the one cop say to the other?
"Were like turkeys on thanksgiving here!"

what group of highly payed hollywood buffs sit around a conference table and after reading that line say, "ha, this sounds great!"
Obviously that is just a very tiny example of a much larger issue. I understand movies like to try and be unrealistically cheeky or melodramatic sometimes, but the cliched dialogue honestly just pulls me out of the experience every time.
I mean, I was watching the Avatar trailer and wouldn't you know it, I hear the "Your not in Kansas anymore!" line for the millionth fucking time in my life.
note: I expect Avatar to be an amazing movie and I plan to see it, and I am by no means judging it by a single line of dialogue
anyways, i hope you understand my confusion. i'm sure we've all gone to a movie and have just been stumped on how the hell a certain line, joke, or phrase made it into such an expensive movie.
do people actually like it? do people actually enjoy hearing "TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE" before the hero throws a punch?
maybe i'm just crazy.
sometimes if its REALLY cheesy I will get really excited and enjoy it. But if its just meant to be a bit of commentary that kind of gets glossed over, then it pisses me off.
The thing is, people really do make cheesy jokes and bad puns in real life. Maybe they're not the types you'd be friends with, but they exist and they laugh hardily at their own horrible wit.
But I've gotta agree about the cliches. They really bring out the caliber of a writer, and half the time they don't even fit the personality of the character they've worked so hard to build up.
It's probably more likely that a person in real life would pull out a silly overused cliché in the situations you describe than an ultra witty new phrase, so you can think if it that way I suppose.
I can easily imagine someone pulling out the turkeys on thanksgiving line and thinking himself really clever.
Edit: Chef describes exactly the kind of people I'm talking about - though in my example, they usually laugh heartily :p
imo older movies had a much better dialogue than the ones now
Yup, I agree with Chef and Freyr. It's simply what someone would actually say on the spot. Don't question the Nolan.
Nono, I agree completely with you. I HATE Hollywood cliché dialogues. They are unfortunately the norm in the big blockbuster movies from USA. I think what you have to keep in mind is that the majority of people are easily pleased/not very intelligent/downright retarded, and that's why they keep on writing those horrible, horrible dialogues.
Canada5565 Posts
I know exactly what you mean. Went to see Invictus tonight and there was a trailer for some movie with Mel Gibson. I was cringing at the cliche lines. The only one I remember is "buckle your seatbelts". so annoying.
On December 21 2009 15:37 Chef wrote: The thing is, people really do make cheesy jokes and bad puns in real life. Maybe they're not the types you'd be friends with, but they exist and they laugh hardily at their own horrible wit.
you explained in two sentences why the office (both versions) is so good.
In Hollywood they can't write a script. And the dialogue is even worse.
When you spend 320 million on special effects and famous actors you have no more money left to hire someone to write a script with dialogue.
Also, it doesn't matter how had the script or dialogue is because the average person won't notice. This is why Hollywood doesn't try to make good movies. They know special effects will improve so people have a reason to go to new movies each year. But acting and dialogue won't improve so they just keep that as bad as possible.
I don't think people in Hollywood are just stupid and extremely untalented. So it must be intentional. Just look at that Star Trek movie. Worst script and worst dialogue ever in a movie that's supposed to revolve around a good plot and great dialogue. Yet still even the professional critics thought it was the best thing ever.
The focus of movies seems to be more on graphics rather than scripts.
On December 21 2009 15:34 yhnmk wrote: sometimes if its REALLY cheesy I will get really excited and enjoy it. But if its just meant to be a bit of commentary that kind of gets glossed over, then it pisses me off.
This summarizes it pretty much.
Gosh he's just the coolest guy ever
On December 21 2009 20:28 ShloobeR wrote:heheheGosh he's just the coolest guy ever
That's not even funny. Just like Battlefield Earth was bad and not funny.
On December 21 2009 21:02 Glaucus wrote:That's not even funny. Just like Battlefield Earth was bad and not funny.
lol well I find it a little funny.. but it's still so fucking bad omg
There's nothing worse than unrealistic dialogue in movies.
Just become another Tarintino and be gross billions if you -really- can do better.
It all starts with a script you know, then people sell investors on said script and then a movie gets made out of it. Originally its just unpaid work that gets sold to everyone else.
I'm surprised no one brought up transformers 2