Moving to Sweden out of pure boredom now, and I've got a few questions:
-My house doesn't have a fiber connection, do you know if its possible to pay Telia or whatever company to get your house connected? I'd like some super fast internet connection, because now it looks like I'm gonna have to order from tre.se, since the internet central thing seems full.
-Have anyone tried internet from tre.se ? Is the response time shit and is it impossible to play starcraft with it? I have my doubts about everything that doesn't run in a wire.
wish i could move to sweden, ha roligt!
I'm not Swedish, but why have you decided to move there besides bordom?
On November 25 2009 01:54 Masamune wrote: I'm not Swedish, but why have you decided to move there besides bordom?
Its not that big of a move anyways, just from Norway to Sweden.
On November 25 2009 01:54 Masamune wrote: I'm not Swedish, but why have you decided to move there besides bordom? Well I'm thinking of buying a cheap car (cars are over twice as expensive in Norway), and due to how strong the Norwegian currency is, I get 20% more for my money.
well Tre is over the mobile network afaik they're not a regular landline ISP. where the hell are you moving? middle of the woods?
ah :/ sucks that you have to go for 3G internet since it can be quite expensive if you surf alot
Afaik you can get like 5mbit up and down for 199kr/month and plug your HTC hero as a modem or other phone.
Gl moving to Sweden, no jobs avaliable -.-
I'm going to norway soonish.
Telia is the most expensive, but from my experience, the most reliable. I wouldnt recommend 3 tbh, but that is just me.
You could probably get DSL 24mbps from Telia, Bredbandsbolaget or Tele2. 24mbps will get you really far if your area can get max connectivity and its probably as fast as it gets without having fiber build in in your house.
mobile internet is never that way to go, neither for speed, nor for your wallet. Its still good because of the fact that its mobile, but it isnt very viable for downloading or gaming. Ive also heared that there are quite weird port blocks on mobile internet so you cant do much with it but surf.
Well the thing is, when I checked my address on glocalnet.se, it said
"Det finns inte någon ledig kapacitet på din telestation och vi kan därför inte leverera bredband via telejacket hem till dig just nu. "
And if its anything like Norway, Telia owns the lines and stations, so if one company cant deliver, none can. I tried searching on tele2.se and so on, but im just getting technical errors :S
+ Show Spoiler +Det går inte att leverera fast bredband till din adress. Däremot har vi ett smart alternativ.
Med mobilt bredband surfar du hur mycket du vill, var du än är. Till en låg, fast kostnad varje månad. Dessutom får du tillgång till Telenors 3G-nät som ger täckning åt hela 98% av Sveriges befolkning.
Just nu: 199 kr/mån USB-modem: 0 kr (värde 995kr) Startavgift: 250 kr Fraktavgift: 96 kr
Uppsägningstid: 3 månader Bindningstid: 18 månader
Har du frågor? Kontakta gärna vår kundservice på telefon 0770-777 000
got this on BBB by just entering basic info using "storgatan 1 BV" as reference. If a city in the middle of the street cant get BBB, you wont be able to
It could be so with telia owning the lines yes, and the problem is that their site is anoying for checking connectivity since you wont be able to get any kind of result without having a telephone sub first. Youre still likelly to be able to get DSL from telia if you live somewhere in the centrum of the community. Its most unlikelly that an entire city is isolated from it here in swe, but still, you wont be able to see it until you get a land line telephone first (which sux, it was the same for me where i live. I ended up with telia 24 with about 12mb connectivity though so ill live)
Yeah I know, I really didn't want to have to pay for a useless telephone line, since all I use is the mobile phone, and Telias site as you said, is horrible, but if I can get the same connection, I'd be really happy.
Thanks for the help :D I'll try calling them tomorrow and ask.
i have a stationary phone though, i like having one. Specially when i call authorities i like to know that i always have a phone that can, since i use kontantkort for my mobile