United Kingdom5399 Posts
Really cool idea! But you musnt be so hard on yourself D:
Great idea and a great video to start. Hope you keep it up! :D
Hey, that was pretty good, and informative for someone who doesn't actively read esports news. Can you do the next one in a Newcastle accent? =)
I agree, the new KT lolster uniform is dumb. Everyone else seems like it. Also name dropping me is totally fine.
Canada5565 Posts
yay! im looking forward to the next one
Wow amazing scenery complemented with excellent commentary what an action packed video like an over flooding tap spraying information
Thanks for the video your hard work and efforts will be rewarded
(no sarcasm)
Oh me gawd, the great NeverGG has finally graced us with her divine voice! Now, if only we could make that camera do a 180 degree turn and it would be perfect.
Thank you for the interesting Vlog. Looking forward to what you have to say in future instalments.
looking forward to hearing more of these...i like your accent
Looking forward to you vlogging :O
you have a very nice voice! you should film yourself while talking though, even though you might not like it.. It's a great way to improve your confidence! always do what you fear...
Good vid ^^ looking forward to more. One thing though, coming up to Summer? In October? Or did I just mishear something
On October 26 2009 02:04 Yizuo wrote:you have a very nice voice! you should film yourself while talking though, even though you might not like it.. It's a great way to improve your confidence! always do what you fear... This. Watching some bushes isn't fun.
Liked what you talked about though, and I love the accent. :D
Awesome. Like some already has pointed out, you are doing a video blog, shouldn't you use the camera for something, like filming yourself with stuff related to what you are talking about, if you are not what's the point of a camera, just do an audio in that case.
Sweden4042 Posts
I like your accent And I'm not the only one who thinks KTs new uniform looks like a pyjamas :D
Netherlands6142 Posts
"crowded around the screen"
more like: Getting called awake by some shoddy Aussie at 6 am after getting home at 2, not wanting to wake up and blaming said Aussie for calling early because of daylight savings after which still getting called awake with persistent phonecalls - the phone of which I couldn't find, being located in the pockets in the folds of last night's clothes I'd trown of in my drunken stupour - because it turned to indeed be the right time, consequently proceeding to drag my laptop into bed, gathering barely enough semi-consciousness to find my way to orange tv only to groggily watch SkyHigh build some Marines before drifting off again trying hard not to dribble onto my pillow.
Yeah - please don't play any 6 am matches on Sundays anymore KT.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On October 26 2009 03:18 Pholon wrote: "crowded around the screen"
more like: Getting called awake by some shoddy Aussie at 6 am after getting home at 2, not wanting to wake up and blaming said Aussie for calling early because of daylight savings after which still getting called awake with persistent phonecalls - the phone of which I couldn't find, being located in the pockets in the folds of last night's clothes I'd trown of in my drunken stupour - because it turned to indeed be the right time, consequently proceeding to drag my laptop into bed, gathering barely enough semi-consciousness to find my way to orange tv only to groggily watch SkyHigh build some Marines before drifting off again trying hard not to dribble onto my pillow.
Yeah - please don't play any 6 am matches on Sundays anymore KT.
Poor Pholon, I think you're safe from those for a little while now.
I like the view. Cute accent.