I need some help. I played earlier today (first time in a long time) and I just can't figure out why my opponent had so many minerals. I've included the replay.
BE WARNED: What follows is D-level play. It will be painful to watch. I would encourage you to watch my opponents minerals skyrocket to 10,000. My question: was he cheating? Is what he did even possible? Any replies are appreciated.
edit: I'm n.dravid in the game.
Ya, Looked more like he wasn't really spending, He did have like 3? I think bases running when it ran up to 10k min. And he wasn't really spending much of it.
I don't think so. BWHF didn't find any hacks, and from my own perspective, I just believe your opponent had macro issues. Your opponent finally maxed out at the 21 minute mark with three bases running. I'm pretty sure that's not good macro since a decent Terran player maxes out in... 13-16 minutes? Hope that helped you out. Good luck!
Thanks for the responses!