So after dabbling in serious WoW raiding for a year, I am now selling my wow account. It kind of feels weird. I currently raid with FE (Formerly known as Vicarious), top 50 US and world #91 kill on Valkyrs for those who don't know about WoW guilds. It was pretty fun competing for world top 20 meters every night, as well as competing on progression. I'd say one of the high points was being top 10 on the meters for the first 2 weeks of ToC before I became a tank, and then a healer for Anub'arak hardmode.
I accumulated a bit over 100 days of playtime over one year. Pretty serious eh? You could think of it as wasted time, but I actually enjoyed it, and not in an "addiction" way. Perhaps I was addicted to progression. Maybe it was just that I thought I came too late to the SC scene to get anywhere near the top in it, and therefore went to WoW. Either way, I rather enjoyed the whole trip (Did you know there is an achievement in WoW named "What a long, strange road it's been" that takes a year to complete?).
Back to studying programming and the theoretical side of comp sci, and other stuff in college I go. It's certainly been a fun diversion from the usual path =)
You made the right choice good sir.
lol nah I'm not gonna play Aion. No more time for any serious gaming, sadly. I'd never play a game unless I was really serious about it, unless it's something like Starcraft where you can play every now and then, and have no set times.
how much do you expect for your account?
You've made a good choice sir!
Still, I'm amazed you actually played that much. Almost 100 days in one year is you paying wow 6-7 hrs a day, every day.
On September 22 2009 15:07 vRoOk wrote: how much do you expect for your account?
I dunno, I don't really care about selling it though. I might just let my GM have it, cause I don't really care/never expected to get a financial benefit out of it. After all, having a geared ret/prot/holy pally can be useful for a guild.
Actually, same thing happened to me recently. My guild fell apart the week after ToC hard modes came out, so I stopped playing for the first time in... almost two years. Top my guild ever got was 350ish US on t8 progression.
As far as that achievement goes, I'm going to get it this halloween and then perhaps think about selling as well.
Although I'm sure by then, falling behind in gear will mean my account won't be worth near as much as it is now.
I have the same sentiments as you, it was a lot of fun. But it sure as hell is nice having so much extra free time these days eh?
US-Area52: Iamafk, Guild: FE
Link won't be valid for long though, since a friend is xferring it off server. Gave the account info to him.
I actually just recently joined the guild, so I don't have all the boss kills they have. Kind of sad that I am quitting now, as I had a guaranteed raid spot already lols.
On September 22 2009 16:26 Meta wrote:Actually, same thing happened to me recently. My guild fell apart the week after ToC hard modes came out, so I stopped playing for the first time in... almost two years. Top my guild ever got was 350ish US on t8 progression. As far as that achievement goes, I'm going to get it this halloween and then perhaps think about selling as well. Although I'm sure by then, falling behind in gear will mean my account won't be worth near as much as it is now. I have the same sentiments as you, it was a lot of fun. But it sure as hell is nice having so much extra free time these days eh? 
Yea, 5 nights per week raiding was pretty serious.
On September 22 2009 16:27 EtherealDeath wrote:US-Area52: Iamafk, Guild: FELink won't be valid for long though, since a friend is xferring it off server. Gave the account info to him. I actually just recently joined the guild, so I don't have all the boss kills they have. Kind of sad that I am quitting now, as I had a guaranteed raid spot already lols. Cool Is your holy build specifically to fit a niche in your raid team? Seems like it'd suck to miss 8% crit from the ret tree just for the 5% healing bonus and double SS duration (especially since you don't seem to be geared toward flash heals), so I guess the other talents must come in handy too? Just curious as I've only ever pugged raids and am looking to get my build down for more serious guild raids.
Edit: is it viable at all to flash-heal things like ToC 25? Edit2: sorry, you're probably not interested in discussing this given the OP, just was interested to see a holy pally on TL with a lot more experience :p
8% crit from ret tree is mainly for slightly increased throughtput and slightly longer endurance. For Anub'arak HM this is not necessary, as you have kite phases during which you can regen all your mana (once I died, got brezzed, and CD'd myself back to full before he came up).
The double SS duration is also an increase to the amount it absorbs; last I checked each tick absorbed ~3.4k. Divine Sacrifice is pretty amazing for Anub'arak and many other fights. The damage in p3 is rediculous. We have an AM/DS rotation between the pallies so that each new penetrating cold has a new raid cooldown used on it.
I am geared towards holy light; on that fight I don't really need that much haste, thus I got less of it and more mp5. The heal timing just works well (though I wouldn't mind free haste!). One viable strat for that fight, and again many other toc25, depending on your raid comp, is to actually gem spellpower and get SP trinkets, which unfortunately I don't have, thus my holy light gearing. So yes, it is viable to flash heal mostly (but you have to use Glyph of Seal of Light), if you have the right gear / gems. If you dont have ~3k sp unbuffed, it's not a good idea. Also, if you do go towards the FoL spec, try to have as little mp5 on your gear as possible, mass crit/haste/sp, with SP gems like I said. Your FoL cast time raid buffed can actually go below the minimum GCD, thus being bad for auto queuing. I'd suggest you find your average latency and calculate your haste depending on it, although your holy light will almost assuredly never hit GCD time, except during bloodlust.
Lol long post, more encounter specific details if you want, for any spec.
EDIT: I do throw in FoL to keep the HoT up though. EDIT 2: I'm on TL IRC, under the Ethereal name, if you want to know more =D. I'll be up for another 30 mins-hour maybe longer who knows not tired.
That's really useful, cheers. I guess the recent DI nerf would make crit significantly less useful for endurance. Also didn't realise SS's absorption was modified by SP.
I'm geared for flash heals, along with the arena flash SP libram, but I've never attempted anything harder than Ulduar 10. Good point about the flash/haste thing - was thinking about that recently since haste can never benefit flash due to the GCD right (both are 1.5 if I understand correctly)?
I'm using the wis glyph for flash heals currently, but I guess that doesn't make much sense. Also stacking mp5 a lot so will look into that too.
Thanks and good luck with college. Not sure how far along you are but drop me a line if you have any programming-related questions.