So I am at a crossroad of confusion in TvP between a harrasment builds or "macro' builds. I am at this crossroad because I am currently getting taught Tvp from two directions. One) Me playing people better than me and Two) Me watching pro's TvP on HBRidge and trying to while not exactly copy (as that is virtually impossible considering my level of play) but 'mimic' their playstyle. The issue I'm having is whenever I play TvP I always have this Grim Reaper/scythe-esque feeling hovering over me that unless I do some damage to the Protoss' eco I' always going to be behind. So when people tell me to 'go macro' which basically involes turtling until you can attack, which to me feels like never. IE I played a TvP where I turtled up to 3base on HBR and I see thetoss just skipping through fields of freedom as he takes th whole map with no resistence. When I finally got sick of seeing the toss waltzing around gaining retarded eco advantage I try and move out and get slapped with a double recall in the face, or a counter into my nat or 3rd. Now on the other side of the coin, when I try for harrasment play I feel like at least I had a chance if I had just macroed properly. I made a stupid ranting blog before aout TvP which was an exaggerated display of my frustrations, but whenever I see a TvP victory on HBR its because the toss does somerhing super risky and the terran capitalizes on it. Then when I play toss they dont ry Rvase arbiters or proxy gateway into reavers (well they used to do the latter but after seeing it so many times I can stp almost al D/D+ toss that attempt it), they simple pressure a little with goons, sit back if I"vealready turtled up and proceed to expand. Timing pushes on HBRidge are extremely difficult to perform also with tthe akward ramps, and the long distances to bases. Then that brings me back in full circle to expoing when the toss expoes. In which doing so I feel incredibly pressured to do some kind of damage to the Protoss because I feel like I'm giving the game away.
on HBR especially you should easily be able to turtle to 4-5 bases/ terran should be able to take half of the map- because really you only have one choke that protoss can through to your expos. you have a seige wall there, and mine your backdoor- you should have an economic advantage. I don't really have much of an oppinion on TvP but that is what i would try and do, if i was trying a macro build. on HBR the above is exactly what i do in zvp, exept make a lurker field lol
Don't copy what a pro does unless you know why they're doing it. You'll probably end up wasting resources countering things that the progamer in the match you watched was getting, but that your opponent in the game you're playing is not.
What you want to do generally is combine harass with macro. Progamers don't just build up huge armies. They usually run around with speed vultures planting mines everywhere, harassing probes and making sure they know what the Protoss is doing, then reacting accordingly. Sometimes Terran noobs get lazy and think they don't need to run around with their vultures because they can just scan the Protoss' tech. This isn't true.
PS: Please learn to separate your thoughts into paragraphs.
Fuck it, after multiple attempts to try and convey my thoughts corectly my phone wontlet me so Im just going to make a nice detailed Strategy forum post when I get home from work. Was a bad idea to use my phone to type all of this ughhaa, Chef I know how to 'space my thoughts' my phone is shitty and I just needed to get al of my words out before i forgot then I shall clear your misunderstandings of my badly written post soon