Well, I am not sure if I totally get it but basically that's a smart idea.
One problem could be from the sorting. Have you assumed that the smallest point in the optimum solution must be picked from [a1,b1] so that you can run P for [a2,b2] to [an,bn]? Think about this testing data:[1,10] [1,15] [3,20] [4,5]. The smallest point in the solution is 4 which is picked from [4,5] set. So actually we need do P for n-1 times.
Correct me muirhead if I didnot get you 
On August 27 2009 13:49 Muirhead wrote:
I do not know (or believe) that there is a terribly simple formula for the answer.
If I just had to write a computer program to find an exact answer, I would proceed inductively. Suppose that there are n intervals, and that I have a computer program that can find the answer given n-1 intervals.
The computer program (call it P) that solves for n-1 intervals would receive input of the form [a_1,b_1],[a_2,b_2],...,[a_{n-1},b_{n-1}] where the a_i are inputted in nondecreasing order.
Furthermore, suppose the computer program P would give me my answer as a function of a_1, assuming a_1 <= a_2 and that the other a_i and b_i are fixed. The function would be piecewise linear and therefore easy to express.
I claim that, given P, it is easy to construct a similar program which works with an input of n intervals. The new program Q would insert a test value of a_1. Then it would run P on [a_2,b_2],...,[a_n,b_n], spitting out a function of a_2. It would compute the value of a_2 such that the maximum minimum distance spit out by that function is as close to |a_1-a_2| as possible, thus solving the problem for the test value of a_1. Through judicious choices of test values of a_1, the full function of a_1 could be discovered. This is because Q knows the answer it should spit out is a piecewise linear function of a_1 with the number of distinct linear components a bounded function of n.