So I'm going to show you the 5 games I play in the race wars(as Terran). Enjoy
+ Show Spoiler [Game 1 TvP] +
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Othello, he spawns as orange toss at 1, I spawn as red terran at 10. As we chat I find out Jonoman92 is 4 ranks higher than me.. O_O
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I'm going to have to cheese if I want to win.. I see he went 1 gate rng tech so I decide to do an FD variation, with my fact proxied outside his nat.
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He took a while to scout, as he scouted clockwise and found me last, but when he gets there I just missed blocking my ramp to deny his probe, but he got in anyway =/
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Trying to trick him, and play myself off a major noob, I place my 2nd factory in my main, hoping he would think it is my first and that I am going 1 fact FE, not sure how well that worked...
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My proxy fact finishes, immediately I start building a siege tank and researching mines for my push.
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Oh shi.. he moved out before my tank is out, and my tank is going to spawn away from my base while my marines are dying.
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First vulture is done, and mines are almost done, I was aiming for some kind of boxer mine trap but it didn't work out well...
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Hurry up siege tank! I need you!!!
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Yesyesyes! Tank saves the day, time to continue the push!
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Meanwhile Jonomans 1 gate tech was a reaver drop, shuttle is out and reaver is building while I close in on his base..
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As he is on his way to my base my reinforcements(a marine and a vult) spot his shuttle, and run back to my base to see whats up.
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Shit.. there goes my SCV..
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And some more... I really have no where to run them to actually. No clue what to do in this situation..
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As siege mode finishes I continue pushing up his ramp with my tanks and vultures
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They got farther than I thought, but my economy is weak, I can't reinforce my contain/push.
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And that's the last of it, time to work on my mid-late game strategy now.
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While I do that though, I may as well try to stall him as long as I can...
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At this point I feel safe enough to move out and take my 3rd
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Bad idea I guess...
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I believe this is a 'bulldog' or something? 2 base toss using shuttles to break the terran? Whatever it was, it worked pretty well
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Liftoff gogogo! C'mon CC, fly!!!
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Here comes his 3rd, I can't do anything about it

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Still pushing into my nat! D= I'm scared!
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I kind of forgot to macro for a good minute or so.. I had like 1 tank back there to defend. time to pull SCV's.
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Fucking shuttles....
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And I tap out. 1-0 Jonoman92. Time for next game!
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2 TvP] +
Only two spots on Destination, I spawn at the top as orange terran, Jonoman spawns at the bottom as purple protoss
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His turn to proxy I guess... he places a pylon right behind my nats minerals.
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I scout after my depot, but I pass by without seeing his pylon or probe to the right
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I was building a wall!!! It was going to be perfect! FUCKING PYLON!
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And here comes his first zealot along with his probe, I have nothing out yet.
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He takes a few of my scv's, but the first zealot starts to go down! Bunker is going up! Ez defending, I'm alright now.
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Sort of...
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Too bad he's smart enough to realize I can't protect my scv's mining
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Micro can only take you so far, and another pylon going up just south of my CC
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I tried to bust out all my moves, but the zeals keep coming and my wall isn't really a wall.
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Alright so 2/3 my scv's are dead, back to mining and camping in the bunker I guess...
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Oh wait... my scv's need to be protected don't they...?
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Nothing's going right for me in this game...
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And I gg. That's 2-0 Jonoman, he wins the bo3.
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His turn to proxy I guess... he places a pylon right behind my nats minerals.
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I scout after my depot, but I pass by without seeing his pylon or probe to the right
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I was building a wall!!! It was going to be perfect! FUCKING PYLON!

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And here comes his first zealot along with his probe, I have nothing out yet.
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He takes a few of my scv's, but the first zealot starts to go down! Bunker is going up! Ez defending, I'm alright now.
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Sort of...
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Too bad he's smart enough to realize I can't protect my scv's mining

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Micro can only take you so far, and another pylon going up just south of my CC
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I tried to bust out all my moves, but the zeals keep coming and my wall isn't really a wall.
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Alright so 2/3 my scv's are dead, back to mining and camping in the bunker I guess...
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Oh wait... my scv's need to be protected don't they...?
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Nothing's going right for me in this game...
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And I gg. That's 2-0 Jonoman, he wins the bo3.
Since our zerg didn't show up we had to find a replacement, after a while I hooked up with Atrioc to TvZ with him.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3 TvZ] +
Othello, I start out at 9 as purple terran, Atrioc starts out at 1 as yellow zerg![[image loading]](
He starts out with a standard 12 hatch FE
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I use 1 rax FE but figure I would screw with him and put up a bunker at his nat
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Not a very strong or all-in bunker rush, it goes down pretty fast
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He lost some mining time and a drone or two but nothing huge, he defends it and I run my marine and scv back to my base
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Muahaha I see you overlord! Can't hide up on that cliff!
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Oops, I kind of got carried away with chasing it, marines aren't positioned!
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Shit! They are in my main now... I don't have a good feeling about this...
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Took a bit to rid my main of speedlings but I think i've got myself back on track. After all I have a bunker coming up
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I wish they built a little faster... Here come more speedlings
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I have no chance now, may as well save my energy for game two =/
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He starts out with a standard 12 hatch FE
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I use 1 rax FE but figure I would screw with him and put up a bunker at his nat
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Not a very strong or all-in bunker rush, it goes down pretty fast
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He lost some mining time and a drone or two but nothing huge, he defends it and I run my marine and scv back to my base
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Muahaha I see you overlord! Can't hide up on that cliff!
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Oops, I kind of got carried away with chasing it, marines aren't positioned!
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Shit! They are in my main now... I don't have a good feeling about this...
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Took a bit to rid my main of speedlings but I think i've got myself back on track. After all I have a bunker coming up

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I wish they built a little faster... Here come more speedlings
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I have no chance now, may as well save my energy for game two =/
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4 TvZ] +
Destination, he spawns as red zerg on the top and I spawn as orange terran at the bottom.
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He opens with a overpool speedling build
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And I do another 1rax FE
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Wtf!?!? Sneaky Drone!!
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Oh... I see what you are trying to do now..
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While he was running his lings to my base I got my scouting scv to build a depot at his nat, it stalls his expo for a while until his zerglings run back to clean it up.
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AHA! If you look closely you can still see...
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That fucking drone again!
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Bitch please.
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I continue with my tech and go for the early MnM push
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Not sure if his lair will be up in time to deal with this! We shall see...
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Wtf? LOL I just noticed he randomly killed the fucking bear in the middle of the map haha
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Maybe cause he won't be getting any marine meat with this coming at him
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Spire is done, muta's are morphing!!! GOGOGO hurry up mutas!
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Shit!! Sunkens are going down!
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Eek! better pull drones!
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Muta's are his only chance now, I hope his micro is good. D=
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Looks like he might be okay now, I got to admit, his muta micro ain't half bad... =o
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Unfortunately I have more on the way.
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The natural is going to go down! Yay! Die Zerrrrrrrrrrrg!
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Atrioc 1-1, Time for the tie breaker!
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He opens with a overpool speedling build
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And I do another 1rax FE
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Wtf!?!? Sneaky Drone!!
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Oh... I see what you are trying to do now..
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While he was running his lings to my base I got my scouting scv to build a depot at his nat, it stalls his expo for a while until his zerglings run back to clean it up.
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AHA! If you look closely you can still see...
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That fucking drone again!
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Bitch please.
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I continue with my tech and go for the early MnM push
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Not sure if his lair will be up in time to deal with this! We shall see...
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Wtf? LOL I just noticed he randomly killed the fucking bear in the middle of the map haha
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Maybe cause he won't be getting any marine meat with this coming at him

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Spire is done, muta's are morphing!!! GOGOGO hurry up mutas!
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Shit!! Sunkens are going down!
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Eek! better pull drones!
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Muta's are his only chance now, I hope his micro is good. D=
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Looks like he might be okay now, I got to admit, his muta micro ain't half bad... =o
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Unfortunately I have more on the way.
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The natural is going to go down! Yay! Die Zerrrrrrrrrrrg!
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Atrioc 1-1, Time for the tie breaker!
Alright! Final Match!
I'm 1-3, the best I can get here is 2-3 if I win this.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5 TvZ] +
Final game is on Colloseum II
I spawn as red terran at 1, he spawns as purple zerg at 7.
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He open's overpool speedlings
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And I opened 2rax
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After scouting his early pressure I lay down a bunker below my CC
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Should be done in time =D
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I took a good 200hp off that extractor with my scv before he killed it, I was pretty happy about that for some reason
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I didn't think it would be wise to take my natural without having MnM to defend it so I went fast academy.
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Good thing too, he kept running in and picking off lone marines/buildings/scvs
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Oh fuck... I totally forgot about that random neutral sunken outside my base. fucking ally creep. I will admit this is the first time I've gotten sunken rushed as a terran ~_~
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Shit. I need to do something fast or I'm majorly fucked...
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lol I'm really not sure why I pulled all those scv's.. I didn't even use them
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Bah! Though he could flank me with 2 lings from up there? I think not!
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He's going to have lurkers or muta's soon, I need tech! D=
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Is it just me or does this matchup on this map remind you of starship troopers(movie).....?
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Good ol' cliff advantage ;D
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Uh oh, muta's are out! His muta micro is scary
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I think I should be able to hold if I take my natural...
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Yeah.. I'm going to need reinforcements...
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Here we are.
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I don't know wtf happened to my medics here, I swear I had a few... those rines died fast.
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Along with the tank..
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Save me vessel!
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Once again my medics are gone... And my scv's are disseapearing too o.o
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I should have remembered to get an ebay T_T
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Or not ;D
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Unfortunately he picked out the irradiated one pretty fast. Props on taht >_<
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Oooo my turn to be sneaky.
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Fuck! My vessel!
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And time to finish this..
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My micro ain't bad either
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And GG
I spawn as red terran at 1, he spawns as purple zerg at 7.
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He open's overpool speedlings
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And I opened 2rax
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After scouting his early pressure I lay down a bunker below my CC
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Should be done in time =D
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I took a good 200hp off that extractor with my scv before he killed it, I was pretty happy about that for some reason
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I didn't think it would be wise to take my natural without having MnM to defend it so I went fast academy.
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Good thing too, he kept running in and picking off lone marines/buildings/scvs

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Oh fuck... I totally forgot about that random neutral sunken outside my base. fucking ally creep. I will admit this is the first time I've gotten sunken rushed as a terran ~_~
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Shit. I need to do something fast or I'm majorly fucked...
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lol I'm really not sure why I pulled all those scv's.. I didn't even use them
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Bah! Though he could flank me with 2 lings from up there? I think not!
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He's going to have lurkers or muta's soon, I need tech! D=
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Is it just me or does this matchup on this map remind you of starship troopers(movie).....?
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Good ol' cliff advantage ;D
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Uh oh, muta's are out! His muta micro is scary
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I think I should be able to hold if I take my natural...
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Yeah.. I'm going to need reinforcements...
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Here we are.
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I don't know wtf happened to my medics here, I swear I had a few... those rines died fast.
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Along with the tank..
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Save me vessel!
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Once again my medics are gone... And my scv's are disseapearing too o.o
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I should have remembered to get an ebay T_T
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Or not ;D
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Unfortunately he picked out the irradiated one pretty fast. Props on taht >_<
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Oooo my turn to be sneaky.
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Fuck! My vessel!

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And time to finish this..
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My micro ain't bad either

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And GG
+ Show Spoiler +
I lost 2-3 Overall
0-2 TvP vs Jonoman92
2-1 TvZ vs Atrioc
0-2 TvP vs Jonoman92
2-1 TvZ vs Atrioc