BIG UPDATE THANKS TO A PM I RECEIVED... SO SAD http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7889890.stm
Sixty four year old Lee Redmond of Utah, USA holds the record for the longest fingernails. The total length of her talons in 24 feet and 7 inches. She keeps them supple by rubbing in olive oil. Since the record was set in September this lady has decided to cut her nails as she needs to take care of her husband who suffers from Alzheimer's.
Barbara is my customer at the bank in salt lake city, she comes in every week and she tells me about her friend named above Lee Redmond bein in the guinnes book etc The first time I cashed a check for Barbara back 2 years ago I was stunned LOL Utah Jazz Fighting LOLwhat a dedication man... you should also read and see the indian dude... fuckin rolled up coil and shit LOL + Show Spoiler [more images] +
These people are screwed up in the head.
Shes actually a pretty cool person... we are all going to die I mean I guess everyone does something to be remembered ..
Utah Jazz struggling as of late.
But those are gross
On February 08 2009 13:56 il0seonpurpose wrote: Utah Jazz struggling as of late.
But those are gross
not the past games.. D will is back motherfuckers..
This is awful. Wtf is with her eye makeup?
How the heck can she even do things with those on her hand.
What i found most interesting is how the fuck do you live with those, i mean how do you eat? write? can you anything with your hands? how about cleanning up after bathroom?
On February 08 2009 14:44 malongo wrote: What i found most interesting is how the fuck do you live with those, i mean how do you eat? write? can you anything with your hands? how about cleanning up after bathroom? levitation?... just have the food float to you... or if your rich enough, have some1 else do it
i want to cut off her eye lashes wtf get rid of that shit
You guys should see how she reaches in her purse , write checks, signs the checks etc.. im pretty sure she finds a way for everythin cuz i was wonderin the same thing LOL
The indian guy cut his fingernails in 2000 just to find out that the hand would be of no use to him anymore because of all the weight that it had had to take his other ear is also deaf because of this according to wiki but that sounds odd. :o
Anyways the current longest nails woman seems like shes insane atleast from her interview. (just google "longest fingernails")
How the hell can she wipe when she takes a shit?
^. Whenever I see such nails I just imagine how they get shut in a door or caught on a piece of cloth or something and break. Why would someone grow their fingernails? I would approve more if they didn't come out all crooked, but more straight and sharp.
I think I remember reading somewhere that if you let them grow out without trimming for so long, eventually even blood vessels form in them...then it's a pain in the ass to get them cut.
Ewww, those nails are so gross. Also seeing how the Indian guy's long nails made disfigured his hand from the weight of the nails and somehow messed up his left ear, I would grow my nails out.
these people are useless, and fucking cant do a thing with them nails on. as for the eye lashes, give her a break, shes 64.