This guide attempts to cover the usage of the control and shift keys. It seems that most players know how the shift key can be used to set waypoints, select/deselect units, and clone stuff. But they overlook the usefulness of the control key. Because of this, the main focus of the guide shall be on the control key and I will try to touch a bit on cloning.
Everyone knows that holding control and left clicking a unit will select similar units on the screen. This is similar to double clicking the unit. But control can do so much more than just that. I first noticed the control key being used in a different way while watching Midian FPVods, but only figured out how to use it a year or so later (lol). Firstly, I present a common scenario.
![[image loading]](
Here's what a typical zerg rally point looks like at some point in a ZvT game. You have mutas out, and are busy microing your mutas in the terran main, but because you have been diligently practising your 3sz4sz5sd3sh4sz5sd, you have a whole bunch of units sitting at your choke when you take a break from the muta micro.
Now, the dilemma. You want to send your 3 drones (that're stuck in the middle of all the lings and hydras) to mine. You can hold control and left click the drones. But doing that will mean the other drones already mining minerals at your expo might also get selected. Whats worse is if you select a gas mining drone, order it to mine minerals and not notice. You can try to shift select each drone individually and get all 3. But thats slow, cumbersome and requires high accuracy. Here's where the control key can come into good use.
Step 1: Draw a box over the drones. This will most definitely also select the lings as well.
![[image loading]](
Step 2: Now you have your drones selected with a whole bunch of lings. Hold control and left click the drone icon. Note that it is the icon of the drone at the bottom of the screen that you're left clicking on, not the unit itself
![[image loading]](
Step 3: Only your 3 drones are selected and you can send them to mine now.
![[image loading]](
Sometimes in step 2, your box doesn't successfully select all 3 drones (you only select 2 drones and 10 lings/hydras). Continue on to step 3, and then repeat step 2 again. In time and with experience, you learn to draw smaller boxes for higher specificity.
The control hotkey is not only useful in this situation. Assuming you're zerg and you're attacking a small marine medic group with lurkers and lings. Your units are not positioned ideally, and they are running in in a line.
![[image loading]](
As your lurkers approach the group of MM, you want the front lurkers to burrow, but the lurkers behind to continue the advance forward. Similarly you draw a box over the units in the front (in this case, a mixture of lings and lurkers), hold control and left click a lurker icon.
![[image loading]](
Only the lurkers in front will be selected, and those at the back will continue the run forward to engage the army. Especially at the D level, you see zergs burrowing the entire hotkey of lurkers when only half the group is in range, and terran easily cleans up those in range before retreating. This is also good for a swarm push, as it keeps your army running forward into the swarm as opposed to burrowing behind the swarm.
Other events this might come in handy is with sieging of tanks in TvP, grouping of marine medic armies and ling/hydra/lurker armies, reinforcing (shift + draw box to replenish a hotkey group, but this will select a whole bunch of assorted units. then control left click).
The control hotkey is especially useful when it comes to grouping. Often you macro a decent sized army at your choke (at least for those of you who, like me, aren't very good with reinforcing or coordinating multiple attacks at the same time).
![[image loading]](
Likewise, you start out by drawing a box over a bunch of units on the outside
![[image loading]](
You then hold control and left click the icon of a marine.
![[image loading]](
And you have 10 marines now selected in a hotkey group. This is easy to top up later by holding shift and drawing a very small box over a couple of marines.
![[image loading]](
By comparison, if you were to use control + left click on a unit, 12 rines are randomly selected.
![[image loading]](
And some rines are going to be stuck within other units. If you were to use control + left click on a unit to group all your rines, you'd have a lot of work to do later deselecting, or you will have rines which are in multiple groups. This will mean that when stimming both groups, the repeated rines get stimmed multiple times.
![[image loading]](
Similarly with zerg, say the scenario is you just exchanged your army with the terran but have macroed up this army during the battle. You want to group it with lings into separate groups from the lurkers. The problem with control left clicking a ling here is that the 12 lings will be randomly selected from the screen -- not particularly ideal, with lings getting trapped between other units or getting repetitions etc.
![[image loading]](
![[image loading]](
![[image loading]](
![[image loading]](
While I mentioned that the control + left click icon might be useful for reinforcing, I find I use shift while reinforcing more frequently. Say you moved out with a vult/tank army TvP, and you want to go back to pick up your new units. Press your hotkey for tanks. Tanks are selected.
![[image loading]](
Now, hold shift, and double click on a tank at your rally point. This selects all the tanks on the screen. Then just regroup them (control + hotkey number).
![[image loading]](
Not sure how complicated this sounds, but this is what you'll be pressing.
2 --> hotkey for tanks, 8 tanks selected
shift (and hold) + double click on a tank at your rally point --> 8 tanks originally + 3 tanks at your rally point
control 2 --> put all 12 tanks into hotkey group 2
I think maybe this will be more understandable with FPvods or something, but I don't know what programme to use to make them, so if someone who knows what I'm talking about wants to go ahead, I'll gladly add it to the OP.
Thanks for reading the guide. Hopefully it was understandable. Happy new year. (This was written on 1/1/09, 6.10am, sober).
Shift adding units to existing hotkey groups. I didn't add this to the guide at first because I don't really find this particularly useful.
Lets envision a scenario where you are terran and you have just engaged zerg's army with your 5 hotkey groups of army. I personally use 1, 3 and 4 for marines, 2 for medics and 5 for vessels and tanks (with the control key + unit frame selection you can isolate the tanks easily for quick sieging). After the huge battle, you have five marines left on 1, six marines on 3 and a lone marine on 4.
Press 4, selecting the lone marine, hold shift, and press 1. This adds the marine from 4 to control group 1. Repeat similarly with 3. Press 3, selecting the remaining six marines, hold shift and press 1. This adds the six marines to control group 1. Not sure how this sounds again, so I'll just run through the keys you have to press.
4 --> select the 1 marine left in control group 4.
shift + 1 --> add the 1 marine from 4 to control group 1.
3 --> select the 6 marines left in control group 3.
shift + 1 --> add the 6 marines from 3 to control group 1.
1 --> all 12 marines will be selected.
Most of the time though, you wouldn't have such a nice number of marines left over. If you have a group with 3 marines left and another group with 10 marines, and you use the shift add function, I think only the first 2 marines will be added, but all 3 stay in the previous control group. ie, if you have 3 marines in control group 1, and 10 marines in control group 3, and you shift add the 3 marines from 1 into 3, only 2 marines from control group 3 are added to control group 1, but all 3 marines will remain in control group 1. Also, most of the time after the huge battle it is a good time to go back and reinforce, replenishing depleted control groups with new units, so I don't find this function too useful.
Someone also mentioned the alt key. I'm not particularly sure the functions of the alt key either. Maybe someone can inform me on uses for these 2 functions that I will include in the guide. Once again, thanks for reading.
fyrewolf posted some useful information. some of it was covered in the thread already, but i didn't update my OP before, so i thought it'd be best if i updated now.
On January 25 2010 05:12 Fyrewolf wrote:
CTRL+C OR ALT+C = Center Camera on unit
This command centers the screen on whatever unit you currently have selected. If you ever lose units from a group or somehow, this centers the screen on that unit. if for instance, you are trying to center the camera by double pressing a CTRL groups number and the screen diverts to an empty area because the units are too spread out, you can select one of the pictures and center on it with this command, or just any lost unit you are trying to find.
ALT + Number = Center Camera on group number
Alternate to double tapping group number.
ALT + Click on unit = Last Group
This was already mentioned, but ill list it for good measure. Selects all units that were last selected with that unit, NOT related to CTRL groups. Good for groups of Zerglings or other units that tend to die too quickly on CTRL groups.
Shift + 1 = Add to Group
Adds selected unit to group number, also already mentioned.
ALT + O = Open Options Menu Screen
Opens the Options menu subcategory. F10 opens main menu.
CTRL + M = Toggle Music
CTRL + S = Toggle Sound
CTRL+C OR ALT+C = Center Camera on unit
This command centers the screen on whatever unit you currently have selected. If you ever lose units from a group or somehow, this centers the screen on that unit. if for instance, you are trying to center the camera by double pressing a CTRL groups number and the screen diverts to an empty area because the units are too spread out, you can select one of the pictures and center on it with this command, or just any lost unit you are trying to find.
ALT + Number = Center Camera on group number
Alternate to double tapping group number.
ALT + Click on unit = Last Group
This was already mentioned, but ill list it for good measure. Selects all units that were last selected with that unit, NOT related to CTRL groups. Good for groups of Zerglings or other units that tend to die too quickly on CTRL groups.
Shift + 1 = Add to Group
Adds selected unit to group number, also already mentioned.
ALT + O = Open Options Menu Screen
Opens the Options menu subcategory. F10 opens main menu.
CTRL + M = Toggle Music
CTRL + S = Toggle Sound