Affiliate advertising is everywhere - ADs on the sides of popular websites, even on team liquid!*assuming that's an AD, up there* ,
That pay you for every
-click(Bout ~.03$ per click),
-Lead($1-10~ per registrations), IE sign up w/ email.
-Sale(~50$ per product sold)
... as a result of the advertisement on said website.
Anyone ever dabble into the business of Online marketing?
Theres Google Ad sense and
this site . .
. .. and lots of various others, but I am a bit skeptical as to how well it would turn out.
A couple of my friends have made a lot of money(~$3,000/month) from doing this, but life intervenes, and sadly, i no longer have contact with them.
I know the fundamentals,
1.Host a website, ~$20/month( free websites generally get you nowhere, plus the don't allow dynamic hosting, which is needed for the coding)
2.Get good internet traffic. IE, lotsa of viewers,
Therefore u need a good site with actual content...
And although i could be like

I want an actual blog-esque type of site, where i can regularly update for more viewers
3. And post said AD's on your site!
So it basically comes down to how good your website is, and how much internet traffic it receives, more traffic, more likely people will press on ADs.
However; there are no shortcuts, you can't scam your way into this, Google will identify your site as fraud, and won't list it, therefore even if you have STAR CRAFT 2 BETA DOWNLOAD, no ones going to see it.
And u can ..."invest" in getting internet traffic by using various sites, such as
So this is my theory; but will i get any money out of it?
That's where you guys from team liquid come in.
Post positive/negative reflections regarding affiliate advertising ;as well as common sense quips.
I am in the process of starting a business/website with a friend(that can script sites) whereas I'm basically the networking guy.
So if you are willing to join with us... PM , and we'll see what we can do.