United States6657 Posts
I decided to translate an interview by the GomTV4 Group D 2nd place winner, because his interview gave me butterflies in my stomache.
If you haven't seen the games yet and don't want to be spoiled. Then leave now!
Original Interview: + Show Spoiler [In Korean] + -네 시즌 연속 16강 진출을 확정지었다. ▶오늘 떨어지는 줄 알았다. 2경기에서 이성은에게 지고 나서 80% 가량은 탈락할 것이라 생각했다.
-이성은과의 경기를 두 번이나 치르며 올라왔다. ▶첫 경기에서 배틀 크루저 전환이 잘못된 판단이었던 것 같다. 인구수 200을 채우려고 했는데 결과적으로는 실수였다. 최종전에서 6시를 드롭십으로 공략하면서 방어 병력이 거의 없어서 쉽게 자리 잡을 수 있었다. 정신만 잘 차리면 내가 이길 것 같다고 생각했다. 허영무 선수와 이성은 선수가 경기할 때 허영무 선수의 승리를 기원했다.
-오늘 결의에 넘친 플레이를 보여줬다. ▶이성은 선수가 얼마 전에 한 인터뷰를 봤는데 나보다 한 수 위라는 뉘앙스를 풍겼다. 인터뷰를 보고 나서 반드시 이긴다고 각오를 살리면서 오늘 경기에 임했다. 오늘 스코어는 1대1이지만 결국 내가 살아남았기 때문에 최후의 승자는 나다.
-이성은과의 경기에 집중한 이유는. ▶조 지명식에서 이성은 선수가 마재윤 선수를 비하하는 것을 참을 수 없었다. 마재윤 선수는 우승자이고 네임 밸류도 엄청 높다. e스포츠계에서 본좌라는 평을 들었던 선수이기에 무시해서는 안된다고 생각했다. 조 지명식에서 이성은 선수의 이야기를 듣는데 기분이 나빴다. 나는 마재윤 선수를 따라 잡아야 할 선수라고 생각했는데 이성은 선수가 무시해서 기분 나빴다.
-카트리나 성적이 7패다. ▶카트리나가 사라졌으면 좋겠다. 연습 때는 카트리나도 잘 하는데 방송 경기만 나서면 자신이 없어진다. 나도 이유를 잘 모른다.
-반대로 블루스톰에서는 꽤나 좋은 성적을 거두고 있다. ▶반대다. 연습 때는 안 풀리는데 방송 경기에서는 역으로 잘 풀린다.
-윤용태, 최연성, 권수현, 이영호가 있는 조를 통과한 선수와 16강 승부를 펼친다. ▶최근 저그전을 많이 하지 않아서 저그와 만나고 싶다. 그렇지만 어느 선수가 올라와도 좋다.
-휴가기간이었다고 들었다. ▶프로리그 끝나고 선수단 전원이 집에 갔다. 나와 김구현, 연습생 몇 명만 숙소에서 연습하기 위해 남았다. 다른 팀에 전화해서 스파링 파트너를 구하고, 휴가 삼아 내려간 선수들과 경기하자고 섭외하는 것이 정말 어려웠다. MSL을 통과한 김구현이 오늘까지 연습해주다가 고향에 내려갔다. 도와주신 모든 선수들에게 감사드린다.
-이번 대회 목표는. ▶카페에 올라온 글을 보니까 이번 대회가 진영수 인생에 최고의 기회라고 하더라. 김택용이나 마재윤 등 내 발목을 잡았던 선수들이 사라졌기 때문이라고 하시더라. 나도 그러길 바라지만 이번 에는 차분히 한 단계씩 올라갈 생각이다. 매 경기 최선을 다하겠다.
- It's your 4th consecutive 16th Round. Hwasin - I thought I was getting eliminated. After losing game 2 to FBH I was 80% sure I was going out.
- You played 2 matches against FBH to make it through. Hwasin - I think the battle cruiser switch was a mistake in game 1. I wanted to fill up my 200 pop but the result was a failure. In the final match I was able to drop at 6 where there was little defense and so I took the spot easily. I knew I would win if I just focused. During Jangbi and FBH's match I was rooting for Jangbi.
- You should a lot of determination in today's matches. Hwasin - I saw an FBH interview awhile ago and he gave the expression that he was a level above me. Reading the interview I was determined to win and entered the match with that. Today's score was 1-1 but in the end I survived so I am the winner.
- Why were you so focused on playing with FBH Hwasin - At the Group selection ceremony I couldn't stand watching FBH diss Savior. Savior is a champion and has a high name value. He was once considered the bonjwa by the eSports community and to look down upon him like that is disrespectful. Listening to FBH talk at the ceremony pissed me off. I consider Savior someone I have to catch up to but FBH just disses him and that pissed me off.
- You are 0-7 on Katrina. Hwasin - I wish Katrina disappeared. During practice I have no problem on it but when I go on stage I lose confidence. I'm not sure why myself.
- On the other hand you have a good record on Blue Storm. Hwasin - It's the opposite. During practice I struggle on it but on stage things just turn out well.
- You will play against someone from the Free, Oov, OriOn, Flash group. Hwasin - I haven't played many TvZ's lately so I want to play a Zerg. But it doesn't really matter who I play.
- I hear your team is on break. Hwasin - After Proleague ended everyone went home. Only me and Kal and a few practice students were left behind to practice. Calling other teams and getting practice partners, and asking teammates who are on break to help was difficult. Kal who's already passed the MSL stayed until today to help me practice. I'm very thankful to everyone who helped.
- Your goal this tournament. Hwasin - I looked at my fan cafe and they say this tournament's my best chance. Because Bisu and Savior, the players who usually stood in my way are all eliminated. I want to win too but this time I plan to be calm and focus one step at a time. Each game I will do my best.
EDIT: My favorite sign (THIS MAY OFFEND YOU) + Show Spoiler +
"I wish Katrina disappeared"
So do i, thanks for the translation<3
He seems so "no-bullshit" about his interview. While other players try to make themselves seem nice and give rehearsed answers, it seems like Hwasin's like "I don't care, this is how I feel, and I'd be cheating you guys if I said anything different." I like that.
Maybe he does have some personality. He just needs to show it some more.
Dan you seem to forget that FBH was once part of our team! (short time tho...)
Great interview, thanks a lot!
A progamer who's willing to actually say what's on his mind? A NEW HWASIN FAN INDEED.
Great! Thanks for the translation. I watched the games without knowing the results before hand, when I saw fbh's damn smile after the first game I prayed for the heavens that hwasin would come back and finish him later on!
I feel love towards HwaSin when reading this interview, way to go. Now only say that you love BoxeR, too, and you got yourself almost all of TL.net as fans :D
edit: Thank you for the translation obviously, kudos!
Great interview . Thank you very much, Live2Win . I like how he respects Ma Jae Yoon and what he is accomplished. And at the most I like that this gave him motivation to beat fbh. I will watch closely Hwasin's games in Ro16 . Go, go, Hwasin - your new fans are supporting you.
United States6657 Posts
On January 14 2008 03:55 OctoPuSs wrote: Dan you seem to forget that FBH was once part of our team! (short time tho...)
Great interview, thanks a lot! oh yea!
But I never spoke to him
Nice interview, thanks.
This totally makes up for the finals-rigging incident and has converted me from Hwasin hater to new fan.
does anybody have a link to fbh dissing savior?
Russian Federation4333 Posts
Meh, Hwasin is still a boring generic Terran but props for taking action against FBH disrespecting Savior. What would be much better though, is that if someone on Khan talked to FBH to try to understand why he does these things and talk him out of making himself and his team look like immature kids.
By the way, if Hwasin advances to the ro 8, he will face off with the winner of Jaedong/E2 (most likely JD) so we will finally get a chance to see a Jaedong/Hwasin bo 5 which was so anticipated in Ever OSL. Hwasing is probably going to end up getting raped granted that Jaedong is on fire and that Hwasin choaks.
it was during the msl selection. I cant find it on youtube
FBH said something like I want savior because he is easy to beat. Savior responded by saying that FBH was just trying to get the PSP. Hwasin moved FBH and said:
On December 27 2007 20:16 Passenger wrote: hwasin to fbh - "you would be lost against savior, so i will give u a chance." fbh to hwasin - "I think you will be lost badly with me." savior - somewhat embarasing..
8748 Posts
Fuck hwasin. I hope he loses every game for the rest of his career and then quits. But if he is going to win games and therefore get interviews, he should keep his mouth shut. Terrible terrible terrible. But thx for the translation
On January 14 2008 04:28 NonY[rC] wrote: Fuck hwasin. I hope he loses every game for the rest of his career and then quits. But if he is going to win games and therefore get interviews, he should keep his mouth shut. Terrible terrible terrible. But thx for the translation
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Thanks for the translation. But I don't like Hwasin.
United States10774 Posts
United States10774 Posts
I didnt really like Hwasin, but after reading this, im starting to like him, mainly cuz of his comments on FBH. Nice interview by Hwasin. New Hwasin fan . DIE FBH. Thx for the translation
On January 14 2008 04:28 NonY[rC] wrote: Fuck hwasin. I hope he loses every game for the rest of his career and then quits. But if he is going to win games and therefore get interviews, he should keep his mouth shut. Terrible terrible terrible. But thx for the translation Agreed. It's nice to see he hates FBH, but I'm still not (and I never will be) over the shit he pulled.