Norway28561 Posts
Well, the bw community has been craving a new ladder since WGTour closed down, and now our cravings have finally been answered. :O
Fight Klub Tour, a ladder based off WGTour, with a point system that's very similar to the WGTour system (so similar there's no need to bother with the differences. )
Seems really nice, unlike wgtour they actually have an english version of the page.. (as well as both french and spanish. ) And in addition they have a somewhat improved system for dealing with abusers and plaintes.
Everyone go sign up, even if it's just in the beta season. Should be fun. =]
I hope this will be "the next wgtour" :D GOGO sign up !
Good ^ ^ Hope it successful^ ^
there is always a spanish message when you try to resgister......
you can create your own clan/team to join..
Ya, the same thing was wgt and it was good
Hi all , today is the first day of Fk Tour , ladder have a little problems , but is Beta version , the 3 admins are working hard for repair all little problems , and I think FkTour will be the best ladder in 1 week.
Un HUMILDE saludo a todos/as
some bugs ~~ Hi Naz
Norway28561 Posts
yeah there are some bugs. only beta tho.
Yeah baby, I've noticed. I MADE IT TO TOP TEN, HAIL TO THE BABIES!!1 Hmmmn, drone, you're there too :D Hail to the s baby
how do i create my own clan//team -_____-
how long does it take to send out the confirmation email
<b class=quote>On November 11 2002 05:36 Casper... wrote:</B><BR> how long does it take to send out the confirmation email
15 hours and counting...
I think the team ranking system is not good. The points of all players in the team are simply divided by the number of players. So a 1-player team can reach first rank easily.
Norway28561 Posts
well who cares about the team ranks anyway? :o
Norway28561 Posts
however I do agree, that's a pretty bad way of ranking the teams. 
hmmm ive put in twice now to join and have never received confirmation email. Anyone know why?
what team ranking systeam and country system do u prefer? give me an idea what do u preffer :O