I read on a youtube comment that the best(in that user's opinion) rendition of Liszt's Gnomenreigen was done by Rachmaninov, that it was better than the one found in this link:
Since I'm learning this piece right now, it would be great for me to hear several interpretations of it especially by Rachmaninov, so could anyone link me to videos/audio of Rachmaninov, Bolet, Arrau, or Barere playing this?
I know there's some people here who are very good piano players and might have played this and might have the recordings.
Haha, sounds like a pretty sweet piece, but so "piano-demanding" - It would suck hearing it on anything less than a piano B (preferably Steinway), you can't take that piece and then go to a friend's upright or someshit and blast it.
Try searching on Music P2P is my best advice, I doubt anyone here besides Empyrean would know where to find classical music.
Good Steinways so hard to find nowadays. Wheee for crapppppppy new ones.
Rachmaninoff recorded on really old media - gramophones, paper recordings, that sort of stuff. I suppose people've converted it to .mp3s and whatnot, but I'm not sure that after age/translation/etc, it will be a superior recording, though it originally may have been.
by the way, nice piece ~
Edit: Oh, and why are you looking for so many diff recordings, anyways? Romantic era pieces are most difficult to use recordings to learn - it depends the most on individual style, IMO.
On October 08 2006 18:09 exalted wrote: Haha, sounds like a pretty sweet piece, but so "piano-demanding" - It would suck hearing it on anything less than a piano B (preferably Steinway), you can't take that piece and then go to a friend's upright or someshit and blast it.
Try searching on Music P2P is my best advice, I doubt anyone here besides Empyrean would know where to find classical music.
I'm surprised that you, of all people, haven't heard of this piece. It was part of one of Liszt's Concert Etudes sets (I believe it was second of his "2 Concert Etudes" set).
Jorge Bolet has an excellent recording of this piece, as well as other popular Liszt pieces such as Waldesrauchen, Funerailles 18whatever, etc.
On October 08 2006 18:15 Empyrean wrote: [removed quote within quote]
I'm surprised that you, of all people, haven't heard of this piece. It was part of one of Liszt's Concert Etudes sets (I believe it was second of his "2 Concert Etudes" set).
Jorge Bolet has an excellent recording of this piece, as well as other popular Liszt pieces such as Waldesrauchen, Funerailles 18whatever, etc.
Sorry for bumping an old topic, but is there any way for me to save those goear files to my hard drive?
Random note: You know that part in Harry Potter where Harry thinks it should be illegal to have a facial expression as smug as Percy's? That's what I think when I see Cziffra's face in the video.