Korea (South)17174 Posts
Since this time around you all know the results already (4-3 in Ret’s favor) due to faggots leaking out the results, I will do a different style of Liquibition (the short and easy style). Legionnaire plays Protoss and is the #1 player from Australia. He’s sitting pretty right now with an iVenture contract in Korea that gives him all his basic living/gaming needs. He is also doing rather well in the Korean amateur leagues. His opponent is definitely no amateur in the non-Korean world as Ret beat FroZ 4-0 last time around with relative ease versus FroZ’s cheese. Some say Ret is the next Blackman, as he is incredibly strong ZvT and ZvP with perfect macro, yet sucks at ZvZ. Can the Disputatious Dutchman mill his was past the Aberrant Aussie? Oh shit, you already know. Oh well.
Game 1: Temple: Leg plays cute with an early tri-tech build but succumbs to Ret’s macro despite his efforts to destroy Ret’s economy.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 5
Game 2: Rivalry: This map is considered as much as or more imbalanced for Zerg against Protoss than Temple, especially on diagonal positions. Leg played a very cute 1 gate in main + 2 center gate rush / harass that bought him enough time to expand and allowed him to see Ret’s tech. Leg played VERY cute/innovatively and highly impressed me this game.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 8
Game 3: Neo Forbidden Zone: Ret opened with a 2 hatch hydra drop build while Leg went for reaver/sair. Ret lost a ton of overlords prematurely and he lost a few of drones to a 1 zealot drop and quit the game very fast.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 1
Game 4: Gaema Gowon: Ret made a lot of hydralisks and Leg’s 2 gate zeal temp tech couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 2
Game 5: Neo Vertigo: Leg forced Ret to sacrifice economy for lings with a 2 gate zeal rush and when his rush was beaten back he was able to contain Ret and expand faster than him. Clean win for Leg.
Rating of this Replay: 4
Game 6: Incubus: Leg tried a fast expand with cannons but Ret had gone pool-hatch so his lings were able to get into Leg’s natural and force Leg to cancel his nexus. After that Ret just built up hydralisks and killed Leg.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 2
Game 7: Plains to Hill: Leg went early expand with cannons again and Ret’s counter to it was triple expand to muta. Leg was cute and built gateways in the bases where Ret expanded and they did a good job of keeping Ret on his toes until he got mutas. Once Ret had mutas he easily killed Leg’s natural and most of his units while Leg scrambled to get sairs/archons. By the time Leg had an army capable of killing Ret’s mutas, Ret had 20+ ultralisks and gobbled Leg up.
Rekrul’s Rating of this Replay: 7
This series had more horrible games than good ones, but overall it was good seeing a Protoss losing only 3-4 versus Zerg. Leg played abnormally and executed his strategies well most of the time and Ret only won by a small margin. I don’t have an opponent yet for Ret in his 3rd Round of Liquibition, but expect a Terran or Zerg.
On June 04 2003 00:49 [pG]Rekrul wrote: but overall it was good seeing a Protoss losing only 3-4 versus Zerg.
 Too sad. I'll stop using toss. I am sick of losing pvz only because there is no good counter for ultras and sunkens.
Twisted's rating of this report: 1
ROFLMAOLOL Twisted!!1111
No games in which ret won were rated highly  Don't say the results if you want an exciting report, forum inhabitants!
lol twisted you are sticking up for your friend a bit too much i think... rekrul makes nice reports imho.
btw do you guys also love that "Dispulatious Dutchman" kind of remark that's in each of his reports? that's pretty much the reason i read the report =p
i wish rekrul would give ret some credit
Sweden1368 Posts
time for a swede to enter the arena?!
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On June 04 2003 03:45 Dealer wrote: time for a swede to enter the arena?!
None of them want to! Y_Y
i like how you rate the games, all the t.l. reporters should do that.
Australia4514 Posts
I'm disappointed that game 3 only got 1 point. Comeon! that was the most perfect counter anyone has ever done on the entire planet!!!
Hmmm at least i got my 2 liquibet points.
Netherlands15103 Posts
lol biased protoss user love ;x
[pG]Rekrul United States. June 04 2003 03:53. Posts 1139 Quote
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On June 04 2003 03:45 Dealer wrote: time for a swede to enter the arena?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
None of them want to! Y_Y *hrm, hrm*
On June 04 2003 02:11 Grotfang wrote: lol twisted you are sticking up for your friend a bit too much i think... rekrul makes nice reports imho.
btw do you guys also love that "Dispulatious Dutchman" kind of remark that's in each of his reports? that's pretty much the reason i read the report =p
No I meant the short game reports =] because results were already known to the public :o
Ret vs Blackman would be rather funny...both suck @ ZvZ, altho better then me
I have a feeling ret will still play terran if he'd get a zerg opponent, unless he has so much free time on his hands he already had enough practise in zvz
He practiced zvz pretty much awhile ago, and still sux @ it 
Even I have a chance of beating his zerg with zerg
On June 04 2003 02:11 Grotfang wrote:
btw do you guys also love that "Dispulatious Dutchman" kind of remark that's in each of his reports? that's pretty much the reason i read the report =p it's called an alliteration
ROFL!!!! Leg won hes liquibet points~~~
thats the important thingy ^.^