I was just wondering if this would be useful: BWChart provides a way to add a 255-character comment into each replay. Perhaps replay uploaders could fill that space with a brief description of why the rep is soo good, or what happens on it. I've thought of doing this on mine's, but there are way too many and I pretty much remember them.
If you do it to those casual reps, it's not time-consuming and it's useful to many instead of only one.
Well that's it. :D
France1963 Posts
The comments section in BWChart is specific to your computer and your BWChart installation ; the comments are NOT saved into the replay. So that would be pointless  If you want to see it by yourself, open the directory where BWChart saves its stuff (it's either next to the bwchart.exe or in My Documents/bwchart) and open the comments.txt file : you'll find all your comments in there.
Oh. Silly Me :D Thx Taiche
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Netherlands13554 Posts
that was quick. banned him before i could come up with a witty comment to pm you
Netherlands13554 Posts
Yeah some scary coincidence right there =]