This post assumes players in booth can hear announcers at MLG. The announcers were in center stage, between booths. you could see reactions of players when crowd chanted their names and their country of origin. It was obvious player booths are not sound proof.
Starts at around 18:00 minute mark
Day9: Dear opening up double gas assimilator.
Day9: Because dear is doing this, it generally means one of two things.
Day9: he(dear) might be doing something sentry focus.. maybe will it be a one base expand! or one gate fast stargate.
Day9: we should see his(dear) mothership core coming out, and his first sentry, and dears going to have to scouts now,
Day9: maybe naniwas doing a zealot stalker rush(fake information...he hasn't build any units yet) also he only has one gateway. Going cyber core second, meaning there inst any possibility of a rush.
21:24 Other caster: Theres not a lot of energy on that nexus(dear) so naniwa doesn't have to worry about any 4gate play. Naniwa could do some type of 3 gate opening.
Now, focus at this part. Naniwa expands at his natural. This is less then a minute after Day9 says Dear is going for sentry/mothershipcore/fastexpand off 1gate...but instead dear puts down a different build. And right away, Day9 corrects himself to everyone giving away dears new techtree choice, which isn't the fast expand. Which nani already planned to match.
Day9: OH! Theres a twilight counsole for deer. (Naniwa gets free information without having to scout, to know the tech tree that dear is going to try to win the game. This gives naniwa INSTANT knowledge of tech tree. not even having to scout giving dear delays reaction time from his opponent.) Day9: Alot of really cool things happenings here from dear. He threw out the probe early he saw no zealot, Great! your not going to do any rush. I dont need my mothership core here. to defend, so Im going to use it to SCOUT.
Day9: He is trying to keep hold of these watch towers(He doesn't have any reason to try not to hold onto them, there is no agression... thus day9 told Naniwa that dear has watchtowers, without nani having to scout that.
Naniwa then proceeds to go robotech. Not chrono-boosting out his observer, instead going 3 immortal stalker sentry without scouting Dear's tech tree. No where in the game does day9 "real time cast" he only talks to Naniwa and doesn't even talk about naniwa's builds or playstyle other then giving away everything dear is doing.
Throughout the game, Day9 constantly helps Naniwa, telling his when to pull his army back, when to hold, when to push. Its sad.
No other caster at MLG was this bad. Both Day9 and his co-caster cheated for players. You can watch all Day9s games.