Please Note this was created during WoL and has not been updated yet!
Hello, I'm Puppylisk, I'm a Grandmaster Zerg (Cheese Protoss/Terran) and a constant/consistent top ranked 2v2 player and I have decided to make a guide on how to play 2v2 at a high level, if you are interested I stream GM 1v1 and high level team games @ .
If you have any questions, just ask in the thread and I will answer, or message me on NA Puppylisk.368
A Majority of this will stay true throughout HotS, but I will also update it for HotS.
NOTE: These are Openings that I find the most effective, If you scout something that will be a problem then transition to something else, IE if they are hard countering you blindly, transition, most of the time, even if they do scout you, you can still win with these strategies, but make sure you do proper transitions. Or even if you just don't like the play style posted, you don't have to open these ways, you can play a personalized variation, or even just out right different style.
Keep in mind: Zerg in 2v2 is used mainly as a buffer for Terran and Protoss, you want to try to keep their tier 2 units alive even at risk of losing some of yours, keeping Hellions, Tanks, Thors, Immortals, Sentries, Collosus, etc.. alive is a must
I will be updating this thread sometime this week including pictures of good places to proxy and where to cannon rush on every map as well
Recommended Teams: Zerg Terran, and Zerg Protoss
- Generally in team games you don't want more then 1 person going the same tech path, so Zerg, Terran and Zerg, Protoss are general. also Hellion, Speedling // 10pool, Proxy Marauder you can win a majority of your match ups rather easily, Zerg, Protoss is harder to play then Zerg, Terran but in the end they can be much more effective
Map Choices:
Zerg, Zerg
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Desolate Stronghold -
Lunar Colony V - Molten Crater
- Scorched Haven
- The Ruins of Tarsonis
- Tyrador Keep
Magma Core - The Boneyard
Why?: For Zerg, Zerg it can be incredibly tough to be offensive if there isn't a Zerg on the enemy team, the distance between bases is rather short and it can be a pain to get other bases then your natural. These maps are generally very Terran and Protoss favored.
Zerg, Terran
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Desolate Stronghold -
Lunar Colony V - Molten Crater
- Scorched Haven
- The Ruins of Tarsonis
- Tyrador Keep
Magma Core - The Boneyard
Why?: For Zerg, Terran, You will generally be playing 2 base Zerg, 1 base Terran, so having an easily defendable natural is a must, you also want maps that aren't shared base just so you don't have to worry about busting walls (hellion, zergling) maps with shared bases can easily be defended with sentries and eventually siege tanks
Zerg, Protoss
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- Desolate Stronghold
- Lunar Colony V
- Molten Crater
- Scorched Haven
The Ruins of Tarsonis - Tyrador Keep
Magma Core - The Boneyard
Why?:Playing Zerg, Protoss is a bit different then ZT, or ZZ, for Zerg Protoss shared base maps are generally very good for Zerg, Protoss seeing they are very good cannon rush maps, and overlords allow vision even if the cannon rush goes wrong. But you still want an easily defendable expansion.
Terran, Protoss
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- Desolate Stronghold
- Lunar Colony V
- Molten Crater
Scorched Haven -
The Ruins of Tarsonis -
Tyrador Keep - Magma Core
- The Boneyard
Why?: Playing Terran, Protoss, you generally want to pick maps that you can easily defend off early rushes, but be able to macro behind as well, The Ruins of Tarsonis and Tyrador Keep rocks can result in many unstoppable losses which is why you should avoid them.
Terran, Terran
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- Desolate Stronghold
- Lunar Colony V
- Molten Crater
- Scorched Haven
- The Ruins of Tarsonis
- Tyrador Keep
- Magma Core
- The Boneyard
Why?: Playing double Terran, There aren't really any maps that you need to be worried of, double Terran can hold most all-ins rather easily and effortlessly
Protoss, Protoss
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Desolate Stronghold - Lunar Colony V
- Molten Crater
- Scorched Haven
The Ruins of Tarsonis -
Tyrador Keep - Magma Core
- The Boneyard
Why?: Protoss, Protoss in the early game is incredibly weak and vulnerable to all types of cheese, Protoss is generally the target to kill in every match up in team games seeing they will have the hardest time defending it, you want to stay away from maps with back rocks and close positions, you will need to rely on mainly sentries and micro to fend off any form of early agression.
Build Refrences:
10 Pool
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- 10/10: Spawning Pool
- 10/10: Extractor (@25 minerals, If drone stacking 9/10 Extractor)
- 10/10: Overlord
- @100% Extractor, 3 Drones in Gas
- @100% Overlord, 3(6) Zerglings
- 13/18: Zerglings (8)
- @88, 92, 96 Gas, pull a drones off gas
- 14/18: Metabolic Boost (13/18 If 9 Extractor)
- 14-15/18: Zerglings (10, 12)
- 16/18: Queen
- 18/18: Overlord
- Continue to flood Zerglings, make sure you hit all your injects and don't get supply blocked
15 Hatch, Mass ling
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- 9/10: Overlord
- 15/18: Hatchery
- 15/18: Extractor
- 15/18: Spawning Pool
- @100% Extractor, 3 Drones in Gas
- 17/18: Overlord
- 20/28: 2 Queens
- @88, 92, 96, pull drones off gas
- @100 Gas *After Queens* Metabolic Boost
- 24/28: Start making mass Zerglings
- 26/28: Overlord
- 32/36: Overlord
It is important that you hit your injects, only drone to 20 drones, replace drones 1:1 if killed
15 Hatch, Ling Bane
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- 9/10: Overlord
- 15/18: Hatchery
- 15/18: Extractor
- 15/18: Spawning Pool
- 17/18: Overlord
- 20/28: 2 Queens
- 24/28: Metabolic Boost
- 26/28: Overlord
- 28/28: Baneling Nest
- Start to make mass Zerglings
- Just about you are ready to attack, make banelings to break the wall or to kill clumped marines/lings
It is important that you hit your injects, only drone to 24 drones, replace drones 1:1 if killed
7 Roach Rush
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- 10/10: Extractor(1)
- 10/10: Extractor(2)
- 10/10: Cancel Both Extractors
- 12/10: Overlord
- 12/10: Spawning Pool
- 15/18: Extractor (1)
- @100% Extractor, 3 Drones on Gas
- 16/18: Queen
- 18/18: Roach Warren
- 18/18: Overlord x2
- @100% Roach Warren, Start to make non stop roach production
It is important that you hit your injects, and don't get supply blocked
2 Base Mass Speed Roach
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- 9/10: Overlord
- 15/18: Hatchery
- 17/18: Spawning Pool
- 17/18: Overlord
- 18/18: Extractor (1)
- 20/28: 2 Queens
- @100gas, Lair
- @55 Seconds until Completion Roach Warren, Extractor (2)
- @100% Roach Warren, Roach Speed, Evolution Chamber (1), Extractor (3)
- 45 Supply (41 Drones, 2 Queens) Start to make Mass roach
- @100% Evolution Chamber, +1 Missiles Attack
It is important that you don't get supply blocked, or miss injects, 2-3 overlords per roach production cycle
14/14 Speedling/Baneling
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- 9/10: Overlord
- 14/18: Extractor (1)
- 14/18: Spawning Pool
- 16/18: Overlord
- @100% Spawning pool, Queen(1) and Metabolic Boost
- @50gas, Baneling Nest, replace drone
- Start to make mass Zergling, make banelings right before ready to attack
It is important that you don't get supply blocked or miss injects
14/14 Speedling Expand
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- 9/10: Overlord
- 14/18: Extractor (1)
- 14/18: Spawning Pool
- 16/18: Overlord
- @88, 92, 96 Gas, pull drones off
- @100% Spawning Pool, Queen (1), Metabolic Boost
- 18/26: Hatchery (2)
- @100% Queen (1), Produce another Queen (2)
- @25 Energy Queen (1) Creep Tumor, walk Queen to your natural
- @100% Hatchery (2) start injects, create 4 more drones
- @20 Drones, Start to produce only Zerglings
It is important to not et supply blocked or miss injects, also to be pretty aggressive with your first 4 Zerglings
11/11 Proxy Barracks
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- 9/11: Supply Depot
- @Supply Depot Start, send a scv to build a proxy rax
- 10/11: About 5 seconds after your 10th SCV has started, send out a 2nd scv to build a 2nd proxy rax
- 11/11: Barracks (1)(2)
- @100% Barracks (1) Orbital Command, Marine (1)
- @100% Barracks (2), send your marine and 2 scvs to start your harass, it is essential you get a bunker completed
- Continue constant marine production
It is important that you don't get supply blocked, when the 2nd barracks is just about to finish you can pull 3-4 more scvs from your mineral line to help.
Proxy Marauder
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- 9/11: Supply Depot
- 10/11: Send out a scv to build a proxy barracks
- 12/19: proxy barracks (1)
- 13/19: Refinery
- @100% Refinery, 2 additional scvs in gas
- @100% Barracks (1), Orbital Command (1), Tech lab on barracks
- @150 Minerals, proxy Barracks (2)
- @100% Tech Lab, Marauder (1)
- @50gas, Concussive Shell
- @100% Barracks (2) Tech Lab
- Start to attack just as Concussive shell is about to finish
It is important that you don't get supply blocked, building a bunker is a nice touch as well, concussive shell is a must
11 Gas Hellion (Hellion Drop + Banshee // Blue Flame // Marauder)
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- 9/11: Supply depot
- 11/11: Refinery (1)
- 13/19: Barracks (1)
- @100% Barracks (1) Orbital Command, Factory (1), Reactor on Barracks (1)
- 17/19: Supply Depot
- SCV untill 19 supply
Banshee *with or without drop*
- 17/19: Refinery (2)
- @100% Factory, Starport (1) // Switch Factory (1) onto Barracks (1) Reactor
- Tech Lab on Barracks, Start Hellion Production
- @100% Refinery (2), 2 additional scvs on gas
- 23/27: Supply Depot
- @100% Starport (1) switch onto Barracks (1) Techlab
- @Switch, Start Medivac
- @200gas, Start Cloak
- @100gas, Start Banshee Production
- Pull scvs off Refinery (2)
Blue Flame
- @100% Factory (1) Start Factory (2)
- Switch Factory (1) onto Barracks (1) Reactor
- Start Hellion Production
- 23/27: Supply Depot
- @100% Factory (2) Start Tech Lab
- @100% Tech Lab, Start Blue Flame
- Produce Hellions from both factories
- @100% Factory (1) Swap to Barracks (1) Reactor, Start Barracks (2)
- Barracks (1) Start Tech Lab
- Start Hellion Production
- 23/27: Supply Depot
- @100% Tech Lab, Concussive Shell, and Marauder
- @100% Barracks (2) Tech Lab
- Constant Production of Hellions and Marauders
In all of these, it is essential to not lose your hellions and to not get supply blocked
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4 Gate
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6 Minute Dark Templar
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- 10/10: Pylon
- 10/18: Gateway (1)
- 12/18: Assimilator (1)
- 14/18: Assimilator (2)
- @100% Assimilators start mining gas 3 probes per
- @100% Gateway, Cybernetics Core
- @100% Cybernetics Core, Twilight Council, Warp Gate Research
- @100% Twilight Council, Dark Shrine, send out a probe to build a proxy pylon
- Add Gateways (2)(3)
- @5:35 put down proxy pylon
- @100% Warp Gate research, gateways into Warpgates (1)(2)(3)
- @6:00: Warp in 3 DTs
Cannon Rush
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- 9/10: Pylon -> Scout
- 13/18: Forge -> Send Out Second Probe
- 15/18: Send out third probe, cut probe production
- 15/18: proxy pylon for cannons (Uploading screenshots for different maps)
3 Gate Robo
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Proxy 2 Gate
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- 6/10: Set Nexus Rally to outside of the enemies natural expansion
- 10/10: Pylon with the probe at the enemies expansion
- 10/18: Gateway (1)(2)
- @100% Gateway (1)(2) start to produce and chrono zealots
- 14/18: Pylon
- Continual Zealot Production
Match Ups
Zerg, Zerg
Zerg, Zerg
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One Zerg should open 10 pool, and deny early hathcheries or to defend vs double early pools, while the other Zerg goes roaches, this can / generally will transition into a macro game
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Both Zergs Should Generally open 15 Hatch, 1 going Ling, Bane, the other Zerg going Roaches
Zerg, Protoss
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One Zerg should open 10 pool and try to do as much damage as they can to the protoss (killing pylons / probes, etc...) or killing the Zerg if they 15 hathched, while the Second Zerg, should open 15 Hatch, into their choice of mass ling, ling bane or roach
Terran, Terran
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Both Zergs Should open 15hatch, 1 going Mass ling, 1 Going mass roach, and try to apply early pressure, if you can't you can take a 3rd (Total 5 Zerg bases, and do a mutalisk feed) be careful for banshees and run by hellions.
Terran, Protoss
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If it is a Shared base map, both Zergs can fast expand, 1 going 14/14 Speedling expand, 1 Going 15hatch (Choice of speedling or roach), if it is not a shared base map, 1 should go 10pool while the other goes 15hatch, the 10pool should go for the protoss and set him back as much as possible, then make it a 1.5v1
Protoss, Protoss
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Both Zergs Should open 10pool, and 2 10pools should generally very easily be able to kill off 2 protosses.
Zerg, Terran
Zerg, Zerg
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The Zerg should open 10 pool to deny any form of double early pool, if it is then the zerg also needs to get a spine crawler in there base, if there isn't then they should be aggressive and deny early hatcheries // kill drones.
The Terran should open 11 Gas Hellion into Banshee, @ 4 Hellions the Terran and Zerg should attack, the Zerglings priority is to keep the hellions alive, once the banshee is out, it is game over
The Terran should open 11 Gas Hellion into Banshee, @ 4 Hellions the Terran and Zerg should attack, the Zerglings priority is to keep the hellions alive, once the banshee is out, it is game over
Zerg, Terran
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The Zerg should open 15hatch into Mass speedling while the Terran opens 11 Gas Hellion into Banshee once there are 4 hellions on the field, you need to start being aggressive. Keep the hellions alive and overwhelm them with hellion, zergling
Zerg, Protoss
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The Zerg should open 10pool, and do as much damage to the Protoss as possible (killing pylons / probes) or if the enemy Zerg 15Hatched then he can just upright kill the Zerg, while the Terran Goes 11 Gas Hellion into Marauder OR Banshee @ 4 Hellions you should be able to overwhelm them and win the game
Terran, Terran
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The Zerg Should open 10pool, sending the overlord to give vision near the ramps of the enemy Terrans, while the Terran goes Proxy Marauder and bust walls with overlord vision, then the lings flood and kill everything
Terran, Protoss
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The Zerg Should open 10pool, sending the overlord to give vision near the ramps of the enemies bases, while the Terran goes Proxy Marauder and bust walls with overlord vision, then the lings flood and kill everything
Protoss, Protoss
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The Zerg Should open 10pool, sending the overlord to give vision near the ramps of the enemies bases, while the Terran goes Proxy Marauder and bust walls with overlord vision, then the lings flood and kill everything
Zerg, Protoss
Zerg, Zerg
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The Zerg Should open 10 pool To deny any form of early pool aggression, if there isn't then they can try to deny any early hatches, while the Protoss goes either 6minute DT, Cannon Rush, or Stargate
Zerg, Terran
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This is one of the toughest match ups seeing that Protoss doesn't really have any early units to defend off against mass speedling early game, the Zerg should generally open 15hatch into mass speedling / baneling unless the Protoss is confident in holding off early aggression in order for the zerg to go straight to roaches, or a mutalisk feed, the Protoss should generally open either Cannon Rush, Stargate or 3gate Robo, hopefully you get the chance for it to go into a macro game, if the Terran is not opening hellions, the Protoss can 4gate while the zerg goes mass lings, with your stalkers focus fire down banelings so the zerg can have a much easier time
Zerg, Protoss
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The Zerg should open 10 Pool and try to put on some early forms of aggression, if you think that it won't work he can go 2 base mass speedling, while the Protoss goes either 4gate, 6 Minute DT, or Cannon Rush
Terran, Terran
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The Zerg should open 15hatch into mass roach while the Protoss opens 3gate Robo, once you start to gather an army push out with a few sentries and immortals with the Zergs Roach army and push your way to victory
Terran, Protoss
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The Zerg should open 10 pool or 15hatch into mass speedling or roach while the Protoss opens either Cannon rush, 6 Minute DT or 4gate, break the wall and flood lings to victory.
Protoss, Protoss
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The Zerg should open 10pool while the Protoss goes either Cannon rush or 4gate, you should easily be able to win this match up on any map
Terran, Terran
Zerg, Zerg
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One Terran should open 11gas hellion into marauder while the other macros, into marine tank
Zerg, Terran
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One Terran should open 11 gas hellion into cloak banshee while the other opens with a fast Command Center into macro, or a 3rax bio type of play
Zerg, Protoss
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One Terran should open 11 gas hellion into banshee while the other Terran either macros or goes into a 3rax bio type of play
Terran, Terran
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There is really no easy way to play this match up, so you should play a standard macro style
Terran, Protoss
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There is really no easy way to play this match up, so you should play a standard macro style
Protoss, Protoss
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There is really no easy way to play this match up, so you should play a standard macro style
Terran, Protoss
Zerg, Zerg
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The Terran should open 11gas hellion into marauder while the Protoss opens Forge into [Stargate 1voidray, 2phoenix, then Robo, or they can open Cannon rush
Zerg, Terran
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The Terran should open 11 gas hellion into cloak banshee while the Protoss opens 3gate Robo, if you hold off the early lings then this should be an easy victory for the Terran/Protoss team
Zerg, Protoss
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The Terran should open 11 gas hellion into marauder while the Protoss opens Cannon Rush, 6 Minute DT or 3gate Robo
Terran, Terran
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There isn't really a specific way to play this match up, it will generally turn into a macro game given the Terrans most likely won't double all in
Terran, Protoss
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The Terran can open an 11gas hellion drop into cloak banshee while the
Protoss 3gate robos, or play it as a macro game
Protoss 3gate robos, or play it as a macro game
Protoss, Protoss
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The Terran should open proxy marauder while the Protoss opens a Cannon Rush, or you can play this out like a macro game
Protoss, Protoss
Zerg, Zerg
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One Protoss should open Cannon Rush(Defensive or Offensive) while the other opens 6 Minute DT
Zerg, Terran
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One Protoss should open 6 minute DTs, while the other opens 3gate Robo
Zerg, Protoss
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One Protoss should open Cannon Rush while the other opens 6 Minute DTs or 3gate Robo
Terran, Terran
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There isn't really a specific way to play this match up, it will generally turn into a macro game given the terrans most likely won't double all in, or you can double 4gate
Terran, Protoss
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There isn't really a specific way to play this match up, it will generally turn into a macro game given the terrans most likely won't double all in, or you can double 4gate
Protoss, Protoss
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One Protoss Should open Cannon Rush, while the other opens Proxy 2 Gate
Dealing with the Enemy
As Zerg
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Fighting vs hellions as Zerg is one of the most difficult things that you are going to have to do in 2v2, mainly because you will be producing nothing but speedlings, the best way to engage hellions are to trap them in corners, near walls, or get them onto creep, hellions are incredibly slippery so surrounding them especially if their teammate is present can be a real pain
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Assuming that the Terran went hellions, the follow up 70% of the time is going to be banshees, so it should be in habit to get an extra set of queens and an evo chamber with 1 spore at each base, dealing with banshees will be very very easy if you are prepared for it.
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As Zerg you generally shouldn't be the one fending off the Stargate play, get an evolution chamber and 1 spore crawler at each base and make sure your overlords are near the spore crawlers just so you lose as few as possible.
Dark Templars
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If you didn't see DTs coming and you are in no way prepared for it, then it is most likely a lost game, you can try to build an evolution chamber in the back of your natural and some spores when it's finished, while you are running your drones, but in most cases the game is already lost unless you or your ally have detection ready, or able to be produced.
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In 2v2, you should be happy because, you don't have to deal with those treacherous banelings, you can just have your ally focus down the banelings if you are making speedlings.
As Terran
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Banshees can become a real pain in 2v2, as Terran you are responsible for killing the banshees, so if you know the banshee is coming, and you are also going banshee, queue up a viking after your first banshee is finished, and get a single missile turret, in case he has cloak, no use in wasting multiple scans rather than just building a turret.
Dark Templars
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If they get Dark Templars out that were not scouted and you are completely unprepared for, it is most likely a loss, you can try to get out detection asap, and if you have hellions you can try to friendly fire your units to kill the DT with splash damage while you get detection, but it is a very hard spot to get out of once non scouted DTs are into play.
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If the enemy Protoss goes Stargate, you can get 1 Missile turret in your base and get a few vikings + marines and go push out, if they are going Stargate then they don't really have any threatening tech, as long as you can handle what is in the air and don't lose to many unnecessary units then you should be able to win the game, or you can just play it out in a macro game.
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Tanks are inevitable, and you are going to have to also make tanks if you think the game is going to draw out, it is just going to happen
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Being the Terran, it is your responsibility to deal with the collosus, just produce 2-3 vikings per 1 collosus, +1 additional viking, per their viking and make sure you get air attack upgrades
As Protoss
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Banshees as Protoss are generally easy to deal with, seeing you are going to open some form of tech that denies banshees regardless, it is ideal to get a robo after 1 voidray and 2 phoenix if you are going stargate, if you are going robo then you already have the power to build an observer, if you are four gating, then hopefully the game is won before their banshee has cloak or does some serious damage.
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Protoss needs to keep the hellion count low in zt, zp, so focus firing hellions is a must if your zerg is going speedling, if he is going roaches then letting the hellions not reach your mineral line is more than enough
Dark Templars
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If Dark Templars go unscouted, and you don't have a forge or robo, then the game is most likely lost, It is essential to know what the enemy protoss is doing, and keep in mind if you are demolishing his ally but you see no units from him to help, it is most likely DTs.
Cannon Rush
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If your ally can't deal with the cannon rush with/for you, then throw down a forge and defend it 1v1 style
Proxy 2 Gate
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If you scout after pylon or scout the proxy 2 gate, then probe til 13, and get 3 gateways, and out zealot him
10 Pool
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Chrono boost out a zealot and fight with 3-5 probes, or in chokes to try to minimize the amount of damage your zealot can take.
Double Early Pool
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If you didn't open forge, then I'm sorry, you're dead, it is nearly impossible to hold on non shared base maps as Protoss vs 2 early pools if you didn't open forge
If I didn't list it then it is most likely because you really shouldn't have a problem dealing with it. But if you do then ask and I will tell you how to deal with it for 2v2.
Units to try to stay away from
- Stalkers + Show Spoiler +Some Stalkers in the early/mid game is okay, but you really don't want to over create stalkers, they will become more and more useless the longer the game goes on
- Hydralisks + Show Spoiler +Hydralisks are very low hp, and very slow off of creep, with Terran/Protoss mid-late game units, you should really avoid going Hydralisks, unless it is sky Protoss/Terran
- Ultralisks + Show Spoiler +Ultralisks are situational, but for the most part they are generally not worth getting unless their tech tree is horrible
- Battlecruisers + Show Spoiler +Incredibly Slow, Costly Unit, Easy to counter especially in 2v2
- Carrier + Show Spoiler +Incredibly Slow, Costly Unit, Easy to counter especially in 2v2
- Phoenix + Show Spoiler +Phoenixs are situational, and you never want to make to many, if they are going mutalisk feed then sure going a lot of phoenix is okay, but if you create to many phoenix for harassment, this generally can result in a loss, you want to stay around 3-5, no more then that.
- Mothership + Show Spoiler +Feedback and EMP can make the Mothership completely useless having the cloaked units be detectable by scans + detectors, not worth spending the 8 supply and 400mins/400gas
- Thors + Show Spoiler +Incredibly slow unit, unless you have complete map control, or they are going tons of Mutalisks, you want to generally stay away from Thors
- Void Rays + Show Spoiler +Other than early defense vs Zerg, Zerg, In Wings of Liberty you want to try to stay away from building Void Rays, they are rather slow and can be countered easily
Other Tips
- Small run bys into mineral lines can change the way a game is looking
- Poop overlord creep @ expansions if you have lair
- If you are on the offensive and don't have creep you can use overlords to make creep highways
- Don't overstim, or stim to early
- Don't forget UPGRADES!!
- Don't forget TRANSITION!!