Table of Contents
Last Week Lookback
Short Recaps
Round 3 Week 2 Matches
Starters and maps
Fantasy Round 2 Awards
The Golden Globes of imaginary StarCraft teams
Fantasy Round 3 Overview
Even more fantasy proleague
Fantasy Round 3 Sample Teams
What's the best strategy?
SK Planet Proleague table and results at Liquipedia
Last Week Lookback
By: Pokebunny and Zealously
The end of round 2 and the abrupt switch back to the standard Proleague for Round 3 brought about some very interesting results, with two lower ranked teams in Team 8 and Samsung KHAN rising to fight the higher ranked teams. Amidst a storm of upsets, most of the players that should be winning their games did not, and the players that we had begun to count out came back with a bang. In the meanwhile, EG-TL sank into an even deeper hole as their players struggled to find consistency, this time dropping alongside CJ Entus. Though this might not be so strange, all things considered, as consistency and predictability were decidedly lacking this week.
Round 2 Week 4: January 25th - 26th
KT Rolster
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KT Rolster
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Live Report Thread
P7GAB <Antiga Shipyard>
Action <Neo Caldeum>
Action <Ohana>
Flash <Entombed Valley>
Flash <Neo Planet S>
Flash < Neo Bifrost>

SK Telecom T1
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SK Telecom T1
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The first match of the final week of the all-kill format began with a marquee matchup that undoubtedly had former Brood War fans perking up their ears. Rain took the opening PvP over P7GAB, but KT was able to answer back with Action downing the SKT ace on Caldeum to bring it back to 1-1 in a strange brood lord/infestor base trade. The great Afrotoss was then able to down Action in an interesting back-and-forth macro game on Ohana. Then KT pretty much decided to say "sup, we have Flash" and finish off the match with wins over Paralyze, Best, and Fantasy. The final set versus Fantasy was a bit interesting, with Fantasy employing a unique proxy starport hellion-marine drop to get an economic lead, but eventually falling to Flash's hellion-heavy mech in the mid-game.
KT continued SKT's woes with a big win. Losing Rain to Action early on was tough for SKT and their only big shot to take down Flash at that point was Fantasy - which appropriately was the final match of the evening. SKT would get their shot at revenge later that week at the start of Round 3, but they have fallen far and ended Round 2 in disappointing fashion.
STX Soul
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STX Soul
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Live Report Thread
Innovation <Antiga Shipyard>
Innovation<Neo Caldeum>
Dear <Ohana>
Dear <Entombed Valley>
Dear <Neo Planet S>

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STX, another team who'd had it pretty tough in Round 2 thus far, faced off against a weakened EG-TL, with their ace TaeJa still in questionable condition. The match began with Innovation taking down Zenio, not giving too much hope to fans of the slumping Liquid Zerg. Fortunately for them, JYP was able to overcome his notorious PvT weakness and down one of the better KeSPA Terrans after a lot of back and forth versus a proxy 2-rax in a very drawn-out all-in. JYP then unfortunately fell to Dear in a phoenix vs phoenix PvP, and then Dear had a rather strange game vs HerO in which both players went proxy DT and it ended up in a draw. It seems like bizarre cheesy games were the theme of the day... Dear was able to take the regame and then down RevivaL to take the match for STX 4-1.
It was a quiet victory for STX, but a quite decisive one, with Dear's impressive 3-0 for the day restoring hope in the STX supporting cast. EG-TL's disappointing under-performance continues, despite hopes that perhaps the all-kill format would be enough for them to turn things around. With TaeJa still out of action to start round 3, EG-TL would definitely need to step up their game to take the rematch with STX later in the week.
CJ Entus
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CJ Entus
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Live Report Thread
herO <Neo Arkanoid>
Bong[S.G] <Entombed Valley>
EffOrt <Cloud Kingdom>
EffOrt <Neo Planet S>
EffOrt <Ohana>
EffOrt <Neo Caldeum>
Hydra <Antiga Shipyard>

Samsung KHAN
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Samsung KHAN
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In true Samsung fashion, Samung Khan once again just barely managed to drag themselves across the finish line, coming dangerously close to being all-killed by CJ Entus' EffOrt. However, clutch performances by Stork and RorO in particular proved that as long as you're sure enough that Samsung will lose, they just won't.
The star of the show was RorO, who proceeded to stop EffOrt from all-killing his team in unceremonious and very RorO-esque fashion. Though the other half of CJ's powerful Zerg duo Hydra was likewise sent out to stop a RorO out of control, RorO was intent on making his point about anti-teams and refused to stop there as he (Ro)rolled Hydra with superior roach forces. Samsung's final win in Winners' League put them in second place in Round 2, even in series score with Woongjin Stars and only a few maps behind.
With the stars aligning for Samsung, they have simultaneously found (or at the very least rediscovered) their three really good players(RorO, Stork, Jangbi) who they absolutely need going back to the Proleague format. With this in mind, they will be looking to prove that their abysmal Round 1 record was nothing but a massive fluke and put some weight behind their names once again.
KeSPa 8th Team
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KeSPa 8th Team
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Live Report Thread
Savage <Cloud Kingdom>
Savage <Ohana>
Terminator <Entombed Valley>
Argo <Antiga Shipyard>
Argo <Neo Arkanoid>
Argo <Neo Planet S>

Woongjin Stars
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Woongjin Stars
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With the first of their two matches against Woongjin Stars, Team 8 and Argo in particular proved that the current league ranking of their opponents does not concern them whatsoever. Though Savage(Ryul2) managed to win the first game of the series against BisAnG, Woongjin's strongest Protoss sOs was sent out and dispatched the Team 8 Zerg with ease, following the win up with another strong win over Eighth Team's Terminator, putting the score at 2-1 in Woongjin's favor and allowing sOs to gain more momentum.
But then, as has now become almost predictable, Argo (ex-Failhoon, provider of disappointment and nervous breakdowns) was sent out and with another miraculous performance that completely shredded all doubt in his abilities, brought down three of Woongjin's best players. He out-PvP'd sOs on Antiga Shipyard, followed it up with besting Woongjin's round 2 MVP, ZerO, and sealed the three-kill and thus the series by crushing Light on Neo Planet S.
Analyzing Team 8 after this victory, two things immediately jump to mind:
- Even if they struggle in the standard Proleague format (Argo's rapid ascent should help them there as well), they are, relatively speaking, dominant in the Winners League format
- Ex-Jaehoon has gotten rid of his nerve issues. With several clutch performances so far, he not only performs under pressure, but he performs very very well. With his new skill-level and the calm he has shown in the booth, he should be a reliable ace player for Team 8 going forward into Rounds 3 and 4.
Round 3 Week 1: January 28th - 29th
KT Rolster
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KT Rolster
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Live Report Thread
Motive < Neo Bifrost>
Flash <Neo Planet S>
Crazy-Hydra <Neo Arkanoid>
Stats <CalDeum 3>
P7GAB (Wooki) <Entombed Valley>
Action <Akilon Flats>

SK Telecom T1
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SK Telecom T1
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We were lucky enough to be treated with two KT vs SKT matchups in one week, and this one didn't disappoint, with some crazy upsets and interesting games to boot. soO predictably downed Motive on Neo Bifrost as expected, but then the real fun began. s2 was able to take down Flash with an interesting roach-queen drop/creep highway attack not allowing Flash's mech play to get on its feet, finishing him off without letting him secure a third. The upsets continued with Crazy-Hydra outlasting Fantasy's three base play on Arkanoid, managing to hold onto five bases and hive tech as Fantasy attempted to break through with wave after wave of bio-tank. We then were treated to a unique PvP where Stats's DT expand appeared to have a clear build counter over Rain's one base phoenix, but Rain cleverly proxied a robo and was almost able to break through. But after he lost too many probes to the DTs Rain too eventually fell. SKT came out on the top end of another pair of mirror matchup upsets, with Best breaking through P7GAB and Sacsri downing Action to finish the series 4-2 for SKT.
The match was a nice bounce-back for SKT, with their Zerg line truly coming through to take some surprise wins and down the beast that is KT. For KT, the match was crazy and chaotic, and Flash's loss to s2 really set them in a deep hole despite some good match-ups waiting in the wings. Had they made it to ace match, Flash likely would have been favored versus any opponent, but such was not the case, and KT starts off the round with a loss.
STX Soul
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STX Soul
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Live Report Thread
Classic < Neo Bifrost>
Trap <Neo Planet S>
Innovation <Neo Arkanoid>
Dear <CalDeum 3>
hyvaa <Entombed Valley>

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The rematch of two Round 2 stragglers began poorly for the foreign hopes as PuMa's horrible Proleague woes continued despite a not too scary opponent in Classic, and EG-TL quickly fell to 0-1. Despite Revival holding onto Trap's initial two base immortal-sentry push, a colossus-immortal followup all-in was enough to take down Revival, who had quickly gone to four bases. Innovation then defeated Zenio for the second time in just a few days, with Zenio horribly botching a three base roach bane all-in and Innovation battling back with stim and medivacs running all over a Zerg with late lair tech. Jaedong took the sole match for EG-TL over Dear, but JYP fell to hyvaa in disappointing fashion as STX took another 4-1 victory over EG-TL in one week.
This week's matches have been a huge disappointment for EG-TL, going 2-8 against one of the weakest teams in Proleague. On the other hand, it's been a big confidence booster for STX's supporting cast. If they can continue this performance against the better teams in Round 3, STX could have a decent show at climbing towards a playoff position. EG-TL will need to bounce back in a big way, perhaps employing TaeJa and Stephano in the near future to make a big impact if possible.
CJ Entus
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CJ Entus
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Live Report Thread
Hydra <Neo Arkanoid>
Bong[S.G] <Entombed Valley>
sKyHigh <Cloud Kingdom>
herO <Neo Planet S>
EffOrt <Akilon Flats>
rare <CalDeum 3>
EffOrt <Antiga Shipyard>

Samsung KHAN
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Samsung KHAN
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Samsung KHAN is on fire. With their terrifyingly bad performance in Round 1, they had absolutely zero momentum going into Round 2. But in one of the most impressive turnarounds ever witnessed in a Starcraft II league, Samsung turned their 1-6 score around and ended up 7-8, with a 5-2 record in Round 2.
Riding their wave of momentum, they came into their re-match against CJ Entus whom they had just beaten two days ago. In the end, it all came down to Effort vs RorO in the ace match, a veritable coin flip. Of course, RorO is (for now) a reliable ace for Samsung – and he further proved his mastery of the Zerg versus Zerg match-up by besting EffOrt with some very decent play, taking out two queens and a few drones early to put the CJ Zerg behind and then not letting go of his advantage.
With their second win over CJ Entus, Samsung KHAN extends their win streak to an impressive six. An amusing thing to note is that, despite Samsung's stellar record in Round 2, their abysmal performance in Round 1 and their uncanny knack of always winning with close 4-3 scores has them hanging at a -12 map score; the worst in the league.
If they keep winning with 4-3 scores and barely losing in every series they don't win, there is a distinct possibility that Samsung's horrible start will keep their map score in the negative for a few more rounds.
KeSPA 8th Team
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KeSPA 8th Team
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Live Report Thread
Alone (TRUE) <Neo Arkanoid>
Terminator <Entombed Valley>
sin (BrAvO)
Jaehoon (Argo) <Cloud Kingdom>
Speed (Cure) <Neo Planet S>
BaBy (TY) <Akilon Flats>
sHy (sOs)
Ryul2 (Savage) <CalDeum 3>

Woongjin Stars
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Woongjin Stars
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With Team 8 vs Woongjin Stars in Round 2 being a relatively one-sided slaughter with Argo killing three of Woongjin's best players, most still expected Team 8 to fall against the seemingly much deeper line-up of Woongjin once we returned to the standard Proleague format.
Not so.
In an upset that we've still not quite gotten over, Team 8 managed to roll Woongjin Stars once again with a 4-2 score, this time in a format that undoubtedly favors the latter team. What's most interesting to note about this match is that Team 8 won on the backs of the players considered somewhat mediocre. TRUE, Terminator and Savage have all made decent but not great showings in Proleague so far, and though Cure performed really well several times, eyes have been fixed on the rising Argo in particular, who curiously did not manage to win his extremely drawn out PvP against free. BaBy too struggled and fell against sOs, but Team 8 was fine without the player everyone seemed to think they would be carried by coming into the season. All in all, Woongjin once again sent out their best players, and once again fell to Team 8's, at first glance, inferior roster.
Round 3, Week 1 Standings
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Week 2 Matches
by Waxangel
Thanks to xpaperclip for formatting!
We're finally back to good old classic Proleague. A friendly reminder for you all that Saturday's matches have been moved back to Friday, which means you can expect to see the first games in a few hours from this post.
Round 3 Week 1 Matches
February 1st
KT Rolster vs KeSPa 8th Team
P7GAB (Wooki) < Cloud Kingdom >
Savage (Ryul2)
Action < Akilon Flats >
TY (BaBy)
Flash < Entombed Valley >
Argo (Jaehoon)
Mind < Antiga Shipyard >
Cure (Speed)
Crazy (Crazy-Hydra) < Neo Arkanoid >
TRUE (Alone)
Stats < Neo Planet S >
Terminator (Sang)
Ace: Neo Bifrost
Samsung KHAN vs. EG-TL
RorO < CalDeum 3 >
Reality < Cloud Kingdom >
TurN < Antiga Shipyard >
Stork < Akilon Flats >
JangBi < Neo Bifrost >
Shine < Neo Arkanoid >
Ace: Neo Planet S

Ace: Neo Bifrost
Samsung KHAN vs. EG-TL

Ace: Neo Planet S
February 3rd
STX Soul vs. Woongjin Stars
INnoVation< Entombed Valley >
Aria (NaGi)
Classic < Neo Bifrost >
sOs (sHy)
hyvaa < CalDeum 3 >
Last < Neo Arkanoid >
Trap < Cloud Kingdom >
Dear < Antiga Shipyard >
Ace: Akilon Flats
CJ Entus vs. SK Telecom T1
Hydra < Cloud Kingdom >
SonGDuri < Akilon Flats >
EffOrt < Entombed Valley >
herO < Antiga Shipyard >
Bong < Neo Arkanoid >
sKyHigh < Neo Planet S >
Ace: Neo Bifrost

Ace: Akilon Flats
CJ Entus vs. SK Telecom T1

Ace: Neo Bifrost
Feburary 4th
KT Rolster vs. Samsung KHAN
Stats < Entombed Valley >
Flash < Neo Bifrost >
Action < CalDeum 3 >
Crazy (Crazy-Hydra) < Neo Arkanoid >
MyuNgSiK < Cloud Kingdom >
P7GAB (Wooki) < Antiga Shipyard >
Ace: Akilon Flats
KeSPa 8th Team vs. EG-TL
TY (BaBy) < Antiga Shipyard >
Savage (Ryul2) < CalDeum 3 >
Terminator (Sang) < Akilon Flats >
Argo (Jaehoon) < Entombed Valley >
TRUE (Alone) < Neo Planet S >
Cure (Speed) < Neo Bifrost >
Ace: Neo Arkanoid

Ace: Akilon Flats
KeSPa 8th Team vs. EG-TL

Ace: Neo Arkanoid
Feburary 5th
STX Soul vs CJ Entus
Trap < Neo Planet S >
hyvaa < Neo Arkanoid >
Classic < Neo Bifrost >
Dear < Cloud Kingdom >
INnoVation (Bogus) < Antiga Shipyard >
Last < Entombed Valley >
Ace: CalDeum 3
Woongjin Stars vs SK Telecom T1
free < Antiga Shipyard >
ZerO < CalDeum 3 >
sOs (sHy) < Akilon Flats >
Flying < Entombed Valley >
Soulkey < Neo Planet S >
BrAvO (hon_sin) < Neo Bifrost >
Ace: Neo Arkanoid

Ace: CalDeum 3
Woongjin Stars vs SK Telecom T1

Ace: Neo Arkanoid
Finally, a week of Proleague where we have some real marquee match-ups! While the Proleague format gives lesser known players a chance to shine, its unfortunate drawback is that you rarely see a head to head duel between the big guns of two teams unless it goes to an ace match. This week, we are blessed, for the stars have aligned to bring us some regular line-up matches you won't want to miss.
If I had to pick one single match to look out for this week, it has to be

Other than that,

And for those who just want to someone who's not Korean win,

Match of the Week: This week, we're going with Samsung KHAN vs. EG-Liquid. First off, the two teams are right next to each other in the rankings table. EG-Liquid would overtake KHAN for 6th place with a victory, while KHAN would achieve a season best 5th place should they take the victory. But the more interesting thing will be to see how the two rosters respond to being into two very different situations.
Samsung KHAN were absolutely dreadful in round one, and it looked like they would be destined to be bottom feeders after starting the season with a 1 – 6 record. No one seemed to be any good at all, and even their ace RorO couldn't find a way to win. Midway through round two this all turned around in an incredible way. Their rotation players started putting in clutch performances, Jangbi and Stork started to look like their Brood War selves, and RorO finally began to show why he was in Code S. Now, Samsung KHAN is on a six game winning, and no one can tell if this is who they really were all along, or if it's a dream that's going to come crashing down.
Meanwhile, EG-TL is a team going through the exact opposite situation, finding new and creative ways to lose with every match. The loss of TaeJa to injury has been crippling, and their lack of a solid close-out player has led to several painful 3 – 4 losses. With Stephano's Code S matched scheduled at the same time, things look even more grim for EG-TL as they go up against the red hot Samsung KHAN. Yet, it's a chance to see how the rest of the line-up responds to adversity, and if they're capable of stepping up when things are at their worst. Zenio and PuMa are the two pivotal players in this match, as they are part of a weak bench that has received much criticism. Coach trOt has a point when he says you need to show your players that you have faith in them–now they will get a chance to show they deserve it.
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Fantasy Round 2 Awards
by monk
With round 2 abruptly drawing to a close, we barely had enough time to say goodbye before round 3 began and round 3 of Fantasy Proleague began with it. Now's our chance to sit down and really look back at how round 2 panned out, and what better way to do it than to bring back Fantasy Proleague Awards!
Player/Team Awards
The "Patch-Zerg" Award for Biggest Improvement
goes to

The "Bisu" Award for Biggest Disappointment
is a tie between

The "FXO.KR" Award for Biggest Surprise Team
goes to Samsung KHAN for going 5-2 in round 2. They currently hold a six game winning streak going into week 2 of round 3.
The "Prime" Award for Worst Slumping Team
goes to SK Telecom T1. Even though they were by far the most desired team with 44% of team picks, they flopped the hardest.
The "RorO" Award for Worst Anti-Team Pick
goes to the

The "Creator" Award for the Optimal Team without Trades
Main Team | Cost | Points | Anti-Team | Cost | Points |
![]() | 4 | 27 | ![]() | 3 | -1 |
![]() | 4 | 16 | ![]() | 2 | -1 |
![]() | 3 | 20 | ![]() | 8 | -3 |
![]() | 3 | 27 | |||
![]() | 6 | 27 | |||
![]() | 6 | 25 | |||
CJ Entus | 3 | 16 | |||
Subtotal: | 29 | 156 | Subtotal: | 13 | -5 |
Rank: | 0 | Score: | 151 | ||
Team Owner Awards
The "MVP" Award for First Place
Congratulations to Pornografia, a lurker with 0 posts who seemed to have registered just to play fantasy proleague. Unfortunately, Pornografia was not available for comment.
The "MMA" Award for Best Slump Predictor
is awarded to DocSchlakk for somehow lucking out with Taeja being unable to play this round and his two other picks, Bisu and sSak, not scoring any wins. This is the lowest possible anti-team score for this round.
The "Wall Street" Award for Best Trader
is a tie between jabberjaw and StickyFlower who made two and three trades respectively, both netting a cool 34 points.
The "EG Curse" Award for Worst Trader
IIIIII takes this award home with 6 trades, none of them netting positive gains totaling up to -42 points.
The "MC" Award for Refusing to Change Anything
is awarded to GenesisX, who finished 5th place by picking four of the top five scorers this round in his initial team.
The "TheBest" Award for Lowest Scoring Team Attempting to be a Legitimate Team
goes to mastakilla[Xp] who really got unlucky with his anti-team. He finished at -40 points. Special mention goes to Runer2k4 who started off with a bad team and tried his hardest to claw himself out of his hole, only to dig himself in even deeper. He finishes second to last with -39 points.
The "Apex" Award for Lowest Scoring Team Attempting to be a Low-scoring Team
goes to TBO. With a host of 1 pointer picks and a Rain/Flash/Fantasy combo on his anti-team, TBO was definitely gunning for this award. Honestly though, he didn't do a very good job, as a total of eleven other teams who tried to be legitimate teams finished below him.
The "Pick All KT" Award for Best FPL Strategy of the Round
goes to the strategy of "Pick all the players who were good in Brood War". Most of the players who did well in round two were all top Brood War players, including Flash, Hydra, Jangbi, ZerO, Effort, free, Stork, and Fantasy. Looks like they just needed some time to catch up and show their true skills. Note: Sorry Bisu =(
The "Manifesto7" Award for Best Staff Performance
goes to Mikilatov, an old Brood War writer who just picked all his favorite Brood War greats. He finished 44th but peaked at rank 1 after week 3. This proves once again how the above strategy of picking Brood War champions played off in spades this round.
The "Kennigit" Award for Worst Staff Performance
is shamefully accepted by DivinO with a -2 score, finishing at rank 5016. With a terrible anti-team and no trading, DivinO never stood a chance. Note: Kennigit did not actually play this round.
The "LaLush" Award for Best SC II Player/Personality Performance
for the first time ever is awarded to LaLush who finished a respectable 11th place. By capitalizing on Hydra/Argo picks, LaLush, with some smart trading, was able to catapult himself near the top.
The "CatZ" Award for Worst SC II Player/Personality Performance
also for the first time ever is awarded to ROOTCatZ with his -4 score, finishing at rank 5095. Mistakes such as betting on his pal Major and over-trading led to about 40 points less than what he would have gotten if he had just stayed put. Note that CatZ was actually the second worst trader in all of round 2, only being surpassed by a barcode user, IIIIII.
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Fantasy Round 3 Overview
by monk
Ok, all you Fantasy Proleague junkies and noobs, this one is for you. Picking fantasy teams for some with little experience of the scene or strategy behind the game can be daunting for some. Well, no more. Right here, right now, you can learn to be a pro at the game that is Fantasy Proleague and construct teams that actually make sense. Hopefully one day we can get the number of people picking RorO on their anti-teams all the way down to zero.
An Overview of Player Picks
Popular Main Team Picks
Player | Race | Cost | Main Team Picks | Anti-Team Picks | Ratio |
JYP | ![]() | 3 | 1217 | 330 | 3.7 : 1 |
Flash | ![]() | 10 | 1183 | 59 | 20.1: 1 |
P7GAB(Wooki) | ![]() | 5 | 1179 | 110 | 10.7: 1 |
soO | ![]() | 4 | 1040 | 371 | 2.8 : 1 |
herO[join] | ![]() | 5 | 972 | 185 | 5.3 : 1 |
Innovation(Bogus) | ![]() | 6 | 951 | 221 | 4.3 : 1 |
Soulkey | ![]() | 5 | 840 | 249 | 3.4 : 1 |
Crazy | ![]() | 3 | 809 | 136 | 5.9 : 1 |
Stats | ![]() | 5 | 775 | 219 | 3.5 : 1 |
Fantasy | ![]() | 8 | 724 | 105 | 6.9 : 1 |
Revival | ![]() | 5 | 698 | 366 | 1.9 : 1 |
Action | ![]() | 5 | 687 | 199 | 3.5 : 1 |
Jaedong | ![]() | 6 | 666 | 372 | 1.8 : 1 |
Bbyong | ![]() | 2 | 610 | 604 | 1.0 : 1 |
There are four common strategies that are employed when picking players for your team:
- Undervalued as measured by round one record
Let's face it. Round two was kind of random. With the winners league format, some players could be argued to have lucked their way to multiple wins and a high value for round three. In addition, if a player was not top four on his team, he probably didn't get played a lot in round two winners league. This strategy takes ignores round two and chooses the players who have the most value according to round one statistics. Players that fall into this category includeJYP,
Action, and
- Line-ups
Players picked using this strategy will have extremely favorable match-ups in week one. If you use this strategy, be prepared to trade away your player should he win in favor of a player with a more favorable match-up. Also be prepared to be potentially stuck with a rather undesirable player should he lose his match-up. Match-ups that were considered extremely favored for players among the top picks include:JYP over
Flash over
P7GAB over
soO over
Innovation over
Fantasy over
Revival over
Action over
- Perceived Potential
These are players who are hyped to have the most potential. One way of measuring StarCraft II potential is with Brood War success. Although this might be the least scientific method, it sure did well in round 2, where all the Brood War greats including free, Zero, Stork, and Jangbi did amazingly well. In this round, players such asFlash and
Jaedong certainly fall into this category. Then there's
Revival, who hasn't played enough matches for a real assessment, but his memorable wins against Gumiho and Leenock in IPTL are still burned into everyone's' minds.
- Go all-in on a team
This strategy is simple: pick the most undervalued team, and pick every player from that team. As silly as this sounds, this strategy actually as an extremely high success rate. In the history of Fantasy Proleague, two teams have won rounds with this technique, one on Brood War with SK Telecom T1 and one more recently, TerrorTerran in Round 1 of StarCraft II Fantasy Proleague with KT Rolster. From these statistics, it looks like KT Rolster is currently the most popular team to pick, though you'd be hard pressed to fit all their heavy hitters on your fantasy team.
Popular Anti-Team Picks
Player | Race | Cost | Total Anti-Team Picks |
Terminator(Sang) | ![]() | 4 | 729 |
Stork | ![]() | 7 | 655 |
Light | ![]() | 4 | 604 |
Ty(Baby) | ![]() | 5 | 562 |
Last | ![]() | 3 | 427 |
Jaedong | ![]() | 6 | 372 |
Cure(Speed) | ![]() | 6 | 371 |
soO | ![]() | 4 | 371 |
Revival | ![]() | 5 | 366 |
free | ![]() | 7 | 344 |
Shine | ![]() | 3 | 339 |
Dear | ![]() | 4 | 333 |
JYP | ![]() | 3 | 330 |
s2 | ![]() | 3 | 318 |
More than any previous StarCraft II round, this round's anti-team picks were difficult. There was no version of Round 1 Stephano or Round 2 Jaedong/Taeja who just happened to be guaranteed to be benched every week; you could no longer simply depend on news about who on EG-TL just happened to be sick or out of town that week. For many, this was a first experience constructing a real anti-team. Similar tactics employed in picking your main team can be used to construct an anti-team. For example, Terminator, Stork, Light , and Cure are overvalued if you compare their results from Round 1. On the other hand, if you pay attention to line-ups, Stork had a tough match-up against Hydra while Last wasn't even in the line-up at all.
Team Picks
Team | Cost | Picks | % of Total |
SK Telecom T1 | 1 | 1391 | 33% |
KT Rolster | 4 | 910 | 22% |
EG.TL | 2 | 838 | 20% |
Woongjin Stars | 4 | 308 | 7% |
Samsung Khan | 1 | 303 | 7% |
Team 8 | 2 | 164 | 4% |
CJ Entus | 4 | 161 | 4% |
STX Soul | 1 | 100 | 2% |
Last round, SK Telecom was deemed the runaway best pick for a team with 44% of participants choosing them as their FPL team. But boy, how they all got burned when SK Telecom crashed and burned in a round they were supposed to dominate. This round, they're the most picked team yet again and with their first week win over KT Rolster, they seem to be worth it and them some. Other popular teams include the Flash-led KT Rolster that dominated round one and the fan favorite EG-TL.
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Fantasy Round 3 Sample Teams
by Otolia
As we've previously alluded to, there are at least four main strategies commonly employed in Fantasy Proleague. As a demonstration, we have constructed four sample teams, each strictly following one of these strategies. Once again, these four strategies include:
- Round 1 Continuum- Winner's League has come and gone and it's time to go back to the previous format. Will the previous round one winners continue their streaks and dominate the competition once again?
- Picking based on lineups- Sometimes the odds are so much in the favor of a player that you just know one player will overcome the other. This team will try to prioritize weekly match-ups over everything else.
- Looking for potential: BW Elephants- A infamous article once described the StarCraft2 scene as a joke that was waiting to be crushed by the immanent switch of the "Elephants", the best of the old BW players. Let's see how they fare now.
- All-in on a team: SKT- Since an all KT team had so much success in round one, we will attempt to duplicate that success with their arch-rivals, SK Telecom T1.
Looking to the Past
The second round was a king of the hill format, very different in terms of dynamics from a traditional Proleague round. As player costs are mostly assigned by round 2 results, we decided to build a token team based on the first round results to see if there would be a significant difference in terms of outcome. This team will be subject to trades both on the main and anti teams with the same limitations as a normal fantasy team.
Team Draft
Team :
![[image loading]](
This choice is quite self-explanatory; KT Rolster did extremely well in Round 1.
Captain :

Players :
Rain is the captain of this team, he was 6-1 the first round including 2-0 in ace match. That's incredibly dangerous and considering his status right now, very valuable. Soulkey is was his team ace and he had good results particularly in ace matches. Being at 5 points, he is very attractive despite not doing particularly well in round 2. soO brought home 17 points in Round 1 while being 4-3, win wise it's not outstanding but point wise it's decent. Crazy-Hydra was 3-1 during Round 1 and costs a measly 3 points. The remaining two players had decent results for their worth with JYP being among the top 9 players and BrAvO being a TvT sniper with a 4-2 record.
Anti - team :
This list was relatively easy to construct. Shine was 0-5 in round 1 and looked bad. Reality was 2-5 and has tried so hard to win that it was painful to watch while Stork who once stood at 3-4 and has the worst first round among the high priced players(7+). All of them did relatively badly during the first round and either OK or well during the second. We weren't sure about these picks but it was the best we could come up with the set draft spirit we limited ourselves to.
Week 1 Recap - Unpredictable history
Team :
![[image loading]](
KT Rolster lost in a surprising fashion against SK Telecom. Much about this match has been said in the other team previews and it would be redundant to restate our surprise.
Captain :

Players :
A average wierd for out players. While soO asserted his dominance over the newcomer motive, the rest of the players didn't shine despite being somewhat favored. Everyone except Crazy who beat the Terran powerhouse named FanTaSy.
Anti - team :
Unfortunately, a lot of 3 points players who weren't favored this week won anyways. These players are at that value because they either are inconsistent or didn't play that much during the second round. Bong, an up and coming player from CJ, failed a risky dark templar build, giving Reality the easy win. Shine won a ZvZ despite having 0% record in that match-up this season. Meanwhile, Stork lost against a better player, Hydra, in his match.
Week 2 Preview and Trades - Back to the probabilistic world
No trades this week. As most of our players failed to secure points in the previous week, they decreased in value. Thus, there are very few trades we could make if our sole criteria is trading for player who did well in round 1 (or badly for the anti-team).
Living each week as if it were the last: using lineups
Each week, there are some match-ups that we believe are hugely in favor of one of either team or players. This « per week » team will be drafted on week one and we will try to find the best trades each week with no consideration as to how the players can do in the future.
Team Draft
Team :
![[image loading]](
The team we choose for this round is STX SouL. While it might not be the best team around, it didn't cost a lot and as much as it pains us to say so, EG-TL without TaeJa and Stephano (who have to prepare for GSL Code S on top of being injured for TaeJa and lazy for Stephano) has to rely on HerO, Jaedong and support players to win 3 games. It was going to be tough for them from the get-go.
Captain :

Players :
Innovation - (6p)
P7GAB(Wooki) - (5p)
Light - (4p)
soO - (4p)
JYP - (3p)
Starting with the captain, EffOrt has to play the unknown hOpe on a relatively conventional map. A solid player like him is likely to come out a winner for his team. Innovation has the delight of playing Zenio twice in a week and the Liquid Zerg has trouble in every match-up but ZvZ, so we have to give it to the STX player here. Another potential one-sided match is the game between P7GAB, a PvP master with a 6-2 record, and BeSt, the SKT captain who had an overall 2-5 record. The next potentially unilateral confrontation we found is between JYP and hyvaa; the Zerg has a disastrous 4-9 record and shouldn't do much against JYP's best match-up. The last player for this week isn't as highly favored as the others but Light has certainly shown more clever preparations in the past than TRUE.
Anti - team :
Last - (3p)
Stork - (7p)
Savage(Ryul2) - (3p)
If we're basing our team picks on lineups, then we have to pick Last, the only three pointer who wasn't on the line-up for week one. Because Last is a decent player, we'll probably have to trade him off at a later point. Thus, picking Last is the equivalent of taking a direct -1 point, but it's better than gambling on a supposedly weak player most of the time. Zerg players have troubles beating Protoss in this PL but Hydra is above that and Stork, while coming ahead recently, didn't show enough mastery to be considered better in PvZ than Hydra. With the remaining 3 points, we took Savage, playing in the sixth and last spot against ZerO. In a match that Woongjin should probably sweep, Savage either won't get to play or will probably lose should he get the chance to play.
Week 1 Recap – Upsets everywhere!
Team :
![[image loading]](
With a 4-1 victory, STX showed than anyone can win (or lose for that matter) against EG-TL, the foreign team really is the roller-coaster of this PL.
Captain :

Players :
Innovation(Bogus) - (4p)
P7GAB(Wooki) - (0p)
Light - (0p)
soO - (4p)
JYP - (0p)
This week was horrible for this team and many other teams built in this fashion. First of all, EffOrt was chosen over herO as an ace for CJ which could have been fantastic had he won. But a loss against RorO set him back to a meager 2 points. After that, we had two players who held their ground against weaker players, namely Innovation grabbing his second win of the week against Zenio and soO besting the newcomer Motive. Everyone else on the team lost, something you wouldn't except from a team that attempts to pick favorites of the week.
Anti - team :
Last - (1p)
Stork - (1p)
Savage(Ryul2) - (4p)
Losing 6 points in a half-game week is tough. Last lost a point as predicted and Stork lost, but his team won anyways. Savage however prevailed against ZerO in a nice fashion but it's often the case in ZvZ when an early lead is kept safely.
Week 2 Preview and Trades – Staying out of trouble
Team :
![[image loading]](
SouL face both Stars and CJ this week and the match-ups look terrible for them.
Captain :

Players :
EffOrt only has to prepare for ZvT this week and should come out at 1-1 at worst. Innovation is blessed by the gods and will play two rather unknown players on GSL maps; we aren't worried for him at all. We share the same feeling for P7GAB who'll also face two weaker players.
Among the remaining players who aren't as much clear favorites, we had to make a choice. Light will only play one game week and thus should be traded immediately. We traded him for Bong who has to play PvZ against rather mid-tier or weak opponents. Similarly, soO had to face free a PvZ specialist and Hydra, who is riding a tidal wave of momentum right now. Revival appears as a much wiser choice considering he avoids his dreaded ZvP matchup and plays some ZvZ he's clearly familiar with from his time at TSL. Lastly, we decided to keep JYP who isn't favored in his matches but has the potential to get out unscathed against Stork and Cure.
Anti - team :
Stork will net wins eventually; it's something nobody can avoid in their anti-teams at this point. Trading him can only bring disaster at this point. Savage plays against two players on our main team and is not favored in both cases; he's another definite keeper. Thus we ended up trading Last for Classic who is playing a single game against sOs; we don''t see him winning this one.
The Elephants arise
Proleague was, for more than a decade, the main event in Korean Brood War. Salaries were negotiated based on Proleague results and many known players made themselves a name before moving on to win Starleagues. The paradigm of this team is simple: we pick the big BW names and reminisce.
Team Draft - Assembling the Dream Team
Team :
![[image loading]](
In BW, there is something called legacy. Boxer, Iloveoov, Bisu, Fantasy: This is the line of players who have made one team place top three in almost every year Proleague has been active. And while KT's results were more significant in the latter years, the cycle was complete when Bisu won the ace match against Flash during the final BW Proleague. SK Telecom T1 costing at a measly one point is our choice for a proleague team.
Captain :

Players :
Although we wanted to take good BW players, we had to make this a bit competitive. None of these picks are particularly shocking aside from BeSt whose level has considerably diminished but he was previously a big element in SKT. Stats was always overshadowed by Flash but he certainly was the second best player from KT at the end. Soulkey was an up and comer that many thought he could well win a Starleague one day. Speaking of which, EffOrt won one in 2010 and was CJ's best player for a long period of time. Light, the last player, was perhaps not the most accomplished in Starleagues but he was a long standing consistent player throughout his career from MBCGame to Woongjin.
Anti - team :
Argo - (8p)
Terminator - (4p)
- Hyuk - (1p)
We couldn't resist picking Argo(Jaehoon) for this anti-team. After all, in Brood War, many jokingly referred to him as Failhoon after he repeated failed recall after recall. Hyuk hasn't played a single Proleague game yet and considering his shenanigans it is not surprising as he may Hyuk it up once again. Lastly Terminator (or Sang for the old guard) just had a terrible record in BW and that's good enough for us.
Week 1 Recap – Old guards stand strong
Team :
![[image loading]](
Captain :

Players :
Compared to the other teams we decided to follow, this one didn't do as badly as one could have thought. BeSt won, against all odds, a PvP versus P7GAB. The same day, Stats showed Rain that being a star in SC2 doesn't prevent you from losing PvPs. Curiously enough PvP was Stats' best match-up in BW while it was Rain's worst. Light and Soulkey had a difficult time this week while EffOrt was finally overthrown by the younger RorO.
Anti - team :
Argo - (1p)
Terminator - (4p)
- Hyuk - (1p)
Hyuk didn't play so there isn't much to say about that. Terminator however was able to beat BrAvO on Entombed Valley in an usual late-game PvT where the Terran looked away for two seconds and lost. Argo lost against free, another very good (and very old) BW player.
Week 2 Preview and Trades – Asserting the dominance
According to our paradigm, we have to trade for players who were good at BW, but we don't want to trade foolishly and lose points. Unfortunately, none of our players scored enough points to be able to trade up. As such, we didn't do any trades this week.
All-in on SKT T1
We all saw that an all KT Rolster team could win a round during round 1. This round, it's impossible to take all of KT's best with 30 points but it's possible to do so with their arch-rivals SKT T1. With only 28 points in total and no anti-team, let's see what they can do. Trading will be employed if needed.
Team Draft
Team :
![[image loading]](
Captain :

Players :
The team is fairly simple to describe : FanTaSy and Rain in the double-headed ace threat, soO as the main support player and the players who have been fielded the most in previous rounds pondered by their results : the captain BeSt and the zerg duo s2 and sacsri. Considering those are the most used players on the roster, there is no better pure SKT team than this one.
Week 1 Recap
Team :
![[image loading]](
Winning 4-2 after a terrible round 2 must be a magnificent ego and moral boost for them. Still this win was a weird indeed.
Captain :

Players :
Somehow I doubt this could have gone any better for SKT this week. They were coming into this match as underdogs and most of their players all had unfavorable match-ups (s2 against Flash, BeSt against P7GAB and Sacsri against Action). Remarkably though, all SKT's supporting players won their games.
Week 2 Preview and Trades - Riding the momentum
There will be no trades this week as it's not worth to pay a fee to get ParalyzE for a single game he isn't favored in. Otherwise, since we're going with an all-in on SKT strategy, no other trades will be considered.
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