Table of Contents
Week 2 Lookback
Short Recaps
Strategy Spotlight
Neo Arkanoid
Week 3 Matches
Starters and maps
Fantasy Spotlight
Hope you had Hydra
SK Planet Proleague table and results at Liquipedia
R2 Week 2 Lookback
By: Pokebunny and Zealously
The second week of the all-kill round seemed to be the week of upsets as supposedly great teams such as KT, SKT, and EG-TL fell and supposedly weak teams such as Team 8, and Samsung rose in the ranks. Not only that, it was the middle class leading their teams to victory this week, rather than the elites. Teams found stars not in the likes of Rain, Flash, or Taeja, but in the supporting staff consisting of Hydra, Cure, free, Argo, and Jangbi. But such is the volatility of this all-kill round, a round that was guaranteed to be full of surprises.
The week also marked the debut of Stephano, perhaps the most anticipated arrival Proleague had ever seen. Did he once again bring drama to everywhere he goes? Yes. And did he live up to everyone's expectations? That's a more complicated answer. All that and more in this week's Proleague Review.
Cue intro theme.
January 12th - 13th
Samsung KHAN
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Samsung KHAN
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Live Report Thread
Stork <Neo Planet S>
Stork <Neo Arkanoid>
JangBi < Neo Bifrost>
RorO <Cloud Kingdom>
RorO <Antiga Shipyard>
RorO <Entombed Valley>
Shine<Neo Caldeum>

STX Soul
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STX Soul
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With Team 8 vaulting themselves upwards in convincing fashion during the first two weeks of Round 2, STX and Samsung were left to fight for scraps at the bottom of the Proleague. The match started on a bright note for Samsung with Stork eventually winning a macro game after opening with some interesting mass probe rush shenanigans. Unfortunately, STX's hyvaa was able to turn it right around and down the pair of Samsung's Protoss aces, Stork and JangBi, who have unfortunately not quite lived up to their talent in the original StarCraft yet (well, there will be more on JangBi later). Against hyvaa, Stork fell quickly to a one base roach-ling allin on Arkanoid and JangBi fell to roach-infestor aggression. RorO then defeated both hyvaa and Innovation (Bogus) in very standard games, leaving only Trap left for STX. Trap came back to defeat RorO though in a macro game with very nice harass and map control, but unfortunately he fell on the final map to Shine, who redeemed his poor round one performance with a victory.
Both of Stork's games featured interesting early cheese tactics, but other than that, the games were fairly uninteresting on the whole. Samsung was able to take the match and contribute to STX's terrible woes in Round 2, and RorO finally coming through was a big bonus as well. Still, neither team looked particularly strong and will definitely need to step their game up if they hope to move into contention for a playoff spot.
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Live Report Thread
Revival <Neo Planet S>
Revival <Neo Arkanoid>
HuK < Neo Bifrost>
Stephano <Cloud Kingdom>
Stephano <Antiga Shipyard>
Stephano <Entombed Valley>
JYP <Neo Caldeum>

CJ Entus
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CJ Entus
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RevivaL began by continuing his solid team league performance with a win over CJ's Zerg ace, EffOrt, pulling through after some back and forth roach infestor play on Planet S. CJ immediately risked their other ace, the Protoss herO, but fortunately he was able to take out both RevivaL and HuK to bring the match back in CJ's favor. RevivaL's one base roach/ling all-in was hard countered by herO's own one base build, while HuK fell quickly after missing vital forcefields. Then, this happened:
![[image loading]](/staff/monk/strategy_writeup/PL_S1R2W2/StephanoherO.jpg)
Only a few seconds into his first game in Korea and Stephano had already caused a stir. After a bit of animated discussion with referees which seemed to greatly amuse Stephano, the game continued with Stephano only receiving a warning. (#Foreigneradvantage!) Still, he appeared unfazed as he casually crushed herO's DT into blink all-in play. In the fifth set, Stephano put EG-Liquid ahead once more by defeating Bbyong with some roach pressure into his patented roach-hydra composition in ZvT. However, CJ was able to find an unexpected savior in Hydra, whose excellent performance last week certainly left many fantasy managers feeling either crushed or ecstatic. Hydra's aggressive roach play downed Stephano after some back and forth, and he also clinched the ace match vs JYP after taking a huge early game lead with zergling attacks, preventing JYP from ever expanding past his natural.
EG-TL once again disappointed, although Stephano made his presence felt in his first Proleague appearance. He went to the verge of disqualication in his first game and employed unique tactics in his second. Hydra became the story of the week with this performance along with his next, and Stephano's efforts were not quite enough to finish it off. For CJ, it was a key win, moving back into contention for the top spots.
KeSPA 8th Team
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KeSPA 8th Team
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Live Report Thread
Cure (Speed) <Neo Arkanoid>
Crazy (Crazy Hydra)
Cure <Entombed Valley>
Cure <Cloud Kingdom>
Cure <Neo Planet S>
Jaehoon <Ohana>
Alone <Neo Caldeum>

KT Rolster
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KT Rolster
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Alright, hold on a minute guys. Looking at the results alone, not even considering anything else, we gotta talk about something.
This Cure guy is pretty good.
With an impressive three-kill against Proleague's top team, Cure breifly vaulted himself past Flash to the top of the Proleague wins list with an impressive 10-4 record. While other players would overtake him later in the week, it was milestone in a string of amazingly consistent performances for Cure. Not bad for a guy considered to be BaBy's back-up before the season!
In the first game, Cure pulled through in an exciting back-and-forth macro game ending in a low-economy situation vs Crazy(Crazy-Hydra) on Arkanoid, definitely a game worth watching. Cure continued to show his versatility in the second game, showcasing his excellent mech play once again as he rolled through Action. In game three, Cure downed The Man Called God's mech after gaining an early lead with cloaked banshee play. Cure's excellent tactics and engagements pulled him through despite Flash's tenacity, and it was certainly a huge win for Team 8. Stats then threatened but was unable to pull off the reverse all kill by taking down both Cure and Jaehoon before falling himself. He also looked to be in a decent position in his final game against Alone (aka True), but Stats was unable to break through with a three base colossus timing against Alone's flood of reinforcements, and the Team 8 Zerg powered through to victory.
It was a shock loss for front runners KT, while Team 8 continued their surprising rise. Cure is continuing to impress every time he is sent out with stellar macro play, and he did it again versus KT. Meanwhile, Stats suffered his first loss of the season despite being KT's only positive contributor in this match. For KT, it was a disappointment, but they can't be too upset - they're still having an excellent season with every member of the team stepping up in a big way.
SK Telecom T1
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SK Telecom T1
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Live Report Thread
soO <Neo Caldeum>
Rain <Cloud Kingdom>
Rain <Antiga Shipyard>
Rain <Ohana>
sSak < Neo Bifrost>
Fantasy <Neo Arkanoid>
Fantasy <Neo Planet S>

Woongjin Stars
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Woongjin Stars
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This battle between two of the top ranking teams in the 2013 Proleague season was sure to be an interesting one, and it didn't disappoint, going down to the wire with a surprising finish. Both teams' big three slugged it out in this match, with the Protosses Rain and sOs making the biggest contributions towards the win tallies. Rain looked to be in a scary spot vs. ZerO's early slow ling attack, but a clutch building block put him far in the lead. He continued to wreak havoc on Soulkey on Antiga Shipyard with, you guessed it, an immortal all-in. sOs won the PvP ace coin-flip war with a one base colossus all-in and took out sSak after a proxy gateway on Bifrost, but fell to Fantasy's harass-heavy TvP. However, it was Light who came through in the clutch with a surprise victory over Fantasy in the final, deciding match. Light employed a mass-hellion + tank + banshee 2 base mech push, gaining an unbreakable position on Fantasy's natural and managing to finish out the game.
Despite SKT being a popular pick to dominate in Winner's League, they fell once again to a team many would expect Rain and Fantasy to triumph over. Woongjin moved into second place with the victory over SKT, and a later win would push them all the way to first. However, their lack of star power makes them underrated despite their excellent depth. Their depth would seem to favor them more in the normal Proleague format, but a perfect record in the Winners League thus far shows they are a huge overall threat.
January 14th - 15th
CJ Entus
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CJ Entus
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Live Report Thread
Hydra <Neo Caldeum>
Hydra <Cloud Kingdom>
Hydra <Antiga Shipyard>
Hydra <Ohana>

STX Soul
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STX Soul
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There seems to be no end to STX SouL’s troubles. On paper, they have a strong team, starting off with the winner of last season’s Best Rookie player award in Trap. They have a player with actual achievements in SC2 who is known for his utterly insane unit control in Innovation. And they have one of the top MvP-performers in hyvaa and an OSL semi-finalist in Last. But when these players gather together in Proleague, nothing seems to go quite right for them.
Their match against CJ Entus ended up being a very one-sided slaughter as Hydra opened up the match by completely outplaying hyvaa, being on point and blocking all of the STX Zerg's moves. Superior production from an earlier third soon kicked in for Hydra, as he rolled over hyvaa with a much larger roach force. STX saw the danger and immediately sent out their top gun and ace, Innovation, looking to stop Hydra before he could get real momentum going. Hydra then proceeded to prove that he had a firm grasp of the ZvT match-up, killing over twenty SCV’s with early nydus worms that Innovation could not stop fast enough. Hydra's next victim, Trap, didn’t look as helpless but eventually fell behind after his phoenixes didn't deal as much damage as he would have needed, and Hydra happily sealed the deal after a money fungal into a devastating surround that put the STX Protoss 100 supply down. The last player to be sent out for STX was fittingly name Last who decided to macro safely behind tight defenses. That is until Hydra made 70 banelings and 100 lings and just ran through everything, securing the 4-0 for CJ Entus.
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Live Report Thread
Stephano <Cloud Kingdom>
HerO <Ohana>
HerO <Entombed Valley>
HerO <Antiga Shipyard>
HerO <Neo Arkanoid>
PuMa <Neo Planet S>
Revival < Neo Bifrost>

Samsung KHAN
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Samsung KHAN
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Saturday and Sunday's matches were all about upsetting the foundation of established Proleague order. EG-TL vs. Samsung KHAN certainly did nothing to break this trend. The heralded foreign superstar, Stephano, found himself immediately knocked out without taking a single game by the completely unheralded Sola, whose clever use of mutalisks denied Stephano crucial map vision. Sola then prepared mass roach timing that straight-up killed Stephano, handing the Frenchman his second ZvZ loss in as many Proleague matches. Hero was sent out to stop the unexpected threat from the KHAN B-teamer, but managed to do much more than that as he achieved a 3-kill, taking down both Stork and RorO along with the aforementioned Sola. It appeared as if HerO had the all-kill in his hand.
But then Jangbi happened.
Jangbi has most certainly taken RorO’s place as Samsung’s ace after the latter’s lackluster Proleague performances so far, and he proved that head coach Janaury had made the correct call in sending him out. Jangbi wasted no time as he disposed of Hero with a blast from the past: a rock-breaking, ground-only 4-gate on Arkanoid. Next on the chopping block was Puma, who promptly died after a downright terrible "doom" drop where he donated two full medivacs of units. Revival, who had come through with an ace match win for EG-TL last week, looked no better as he was rolled over by the two-time OSL champion’s superior forces.
Combined with STX Soul's loss, Samsung dragged themselves out of last place and into seventh. Jangbi is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, which is great news for KHAN as they look to keep climbing up the ranks. For EG-Liquid, they must hope that more than one player can perform well on a given day, or they will be in a lot of trouble. Despite getting good contributions from HerO and Stephano in week 2, the inability to close matches out cost EG-Liquid dearly.
Woongjin Stars
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Woongjin Stars
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Live Report Thread
free <Neo Planet S>
free <Neo Arkanoid>
free < Neo Bifrost>
free <Cloud Kingdom>

KT Rolster
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KT Rolster
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Woongjin Stars vs. KT Rolster certainly takes the award for fastest Proleague series, with Woongjin’s free completing his first starter all-kill in his career, leaving the other Proleague top dog in KT looking completely dumbfounded. The first game was a mostly standard immortal all-in on Planet S, where Action made stuff, free made immortals, and Action died. KT sent out the Ultimate Weapon next on Arkanoid, but it was to no avail. Flash ended up being just as easy a victim as free effortlessly denied a hellion drop and then went for an immortal/gateway drop into the Terran’s main to force a quick GG.
With a victory over a Zerg and a Terran, free hungered for Protoss blood next. Already down 0-2, KT could do nothing but send out P7GAB(Wooki), hoping that the rising Protoss player could repeat his performance from last week. But free would have none of that, easily taking down P7GAB with perfect reactions to his perfect scouting against P7GAB's imperfect scouting. Stats was sent out as ace in the final game on Cloud Kingdom, which ended up going in free’s favor on the balance of a single particle disruptor shot. free was able to snipe a key warp prism full of immortals and then easily took the game with a colossus push using this insurmountable advantage. And with this win, free, the Proleague veteran, obtained his long-awaited all-kill. The win clinched the #1 spot for Woongjin, with KT dropping to second place after a very unconvincing Week 2.
SK Telecom T1
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SK Telecom T1
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Live Report Thread
s2 <Neo Planet S>
BaBy (TY)
s2 <Neo Arkanoid>
Fantasy < Neo Bifrost>
Fantasy <Cloud Kingdom>
Speed (Cure)
Fantasy <Antiga Shipyard>
Jaehoon (Argo)
Rain <Entombed Valley>
Jaehoon (Argo)
soO <Neo Caldeum>
Jaehoon (Argo)

KeSPA 8th Team
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KeSPA 8th Team
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After a string of upsets in the week, the game between SK Telecom and Team 8 was no different, though the upsets may not have been of the same magnitude. SKT' s2 started off the series by taking the win after a drawn-out macro game against Team 8’s ace in TY(BaBy). TY multitasked well, attacking on multiple spots on the map simultaneously but he was eventually unable to take the fight against s2’s infestor + brood lord combination and tapped out. Terminator was sent out to stop s2 on Arkanoid and managed to do so with relative ease after nice use of void rays and phoenixes that took out workers and queens, along with a nydus network and extractors, stalling the SKT Zerg until Terminator could kill him off with his desired ball of colossi and gateway units. Fantasy was sent out next, eventually emerging victorious after a 30-minute game on Bifrost that featured heavy harassment into mass medivacs. Terminator held on with well-upgraded gateway units with templar and colossus support, but he eventually had no choice but to tap out against Fantasy’s superior battle micro and composition. Against Cure, a standard TvT with a single lucky run-by was all that Fantasy needed to put himself far ahead, cleaning up every worker in Cure’s natural.
What came next was probably one of the most impressive performances this season, with Argo(previously known as Jaehoon, Slayer of FPL Teams and Defier of Teleportation) shaping up and destroying the strongest three-man squad of any team in Fantasy, Rain and soO. Argo’s development this season has been nothing short of stellar, and he has now cemented himself among the absolute best in the league. In contrast to his nickname of Failhoon in Brood War, Argo now seems to be able to perform under pressure. Add to this the fact that the T8 Protoss seems to grow stronger the more you root against him, and he’s bound to become a force to be truly afraid of, especially for the remainder of Winners’ League. As for SKT, their three aces were taken out by a player most considered decent but not near super-ace material. Needless to say, this is not good news for them and they will have to come back with stronger performances next week or risk dropping to the lower half of the rankings.
Round 2, Week 2 Standings
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The Evolution of Arkanoid
by monk, Research by Flicer, Teoita, and ZermouS
With the advent of a full Starcraft II Proleague, Kespa introduced several new "strategical" maps into the fray, maps that certainly would have made Blizzard balk if they were suggested for the ladder. Of them, Arkanoid is perhaps the most bizarre. The Brood War remake has neutral creep tumors that prevent Terran/Protoss expansions and rocks on a timer that deter early aggression, making it by far the most offbeat map ever to be used in a professional StarCraft 2 league. As such, it takes a unique approach to play and standard play is almost impossible.
![[image loading]](/staff/monk/strategy_writeup/PL_S1R1W2/Arkanoid.jpg)
At first glance, the map seems to be rather Terran and Zerg favored. The neutral creep tumors at the natural expansions do not prevent Zerg expansions; neither do they really discourage Terran expansions, which can be built near the tumors and repositioned later. Protoss, on the other hand, must construct zealots to kill the tumors before nexuses are laid down. Another factor that hinders Protoss is their lack of scouting ability in the early game; while Terran has reapers and Zerg has overlords, Protoss must wait a much longer time in order to obtain a viable scout, whether in the form of observers, hallucinations, or air units. As such, Protoss were originally very rarely sent out on Arkanoid, only twice out of nineteen times in the original iteration of the map.
So we're left with only Terran and Zerg left as viable candidates for battle. In the Terran vs Zerg match-up, Terran seemed to be favored. Both races are able to obtain a free three bases, but a fourth base is almost an impossible feat on this map. All potential fourths are so removed from the initial three bases that it often becomes unwieldy to try to defend it. Thus, you'll see that in most games, both players will stick on three bases. Another factor is that infestors are not deemed viable on this map as the pathways are just too narrow; slow infestors would have an extremely hard time maneuvering around the terrian. Thus, almost all macro TvZs played on this map would predictably involve mutalisks (though a few brave souls opt for drop play).
The final factor is an external one; there are simply better Zerg maps in Proleague. Maps like Antiga Shipyards and especially Tal'Darim Altar from round one are safe havens for Zergs while there there do not exist much better maps for Terran. Naturally the Zerg maps drew away the Zerg seeds and we saw an even more inflated number of Terrans on Arkanoid. The end result was that in round one, Terrans were sent out a total of seventeen times on the original Arkanoid to Zerg's nine.
Neo Arkanoid
But as we entered round two, we began to see a drastic change in how Arkanoid was being played. If you're new to Proleague, after every round, Kespa reconsiders the maps and then changes or even removes some of them. A few small changes were made to Arkanoid in round two:
- The scouting path for reapers have changed so that it takes longer for them to exit from the 3rd area to scout other areas.
- Rocks disappear by themselves earlier, at the eighteen minute mark instead of the twenty minute mark.
Not so different, but let's look at the difference in gameplay between round one and two. The following is a list of games in chronological order on the original Arkanoid from round one and the openings each player used in that game. No highlighting denotes a "standard" greedy play. Red denotes an all-in tactic. Blue denotes some type of non all-in aggression. And green indicates a safe play designed to counter an all-in.
+ Show Spoiler [Round one, Arkanoid games] +

Classic: reaper into banshee expand
Fantasy: reaper expand

Ty: gas first reaper into reaper speed/hellion/medivac
Reality: CC first into reaper/hellion/viking

Jaehoon: one gate FE into robo
Mind: CC first into reaper.

RorO: hatch/pool into hatch
Last: CC first into reaper

SongDuri: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
Thorzain: one rax FE into reaper into factory

Bravo: gas first banshee expand
Mind: CC first into reaper 3cc

JyJ: CC first into reaper into 3rd CC
TRUE: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch

Fantasy: CC first into reaper into 3rd CC.
Hydra: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch

Zenio: 3hatch before pool
free: 1gate phoenix expand

Ty: CC first into reaper/3cc
Last: reaper into cloak banshee

Stork: one gate FE into robo
Fantasy: CC first into reaper/3 rax

Hydra: hatch/pool into roach/nydus
Action: three hatch before pool

Light: CC first into reaper into 3rd
Hyvaa: hatch/pool into 3rd

Thorzain: one rax CC into reaper into 3rd CC
Classic: CC first into reaper into 3rd CC

Crazy: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
JyJ: CC first into reaper into 3rd CC

Hydra: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
Kop: CC first into reaper into factory into 3rd hatch

Puma: reaper into reaper speed/hellion/medivac
Fantasy: reaper into cloak banshee

Ty: gas first reaper into reaper speed/hellion/medivac
Skyhigh: two rax reaper into CC

Bravo: gas first reaper into banshee
Reality: reaper into reaper speed/hellion/medivac
Look fairly expected. It's mostly greedy play with a few bits of aggression mixed in in the TvTs. Now, here are all the games in chronological order played on Neo Arkanoid, the version of Arkanoid used in round two:
+ Show Spoiler [Round two, Neo Arkanoid games] +
Week One
Ty vs
EffOrt - VOD
TY: one rax FE into reapers into 3rd CC
Effort: nydus all-in with mass speedling and banelings
JangBi vs
free - VOD
Jangbi: modified four gate
free: double stargate phoenix expo
soO vs
ThorZaIN - VOD
soO: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
Thorzain: one rax FE into tech lab for reapers into 3rd CC
Week Two
Stork vs
hyvaa - VOD
Stork: one gate FE
hyvaa: one base roach/speedling bust
Revival vs
herO[jOin] - VOD
Revival: one base roach/speedling bust
herO[jOin]: four gate robo
Cure vs
Hydra - VOD
Cure: CC first into rax into 3rd CC
Hydra: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
Fantasy vs
sOs - VOD
Fantasy: gas first, one base hellion drop into CC
sOs: one gate robo expand
HerO vs
JangBi - VOD
HerO: one gate twilight(blink) FE
Jangbi: modified four gate
free vs
Flash - VOD
free: robo into immortal + warp prism four gate
Flash: gas first, hellion drop into cloaked banshee expand
s2 vs
Terminator - VOD
s2: zergling/baneling nydus all-in
Terminator: one gate stargate FE

TY: one rax FE into reapers into 3rd CC
Effort: nydus all-in with mass speedling and banelings

Jangbi: modified four gate
free: double stargate phoenix expo

soO: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch
Thorzain: one rax FE into tech lab for reapers into 3rd CC
Week Two

Stork: one gate FE
hyvaa: one base roach/speedling bust

Revival: one base roach/speedling bust
herO[jOin]: four gate robo

Cure: CC first into rax into 3rd CC
Hydra: hatch/pool into 3rd hatch

Fantasy: gas first, one base hellion drop into CC
sOs: one gate robo expand

HerO: one gate twilight(blink) FE
Jangbi: modified four gate

free: robo into immortal + warp prism four gate
Flash: gas first, hellion drop into cloaked banshee expand

s2: zergling/baneling nydus all-in
Terminator: one gate stargate FE
The first difference you'll notice between these two lists is the abundance of Protoss being sent out on Neo Arkanoid. The truth is that once you get past their initial obvious disadvantages of Protoss, Protoss doesn't actually seem too bad on this map. An almost free three bases seems mighty tempting for a Protoss who are much more cost efficient than Zerg on the same number of bases. And with the reaper pseudo-nerf, Terrans no longer hold a large scouting advantage over their opponents.
However, the second and more pressing trend is the rise in the number of all-ins. Looking at the just map changes, the reasons for this shift in the metagame aren't immediately clear. Rocks disappearing at the eighteen minute mark instead of twenty minute mark certainly doesn't affect early game all-ins. And a repear nerf doesn't really affect the non-Terran match-ups. So what can account for this rise sudden rise of all-ins?
At first glance, this map seems perfect for greedy macro play as it is impervious to early game aggression from the ground. While this is true, the key insight to make about Arkanoid is that it's almost impossible to scout what your opponent is doing in the early game on this map. Zergs currently have it the best with scouting, but their overlords are slow-moving and take a while to reach the correct base; furthermore, even if they do find the correct base, they can be easily denied scouting with a marine, queen, or stalker. Terrans used to have reapers, but with the new map changes, reapers can only enter other bases through the main and thus can also be easily denied. Finally, Protoss have it the worst, without any real viable scouting options until a stargate, robotics, or hallucination is complete.
![[image loading]](/staff/monk/strategy_writeup/PL_S1R2W2/Arkanoid1.jpg)
Without a possibility for scouting, situations like four gate against double stargate without warpgates can and will often occur.
In a normal game, you can gradually narrow down and deduce your opponent's intentions and build with consistent scouting. But on Arkanoid, you will be playing completely playing blind, an extreme case of a game with imperfect information. Yes, most potential all-ins will be weaker because of the rocks, but there's no real way to narrow down which all-in your opponent will use. Yes, you can open with a very safe build such as one base robotics play to account for all possibilities, but you'll end up far behind a player who opts for greedy play. And while in a normal game, you can scout and adjust your build to greedy play, this is not an option on Arkanoid. By the time your scout your opponent's three command centers with a "safe" build, you'll be indescribably behind. Thus, Arkanoid has become a exaggerated map of coin flips and rock-paper-scissors where greedy > safe > all-in > greedy.
![[image loading]](/staff/shiroiusagi/misc/rockpaperscissor.png)
In fact, let's have some fun with this analogy.
Imagine if you were playing rock-paper-scissors with a friend. Imagine that you knew your friend has a history of picking paper the last twenty times you've played. What would be your logical pick? Scissors, of course! Now imagine that after a few rounds of you exclusively picking scissors, your friend begins to catch on and begins mixing in rock to counteract your scissors. Suddenly, your strategy has to change and you can no longer exclusively choose scissors. This will continue on until some mixed-strategy equilibrium is reached.
The previous example is an illustration of what happened with Arkanoid. After round one, coaches sat down and analyzed all the builds being used on the map, noticing that most everyone was opting for greedy play(paper). To counter this, players began mixing in all-ins(scissors) a lot more in round two. Now, notice how in the last week, players like herO[jOin] and Terminator have begun using extremely safe builds(rock) against their Zerg opponents. These players and their coaches have figured out from week one that all-ins on these maps were becoming more common than not. Thus, with their safe builds, these Protoss players were easily able to defend their opponents' predictable all-ins.
It will be interesting to see where this map goes from here in the coming weeks. Where will the equilibrium fall? Will all-ins become standard? Will someone figure out viable safe builds that won't be dreadfully behind greedy builds? Or will it continue to be a coin-flippy mess a la 2010 PvP? Make sure you catch week three for the answers to these questions and more.
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Week 3 Matches
by Waxangel
January 19
Woongjin Stars vs. EG-Liquid
Light < Neo Bifrost >
STX Soul vs. KeSPA 8th Team
Innovation < Neo Bifrost >

STX Soul vs. KeSPA 8th Team

January 20
CJ Entus vs. SK Telecom T1
herO[jOin] < Cloud Kingdom >
KT Rolster vs. Samsung KHAN
HoeJJa < Neo Caldeum >

KT Rolster vs. Samsung KHAN

January 21
KeSPA 8th Team vs. EG-Liquid
Savage < Neo Caldeum >
STX Soul vs. Woongjin Stars
Classic < Neo Arkanoid >

STX Soul vs. Woongjin Stars

January 22
Samsung KHAN vs. SK Telecom T1
Reality < Neo Bifrost >
KT Rolster vs. CJ Entus
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KT Rolster vs. CJ Entus

The theme for week three appears to be giving some new starters a try. Specifically, the big guns.

The strategy might seem unneccesarily risky at first, but already we've seen four starter all-kills in just sixteen matches. That 25% seems unnaturally high, but who's to say it's not sustainable? We've seen time and time again that the sheer power of momentum can't be underestimated in all-kill formats, and coaches with the appropriate personnel are encouraged to try and capitalize on it.
Match of the Week
Our very subjectively picked match of the week is CJ Entus vs. SK Telecom T1, a high stakes battle between two teams tied at 6 - 5. Depending on the performance of the KeSPA 8th team which is also tied at 6 - 5, we could see a huge shake up in the rankings. Even previously unimaginable scenarios such as Team Eight moving up to third place while SKT drops to 5th are in the works, depending on the outcomes and map scores of each battle.
It's highly entertaining to see that both teams have decided to gamble with their choices in starters. Hero[join] vs. Rain is the biggest starter game of the week, and neither team can afford to lose them easily. Rain is by far the best player on SKT, and while hero[join] has great back-up in Effort and Hydra, he is the only credible Protoss card CJ Entus can play. Whichever player goes down first, his team will be more than 25% dead to start.
Bonus: Elitist Hipster Match of the Week
Both of the KeSPA Eight Team's matches are our hipster picks, as they won't be considered underdogs much longer. So enjoy it while it lasts! No one would have expected it, but Cure and Argo are playing like elite players, and they've managed to turn this team from one trying to avoid a last place finish into one that's in playoff contention. While the presense of underrated foreigner MajOr leaves Team Eight with some hispter-cred, we recommend jumping onto the Jangbi-Samsung Khan bandwagon to stay truly ahead of the curve.
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Fantasy Spotlight
by monk
Biggest Winners

Many people rate players like Flash, Jaedong, and Jangbi more highly than the actual results or skill they show because of perceived potential from their Brood War legacies. But if that is the case, then why hasn't there been nearly as much hype for Hydra, a former MSL champion? He may not have been as legendary as the aforementioned players, he should have been worth as much hype as Leta or Effort. Well, this week was hype enough.
If you didn't own Hydra this week, you're probably not going to have a good time for the rest of this round. Hydra surprised everyone this week by saving CJ Entus from Stephano in their first match and then following up that performance with an all-kill of STX Soul. Of course, there were signs that Hydra had this potential. Though Hydra only showed a subpar 3-5 record in round one of Proleague, he was still consistently sent out, even as the ace once. This showed that the CJ coach had a lot of confidence in Hydra and that he would probably bloom sooner rather than later.
Hydra did so well this week in Fantasy Proleague that he could be traded for anyone in the league save for sOs, Jangbi, and Fantasy. Not bad for a player who initially only had a cost of three. The real question for Hydra owners in the trading period was whether to stick with a proven winner in Hydra or trade in for Rain or Flash.

Who could have expected free to do so well in the transition to Starcraft II as well? While in round one, free was only sent to play a total of three times, free has certainly been getting the playtime he deserves in round two. While we saw a side of free we'd never seen in week one, it was still completely unexpected when he all-killed KT Rolster in a quick and easy fashion. The six dragons from Brood War have generally not transitioned to Starcraft II so gracefully, but free, along with Jangbi, is beginning to live up to expectations.
Biggest Losers
KT Rolster (10 points, -2)
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. In week one, KT Rolster scored the maximum amount of points possible by going 4-0 against both their opponents. Combined with their dominating round one performance, KT looked to be unstoppable. But in week two, the tides seem to have changed. Not only did they struggle against Team 8, a supposedly much weaker team, they were all-killed by free in one of the shortest series in Proleague history. It just goes to show how volatile the all-kill format can be and that almost anyone can beat anyone else in this league.
STX Soul (-3 points, -1)
While Samsung Khan was the clear weakest team in round one, STX Soul is giving them a run for their money in round two. With no one on STX Soul stepping up, and their supposed ace, Innovation, holding a 1-4 record this round, things are not looking good for the team with soul. In Fantasy Proleague, it's actually becoming quite a viable strategy to just trade for players who start against STX and hope they all-kill. After all, it has a 50% success rate so far with P7GAB and Hydra both scoring all-kills against this struggling team.
The Optimal Team
aka Hydra + friends
![[image loading]](/staff/monk/fantasy_proleague/OptimalS1R2W2.png)
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