b) I realize he has said some mean things to other players (others have also, including idra for example)
c) I realize he's said controversial things (Stephano spoke of getting it on with a 14 yr old, Incontrol)
But damnit his GAMES are fun to watch. They will draw some people back to sc2 the hardcore fans will always stay but the ones who just wanted to be entertained might come back as well. I used to watch destiny's stream several hours a day, now he's playing LoL, Nick Plott is also starting to commentate LoL... the community is growing smaller, blizzard isn't doing enough to fix it and it's worrisome.
It would be nice to get some of those players back that made games fun to watch.
I was told by some mod that I needed to post more to be respected on this forum and so that's what I intend on doing. I will keep posting about this until I am permitted to have a frank discussion with the community about something that I think will help it.
that is my goal, for there to be interest in sc2 again. If the TL Mods keep shutting down, I will probably just be done with sc2. I've invested a lot of time and a lot of money into esports and honestly if the community that's supposed to be encouraging it to grow is shutting down all topics where genuine points are being raised and discussed then maybe its time to forget about all this.