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Banners by MoonBear
IGN Pro League 4 at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Official Home of the IPL
IGN Stream
Official Riot Portal
Official Brackets
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Bruce 'Rivington the 3rd' Bisland
Potentially some player guests!
Prize Pool
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1st place: $25,000
2nd place: $12,500
3rd place: $5,000
4th place: $2,500
5th place: $1,250
6th place: $1,250
7th place: $1,250
8th place: $1,250
Teams (ordered by seed)
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Original - #1-4 IPL3 followed by #1-4 IPL4 Qual
New - #1 IPL3, #1 Qual, #2 IPL3, #2 Qual, etc.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9HnUP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5khuT.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7BN6P.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VhfGj.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sZIWt.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dl7QL.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1IMfk.png)
Friday, Apr 06 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
17:00 GMT (+00:00)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VhfGj.png)
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CLG (blue) - Karthus, Ashe, Kennen
aAa - Ryze, Udyr, Ahri
CLG - Shen, Sona Corki, Anivia LeeSin
aAa - Janna Nocturne, TF Ezreal, Nidalee
Game 2
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CLG - Ashe, Karthus, Kennen
aAa (blue) - Ryze, Ahri, Shen
CLG - Janna Corki, Anivia Shyvana, Gangplank
aAa - Udyr, Leona Urgot, Fizz Talon
Game 3
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CLG - aAa
CLG 2:0 aAa
CLG moves on to winners semifinals!
17:00 GMT (+00:00) (not on stream)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7BN6P.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sZIWt.png)
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EG (blue) - Maokai, Kog'Maw, Alistar
Curse - Vladimir, Vayne, Udyr
EG - Ryze, Nunu Shen, Nocturne Kayle
Curse - Morgana LeeSin, Leona Corki, Dr.Mundo
Game 2
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EG (blue) - Ryze, Alistar, Kog'Maw
Curse - Vladimir, Vayne, Udyr
EG - Shen, Janna Tristana, Jarvan Ziggs
Curse - Veigar LeeSin, Leona Graves, Dr.Mundo
Game 3
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EG - Curse
EG 0:2 Curse
Curse moves on to winners semifinals!
21:00 GMT (+00:00) (Game 1 and half of Game 2 not on stream)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9HnUP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dl7QL.png)
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Dignitas - Udyr, Cassiopeia, Urgot
Mono (blue) - Karthus, Corki, Maokai
Dignitas - Dr.Mundo Ryze, Ashe Soraka, Vladimir
Mono - LeeSin, Morgana Kog'Maw, Janna Olaf
Game 2
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Dignitas (blue) - Udyr, Olaf, Urgot
Mono - Cassiopeia, LeeSin, Karthus
Dignitas - Kog'Maw, Ryze Dr.Mundo, Soraka Lulu
Mono - Irelia Morgana, Jarvan Corki, Janna
Game 3
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Dignitas - Udyr, Urgot, Cassiopeia
Mono (blue) - Karthus, Kog'Maw, Ryze
Dignitas - Olaf Corki, Taric Dr.Mundo, Soraka
Mono - LeeSin, Janna Riven, Morgana Graves
+ Show Spoiler +
Dignitas - Mono
Dignitas - Mono
Dignitas 2:1 Mono
Dignitas moves on to winners semifinals!
21:00 GMT (+00:00)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5khuT.png)
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TSM (blue) - Alistar, Shen, Soraka
v8 - LeeSin, Dr.Mundo, Udyr
TSM - Janna, Galio Kog'Maw, Shyvana Olaf
v8 - Kennen Maokai, Tristana Lulu, Vladimir
Game 2
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TSM - Alistar, Shen, Udyr
v8 (blue) - LeeSin, Olaf, Vladimir
TSM - Kog'Maw Janna, Kennen Nocturne, Singed
v8 - Dr.Mundo, Graves Leona, Sion Morgana
Game 3
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+ Show Spoiler +
TSM - v8
TSM 2:0 v8
TSM moves on to winners semifinals!
01:00 GMT (+00:00) (Game 1 and half of Game 2 not on stream)
Winners Semifinal #1
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9HnUP.png)
Game 1
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CLG (blue) - Corki, Olaf, Ryze
Dignitas - Udyr, Shen, Janna
CLG - LeeSin, Alistar Vayne, Anivia Nidalee
Dignitas - Kog'Maw Dr.Mundo, Soraka Taric, Fizz
Game 2
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CLG - Shen, Olaf, Ryze
Dignitas (blue) - Udyr, Nidalee, Janna
CLG - LeeSin Corki, Leona Ahri, Gangplank
Dignitas - Kog'Maw, Dr.Mundo Soraka, Taric Lulu
Game 3
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CLG - Ryze, Corki, Olaf
Dignitas - Udyr, Nidalee, Shen
CLG - LeeSin, Vayne Alistar, Anivia Gangplank
Dignitas - Kog'Maw Janna, Soraka Dr.Mundo, Lulu
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CLG - Dignitas
CLG - Dignitas
CLG 1:2 Dignitas
Dignitas moves on to winners finals!
01:00 GMT (+00:00)
Winners Semifinal #2
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sZIWt.png)
Game 1
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TSM (blue) - Alistar, Morgana, Shen
Curse - Galio, Olaf, Kog'Maw
TSM - Janna, Udyr LeeSin, Cassiopeia Urgot
Curse - Nunu Kayle, Gangplank Dr.Mundo, Veigar
Game 2
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TSM (blue) - Alistar, Morgana, Shen
Curse - Galio, Cassiopeia, Udyr
TSM - Ryze, Soraka Kog'Maw, Dr.Mundo Olaf
Curse - Vladimir Leona, Corki Nocturne, Karthus
Game 3
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TSM - Curse
TSM 2:0 Curse
TSM moves on to winners finals!
+ Show Spoiler [Recommended games/Summary] +
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Game 2
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Game 3
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No (2)
If you have time (1)
29 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Dignitas vs. Mono Game 3?
Soraka gets caught by blue and gives Mono FB. Riven steals the blue and goes top to gank Olaf after clearing her own jungle. Mundo fails a gank top and Mono responds with 2 more successful ganks on Olaf. Dignitas goes for a gank bot with Soraka and they get a kill on Graves. Mono is just snowballing in all lanes from those early kills and they get a few dragons as well as Dignitas' blues. Mono has a 14-5 kill and 13k gold lead by 24 min. A big fight happens around baron and Mono couldn't burst Corki fast enough so he cleans up the fight. Dignitas takes another good baron fight and they take the next baron. Dignitas finishes the comeback with a big fight in Mono's jungle and take the game
Riot Summary
TSM vs. v8
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Yes (5)
No (3)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. v8 Game 1?
Curse invades TSM's bot jungle but only ended up stalling their wraiths. Shyvana then goes on to steal v8's wraiths while Galio takes TSM's first blue. TSM hides around v8's red and both teams' top, mid, and jungler converge to give TSM a 2-0 lead. TSM goes and takes v8's red with Olaf and TSM gets a kill mid with a 3 man gank. An aggressive blue invade by TSM goes wrong as v8 reinforces Maokai and they get a kill on Janna. Galio goes top for a gank on Vlad and TSM takes out the first tower of the game, but v8 takes dragon in the meantime. TSM dives mid and gets a kill but Olaf also gets killed by Vlad. TSM has a 6k gold and 6-2 kill advantage at 22 min. TSM goes for dragon at 23 min and v8 chases them. Olaf gets a triple kill while Tristana gets a double - TSM comes out on top by getting the ace. TSM has an overwhelming advantage over v8 (>13k gold) and they take baron along with the mid inhb at 29 min. TSM then goes on to push down the other inhibs and take the game.
Game 2
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No (1)
If you have time (1)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. v8 Game 2?
TSM goes for an invade to v8's blue but a good ward by v8 helps them catch 3 of TSM and this gives them 2 kills by 2 min. Singed runs a bit too far ahead but a gank from Mundo gets v8 another kill. Morgana goes for a gank top and gives v8 a 4-0 lead. v8 has a 6k gold and 8-3 kill lead by 30 min. v8 baits baron but they get caught by TSM, giving them 3 kills and the baron. Singed gets caught facechecking v8's wraith bush and this gives v8 the chance to take down TSM's mid inhib. However TSM gets to take the next baron right as v8 comes to stop them and they clean up the fight with Kog'Maw as the lone survivor. TSM then catches Sion and Morgana mid and aces v8 for the win.
Riot Summary
CLG vs. aAa
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+ Show Spoiler +
Yes (8)
31 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs aAa Game 1?
CLG goes to invade aAa's red and steal it but this leaves their red vulnerable for Nocturne to steal it himself. Very passive early game with no kills until the 10 minute mark. CLG went for the dragon but it gets stolen by Nocturne's smite - Lee Sin got too low from the dragon and was caught by aAa for FB. A few small skirmishes around mid leads to no kills but both teams take down a few towers to keep the game close. aAa was split up at 24 min so CLG goes for baron. aAa tried to poke them down and steal it but SV gets the smite off and CLG takes down Nocturne. aAa goes for another dragon and they take it but CLG catches them with a good Shen taunt and they get 3 kills. CLG goes for their standard split push with Shen while the other 4 dances around baron against aAa. Nocturne goes in for a premature ult and aAa loses 4 and bot inhib in that engagement. CLG takes another baron and 3 inhibs with the next fight.
Game 2
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Yes (12)
If you have time (6)
34 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. aAa Game 2?
CLG switches up the lanes to mess with aAa's aggressive team comp and they succeed early by denying aAa cs. Shyvana goes for a dive with GP on Urgot and gives CLG FB but GP goes down to the tower. CLG gets another kill on Urgot with a Shyvana gank but aAa answers with a Corki kill with a gank from Udyr. CLG takes a dragon but a large teamfight erupts and aAa gets a kill to even out the kill count to 3-3. Small fights go on all over the map but aAa just couldn't get enough burst damage to kill someone from CLG and back off. CLG gets a ace while losing no one at 26 min and pretty much takes the game.
Riot Summary
EG vs. Curse
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Riot Summary
Winners Semifinal #1
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Game 1
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Game 2
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No (0)
If you have time (0)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. Dignitas Game 2?
CLG has an early lead but Dignitas' heal/protect Kog'Maw comp makes it so that he is so hard to kill that CLG always gets cleaned up.
Game 3
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No (4)
If you have time (1)
20 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. Dignitas Game 3?
CLG gets FB on Lulu with a good headbutt-pulv from Alistar. They then go for a dive on top but a tp from Lulu gets Dignitas 2 kills and they chase down Vayne for a minute to get a third kill. By midgame CLG just does not have enough damage to take down all the shields/heals from Dignitas and Dignitas takes a 5-0 exchange at baron. Dignitas then pushes in the inhibs and takes the game.
Riot Summary
Winners Semifinal #2
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Game 1
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Yes (5)
If you have time (1)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. Curse Game 1?
TSM gets to steal Curse's first blue and Cassiopeia gets FB with a gank bot. TSM goes for the first dragon but a good GP ult and Veigar stun stops the dragon and gives Curse a kill on Cassiopeia. Mundo also dies to wolves for some reason after both teams retreated from each other. Soon after Kayle gets caught by dragon and this gives TSM the first dragon. Cass and Veigar 1v1 in mid and they trade kills with the burst of Veigar and poison/ignite from Cass. Both teams go for the next dragon and TSM gets 3 kills while losing no one. Lee Sin then solos GP top but Curse gets a kill bot on Urgot. TSM has been able to pick off Curse members as they push out or transition from lane to lane so they have a 9-3 lead by 23 min. TSM baits baron as Lee Sin and GP are facing off each other bot and a big fight leads to TSM coming out on top 4-1. TSM has an immense lead and they pretty much takes the game
Game 2
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No (2)
If you have time (0)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. Curse Game 2?
TSM decides to give their first blue to Ryze while Mundo goes to invade Curse's red. Mundo catches Nocturne at red and steals it while forcing Nocturne to flash away. A quick combo from Vlad/Karthus once they hit 6 gives Curse FB. Curse then takes dragon and a kill on Kog as he runs to check river. Curse has the lead going into the mid game but TSM slowly comes back by baiting baron and taking favourable exchanges. They finally gets an advantage when Mundo runs into Curse with his ult on and they force Curse to split. This gives Ryze the chance to root Karthus for a quick kill and TSM takes baron. However Curse comes back a little when they catch Kog mid and take a 2-1 exchange. TSM returns the favour and catches 2 from Curse mid and they push for the win.
Riot Summary
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2hYQo.png)
Saturday, Apr 07 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
17:00 GMT (+00:00)
Losers Round 1 #1
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dl7QL.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VhfGj.png)
Game 1
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Mono (blue) - Karthus, Kennen, Ashe
aAa - Morgana, Shen, LeeSin
Mono - Cassiopeia, Olaf Taric, Riven Urgot
aAa - Janna Corki, Maokai Anivia, Renekton
Game 2
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Mono - Karthus, Kennen, Ashe
aAa (blue) - Urgot, Cassiopeia, Shen
Mono - LeeSin Kog'Maw, Ryze Taric, Olaf
aAa - Morgana, Udyr Janna, Corki Nocturne
Game 3
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+ Show Spoiler +
Mono - aAa
Mono 2:0 aAa
Monomaniac moves on to Losers Round 2!
17:00 GMT (+00:00) (Game 1 not on stream)
Losers Round 1 #2
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7BN6P.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5khuT.png)
Game 1
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EG (blue) - Morgana, Udyr, Kog'Maw
v8 - Shen, LeeSin, Janna
EG - Dr.Mundo, Nunu Graves, Ahri Vladimir
v8 - Soraka Corki, Malphite Kennen, Ezreal
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
EG (blue) - Morgana, Udyr, Kog'Maw
v8 - Shen, LeeSin, Janna
EG - Corki, Soraka Maokai, Riven Vladimir
v8 - Dr.Mundo Kennen, Tristana Leona, Malphite
Game 3
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+ Show Spoiler +
EG - v8
EG 0:2 v8
v8 moves on to Losers Round 2!
22:45 GMT (+00:00)
Losers Round 2 #1
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dl7QL.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sZIWt.png)
Game 1
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Mono (blue) - Alistar, Morgana, Shen
Curse - Cassiopeia, Olaf, Ryze
Mono - Lee Sin, Taric Urgot, Riven Gragas
Curse - Kog'Maw Janna, Galio Vladimir, Jax
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
Mono (blue) - Galio, Karthus, Alistar
Curse - Cassiopeia, Olaf, Ryze
Mono - Kog'Maw, Vladimir Janna, Dr.Mundo Ahri
Curse - Shen Morgana, Nunu Nocturne, Vayne
Game 3
+ Show Spoiler +
Mono (blue) - Karthus, Galio, Ahri
Curse - Cassiopeia, Olaf, Kog'Maw
Mono - Ryze, Corki Janna, Riven Nidalee
Curse - Alistar Morgana, Tristana Leona, Vladimir
+ Show Spoiler +
Mono - Curse
Mono - Curse
Mono 2:1 Curse
Monomaniac moves on to Losers Round 3!
21:00 GMT (+00:00)
Losers Round 2 #2
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5khuT.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
Game 1
+ Show Spoiler +
v8 - Nidalee, LeeSin, Dr.Mundo
CLG (blue) - Morgana, Leona, Kennen
v8 - Janna Udyr, Kog'Maw Ahri, Malphite
CLG - Shen, Sona Shyvana, Ryze Vayne
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
v8 (blue) - Nidalee, LeeSin, Udyr
CLG - Shen, Morgana, Kennen
v8 - Dr.Mundo, Soraka Kog'Maw, Sion Karthus
CLG - Janna Shyvana, Vayne Ryze, Irelia
Game 3
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+ Show Spoiler +
v8 - CLG
v8 0:2 CLG
CLG moves on to Losers Round 3!
01:00 GMT (+00:00) (not on stream)
Losers Round 3
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dl7QL.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
Game 1
+ Show Spoiler +
Mono (blue) - Shen, Nidalee, Udyr
CLG - Cassiopeia, Riven, Ryze
Mono - Olaf, Taric Morgana, Kog'Maw Rumble
CLG - Shyvana Janna, Corki Ahri, Irelia
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
Mono (blue) - Shen, Nidalee, Udyr
CLG - Riven, Cassiopeia, Ryze
Mono - Janna, LeeSin Vladimir, MissFortune Olaf
CLG - Shyvana Ahri, Corki Leona, Cho'Gath
Game 3
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+ Show Spoiler +
CLG moves on to Losers Finals!
Mono takes 4th place at IPL4!
01:00 GMT (+00:00)
Winners Finals
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9HnUP.png)
Game 1
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TSM - Soraka, Lulu, Kog'Maw
Dignitas (blue) - Udyr, Urgot, Ashe
TSM - Karthus Janna, Nocturne Graves, Vladimir
Dignitas - LeeSin, Dr.Mundo Corki, Taric Ryze
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
TSM (blue) - Lulu, Soraka, Karthus
Dignitas - Udyr, Vladimir, Olaf
TSM - Kog'Maw, Dr.Mundo Taric, Ryze Renekton
Dignitas - Janna LeeSin, Nocturne Urgot, Anivia
Game 3
+ Show Spoiler +
TSM - Soraka, Lulu, Dr.Mundo
Dignitas (blue) - Vlad, Karth, Udyr
TSM - Janna Urgot, Olaf Shyvana, Ryze
Dignitas - Nocturne, LeeSin Kog'Maw, Anivia Taric
+ Show Spoiler +
TSM - Dignitas
TSM - Dignitas
TSM 2:1 Dignitas
TSM moves on to the Grand Finals!
Dignitas drops to play in the Losers Finals.
+ Show Spoiler [Recommended games/Summary] +
+ Show Spoiler +
Game 1
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No (4)
If you have time (2)
21 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Mono vs. aAa Game 1?
Mono invades aAa's blue and almost catches Corki but a good phosphorus bomb and flash saves him from FB. Maokai and Anivia try for a gank mid on Cassiopeia but a good combo from Cass leaves Anivia's egg on miasma and minion fire kills her. aAa tries for the Maokai-Anivia gank on Cass again but Anivia dies to poison/minion fire again and Maokai gets low so Olaf just runs by and kills him with true damage. Riven was also able to solo Renekton to give Mono a 4-0 lead. Mono's mid game is questionable as Cass gets caught 3 times trying to steal wraiths and this gives aAa a bit more momentum. However aAa forgets how quickly Cass can take down baron and Mono takes it and Renekton + Corki as they try to steal it. Mono then has the advantage they needed to take down the game.
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
Yes (3)
No (2)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Mono vs. aAa Game 2?
Mono invades aAa's blue and catches Nocturne for FB. However they tried to steal blue and aAa went in and caught Lee Sin for a revenge kill. Nocturne goes to gank top with Udyr and they get a kill on Lee Sin but Olaf comes in and double kills them to give Mono a 3-2 lead. aAa gets to pick off a few Mono members with some good dark bindings but Mono has been able to take dragons so the game is fairly even by 18 min. aAa tried to be sneaky around Mono's blue jungle but Corki gets caught by Ryze's prison and Taric's stun. Then Mono catches Morgana with a Lee Sin kick on Udyr so they take this time to take baron. Mono gets a bit too aggressive on their mid push and they aAa takes them out to even out the game a bit. But Mono's ability to team fight was just too much for aAa and they had to surrender after losing a 2 more baron fights.
Riot Summary
Losers Round 1 #2
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Game 1
+ Show Spoiler +
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
Yes (3)
If you have time (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend EG vs. v8 Game 2?
v8 catches Riven standing in top river bush and they get FB on her. Then they gank her with 3 top and get another quick kill before the 3 minute mark. v8 camped Riven so she starts 03 and EG wastes some time trying to get Mundo but his jukes and his ult saves him. In the meantime v8 takes dragon but Vlad gets a solo kill on Kennen. EG's bot then gets kills on both Trist and Leona when they try to go a bit too aggressively. EG takes the next dragon and they take down 2 of v8 when they tried to initiate with Leona/Malphite ults. Mundo takes down a tier 2 tower top while this fight is going on. v8 catches Vlad and Soraka by mid tower and they kill them so they take baron. Then EG gets an ace on v8 as they go after the mid inhib even though v8 had baron buff. Both teams fight for the next baron and EG gets aced and v8 pushes to take the game.
Riot Summary
Losers Round 2 #1
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Game 1
+ Show Spoiler +
Game 2
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If you have time (1)
No (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Curse vs. Mono Game 2?
Curse takes a really early lead but the power of Kog'Maw carries Mono back into the game. Key point: Kog and Ahri was able to 2 man baron as Curse recalled after Curse took a 3-2 exchange near Mono's base.
Game 3
+ Show Spoiler +
Riot Summary
Losers Round #2
+ Show Spoiler +
Game 1
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No (6)
If you have time (2)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. v8 Game 1?
CLG gets FB as Udyr checks the top river brush before minions spawn. Then they gank top with Shyvana and get another 2 kills on Udyr. Then Shyvana gets behind Kog and Janna and CLG gets 2 kills with a Shen-ulting 4 man gank. CLG has a 9-0 6k gold lead by 15 min. The game wasn't even close as v8 surrenders at 22 min.
Game 2
+ Show Spoiler +
If you have time (1)
No (0)
46 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. v8 Game 2?
v8 tries for a base race but a clutch Janna ult prevents them from taking it in time so the rest of CLG could get in there and kill them.
Riot Summary
Losers Round 3
+ Show Spoiler +
Winners Finals
+ Show Spoiler +
Game 1
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No (6)
If you have time (1)
27 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. Dignitas Game 1?
Passive early game until TSM sees Ryze and Mundo back so they take an easy dragon. Then Lee Sin dies to a dive from Nocturne and Vlad with some help from Karthus. TSM camps top and just as Lee Sin gets a bit aggressive Nocturne and Karthus ults him for the second kill of the game. Dignitas hurts TSM's bot and they get to take the 2nd dragon for free. But TSM responds by invading Dignitas' blue and they get 2 more kills while losing no one. Corki then gets a 2v2 kill on Janna for Dignitas' first kill. A big fight happens around dragon and both teams exchange 4 for 4. Then Dignitas gets to the dragon first and they take it but they lose 4 while only killing 1. TSM then baits a baron fight and they come out on top because Karthus was so strong and he killed Corki at 40% with his ult. Dignitas stalls the baron push a bit by baiting Graves and exploded him in less than a second. Dignitas tried to lay a trap in TSM's blue jungle (bot tri brush) but TSM just didn't run that way and Karthus flashed into Dignitas and walled them just as they tried to run away. This gives Vlad and the rest of TSM all the time they needed to clean up. At this point Dignitas tried to go for a desperate baron and they get it but they lose 4 so they surrender to end the game.
Game 2
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If you have time (2)
14 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. Dignitas Game 2?
TSM playing aggressive early so they have cs advantage but a good gank from Nocturne top gets Dignitas FB on Renekton. Nocturne gets another gank off mid for Anivia but he gets killed by a snare in tower range by Anivia. Dignitas gets anouther kill bot with a Urgot swap and Nocturne ult. Kog tries to be sneaky on Urgot after Dignitas takes dragon but he doesn't get the kill and gets caught by Anivia instead. Lee Sin takes a solo kill on Renekton while Dignitas gets a successful dive bot to get 3 kills. This gives them a 9-1 kill lead. However TSM goes for a sneaky baron and they get it so Dignitas responds by taking dragon. Dignitas has a big level advantage over TSM and they catch Renekton on top lane right as baron respawns so they take baron along with a few kills. TSM then surrenders as they get aced in their base
Game 3
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If you have time (7)
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19 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. Dignitas Game 3?
Dignitas has an early lead with kills on Kog and feeding from Urgot but TSM pulls it back with good team fights around baron and clutch exhausts on Kog. Then Nocturnce always jump in too quickly so TSM picks him off and was able to dismantle the other members in a 5v4.
Riot Summary
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Z5CQG.png)
Sunday, Apr 08 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
17:00 GMT (+00:00)
Losers Finals
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9HnUP.png)
Game 1
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CLG (blue) - Lulu, Soraka, Ryze
Dignitas - Udyr, Shen, Nidalee
CLG - Janna, Shyvana Anivia, Cho'Gath Vayne
Dignitas - Dr.Mundo Kog'Maw, Taric Karthus, Jax
Game 2
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CLG (blue) - Lulu, Soraka, Ryze
Dignitas - Udyr, Shen, Anivia
CLG - Janna, Shyvana Kog'Maw, Nidalee Caitlyn
Dignitas - Dr.Mundo Corki, Mordekaiser Nunu, LeeSin
Game 3
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CLG - Dignitas
CLG 2:0 Dignitas
CLG moves on to the Grand Finals!
Dignitas takes 3rd place at IPL4.
21:00 GMT (+00:00)
Grand Finals
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
Game 1
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TSM - Shen, Janna, Nidalee
CLG (blue) - Nocturne, Kennen, Galio
TSM - Kog'Maw Dr.Mundo, Soraka Vladimir, Karthus
CLG - Udyr, Alistar Vayne, Anivia Cho'Gath
Game 2
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TSM - Shen, Janna, Udyr
CLG (blue) - Nocturne, Galio, Kennen
TSM - Urgot Taric, Dr.Mundo LeeSin, Ryze
CLG - Shyvana, Soraka Corki, Ahri Nidalee
Game 3
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CLG defeats TSM to take the Grand Finals to an extended series.
23:30 GMT (+00:00)
Grand Finals (extended series if nevessary)
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/g9FRs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9EAmY.png)
Game 1
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TSM - Janna, Shen, Nidalee
CLG (blue) - Nocturne, Kennen, Galio
TSM - Soraka Udyr, Ryze Ashe, Vladimir
CLG - Shyvana, Vayne Alistar, Cho'Gath Anivia
Game 2
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TSM - Janna, Shen, Udyr
CLG (blue) - Nocturne, Galio, Kennen
TSM - Ashe Soraka, Maokai Vladimir, Cassiopeia
CLG - Shyvana, Sona Graves, Olaf Ryze
Game 3
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TSM is the winner of IPL4!
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Game 1
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If you have time (3)
No (0)
24 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. Dignitas (Losers Finals) Game 1?
CLG invades and steals Dign's red. Shyvana goes to gank top with a tower dive but a good E from Jax saves him and almost takes down Shyv. Even Anivia comes top to help out but Voyboy jukes all of them and holds them off. Dig responds with a successful Mundo gank top for FB. Dignitas pushed CLG's bot out and took the time to take the first dragon. Vayne and Janna chases down Kog bot and get the kill but a good tp from Jax gives him a double kill as they retreat. Shyvana goes for a gank bot on Kog and they get the kill so CLG pushes bot for the first tower. Dignitas tried to 3 man gank Cho but he jukes them around the tower so he got Jax low enough to feast him. Then Dignitas switch Cho and Vayne and push down the top tower. CLG has been pushing well but Dignitas holds them back until Dignitas gets a 4 man gank on Vayne (with Jax tp). CLG tries to save him but they lose 4 instead. For some reason Cho goes to farm bot so this gives Dignitas plenty of time to take a free baron while Karthus' wall stalls the rest of CLG. Dignitas does get to do too much with their baron buff since Anivia is very good and defending their push. Karthus gets caught by an Anivia wall and CLG jumps at this chance to take him out quickly. Dig then had to run into an unfavourable fight so Vayne was able to kite them all to give CLG a 4-1 exchange. CLG takes baron and pushes down all of Dign's non base towers. Dignitas tries to trap CLG as they steal Dignitas' red but this goes poorly for them and they lose another 4-1 exchange. CLG baits baron and they take it while taking down 4 of Dignitas so they take the game.
Game 2
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No (4)
If you have time (0)
21 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. Dignitas (Losers Finals) Game 2?
CLG goes for their standard poke comp. Dignitas takes FB on Cait with a Mundo gank. Both mids trade kills mid with a good series of hits on Morde but the Morde ult and a tower hit. Mundo spends a lot of time ganking top so Shyvana uses this chance to steal Dignitas' red. Kog gets a solo kill o Morde mid while a Mundo gank top goes wrong as they tower die Nidalee to trade 1 for 1. Dignitas starts dragon but Shyv comes in to steal it with smite and both teams trade 2 kills each. Dig 4 man dives bot so CLG uses this chance to do a lot of damage to top and mid tower. Lee Sin tries to fight Shyv top but a good Nidalee tp supports gets CLG a kill. At the same time Kog gets a bit too far hitting the tower and didn't check bot bush so he gets ambushed. CLG starts their poke strat and they take down 2 mid towers. Corki and Nunu tries to falnk from behind but CLG was ready and they melt them before anyone goes down. This gives CLG the mid inhib since Dig can't defend 3v5. Dig tries to chase Nidalee but they get caught in their own jungle instead and CLG just pushes down top inhib. Dig knows they need to get something done so they engage but Lee Sin gets destroyed really quickly and CLG got to kite them very well so they come out ahead in the fight. CLG pretty much gets to slowly push while Shyv and Cait 2 man baron.Two good spears on Corki and Morde ends the game.
Riot Summary
Grand Finals
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Set 1
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No (5)
If you have time (4)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. CLG Game 1?
CLG invades blue with the whole team and they take it along with TSM's wolves. Mundo starts red and runs to take CLG's blue before Udyr gets back. A good gank from Udyr gets CLG FB. TSM tries to steal CLG's 2nd blue but CLG's top and mid converge to get a kill on Karthus. TSM gets a revenge kill on Cho though. Anivia lands a good wall by TSM's mid tower and gets a solo kill on Karthus. TSM converges 5 on dragon but CLG catches on and they catch Soraka as she tries to join the rest of her team by dragon. However TSM finishes off the dragon and get 2 kills in the process. Both teams gank mid and CLG comes out on top with a double kill for Udyr. CLG uses this chance to take 2 mid towers. TSM takes another dragon to get closer on the gold but CLG 4 man pushes the bot outer tower. CLG is able to zone out TSM and they sneak in a 2 man baron with Vayne and Udyr. CLG has all the non base towers down but TSM catches Alistar to delay the push into their base. CLG has too big of an advantage so they take the game.
Game 2
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Yes (3)
If you have time (2)
19 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TSM vs. CLG Game 2?
TSM runs as 5 at the beginning and uses a lot of summoners to chase down Shyvana for FB. Ahri gets a solo kill on Ryze so the kills are even by 3 min. Mundo goes top to get a successful gank on Nidalee but CLG responds with a 4 man gank on Taric bot to even things out. Ryze comes to gank Nidalee but she's lvl 6 by now and pounces all the way to TSM's base for an execution. Ryze tries to gank Nidalee from behind but CLG had a good ward in the river so they counter gank with Ahri and Shyvana so they get 2 more kills. The rest of TSM uses this time to take dragon. TSM tries to bait baron a few times but they had no oracles so CLG knows what they are doing. This gives CLG the time to initiate with Shyvana ult and they ace TSM as well as take baron. CLG pushes down bot inhib and takes down 3 which leads to TSM surrendering.
Riot Summary
Set 2
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No (6)
If you have time (5)
29 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. TSM (Extended) Game 1?
TSM takes an early advantage but CLG keeps it close by having Vayne split push bot inhib while the rest of CLG stalls TSM's first baron push. However their split pushers get caught a few minutes later and TSM takes the game.
Game 2
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No (4)
Yes (3)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend CLG vs. TSM (Extended) Game 2?
CLG takes an early lead bot with 3 kills on Ashe but they couldn't take advantage of it to make something happen. CLG then tries to go for a split push by switching Vayne top but this gives Ashe time to free farm against a no damage Olaf. Every time Shyvana or Vayne tries to split push, Ashe was there to catch them and this gives TSM the confidence to take over map control and eventually barons. CLG has no answer to this and TSM slowly pushes down the inhibs and take the win.
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Day 2
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Day 3
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Riot Videos
Interview (Much thanks to MoonBear)
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Rivington: So coming into the first game,what was going through you mind when you saw you were against that global comp?
HSGG: Since IEM, we know that Moma likes to play Karthus so we banned it. We were surprised that they didn't ban Shen. They were probably like: "Oh, this guys sucks at Shen, it doesn't matter if we give it to him", hahaha.
Rivington: So have you been working on Shen since then I guess?
HSGG: Yeah, I've been practising Shen a lot. I used to build him wrong and play him improperly but it's much better now.
Rivington: So how was the Anivia pick working for you in both of those games then?
HSGG: Jiji is a really good Anivia and he's been playing it for a long time. One of his walls zoned like 4 people in one of the games, it was ridiculous. And that then let us pick off people one by one however we wanted to.
Rivington: One of your things is not prioritising Dragon. You don't feel like fight for it if it's bad for you. You gave up a lot of early game control first game.
HSGG: We fell behind on global gold, but so long as Shen is strong enough to 1v1 splitpush and the other 4 don't get caught, then it all works out. So it was fine for us, we didn't mind.
Rivington: Fizz was an interesting pick from aAa. Do you have any thoughts on it?
HSGG: Fizz is a really bad pick in a 1v2 lane so we forced them to sent Leona there. Our lanes weren;t like that. We pulled a lane against the assassin comp, and then they were forced to respond to us rather than being able to make plays.
Rivington: So then how else did you prepare for the lane swap and make sure you had the advantage from it? You were running TP on GP.
HSGG: We have an advantage due to the positoning on the map from TP. That means we can force initiatives, pressure the map, take dragon. And then we have TP pressure late game as well, like I can go top after a fight and push it in or fight Urgot bottom and then suddenly appear elsewhere.
Rivington: aAa travelled here, long flight, maybe jetlag. So it's affected their play. Same for you coming from Korea. Monomatic has been talked about a lot. Big up and coming contenders from the qualifiers. Do you have any thoughts? Are you scared?
HSGG: It's tough this IPL with the competition. Dignitas is looking really strong, TSM is an accomplished team. Curse is also really good. Those would be my picks for this tournament I think.
Rivington: So what do you do at night at Vegas?
HSGG: Nights were we don't have games, wedo whatever we want. But we learnt from New York that partying before a match is not a good ting hahah
Rivington: Do you have any plans? We know you don't normally ever say
HSGG: Hm yeah. The thing is that since we were overseas people haven't seen us play a lot of champions because due to the ping we don't play champions with skillshots
Rivington: So with the trip to Koera, how has thjat helped out
HSGG: We came in to Korea rusty because we didn't have eberythgin set up. Once we had everything set up, and we got a lot of help from our friend locodoco
Rivington: So how did it work? Was it mlike hey they're more aggressive
HSGG: They're just like, really really really aggressive. They don't take into consideration the jungle unless they have the lanes really punned down.
Rivington: You guys have moving plans
HSGG: We're going back to Korea after this, but we''re also considering a gaming house in California
aAa Interview with Moma
Rivington: So how are you feeling after those games then?
Moma: We're disappointed. It could have gone so much better but we lost straight up 2:0.
Rivington: You're probably feeling tired. When did you get in to Vegas then?
Moma: Yesterday. We used the time to check out the place and prepare. We thought we were good to play against CLG but then they have good midgame and get the Nashor and lose first game.
Rivington: So the global team comp in the first game, why didn't you use Shen? You didn't ban Shen?
Moma: We totally forgot about Shen. We thought we could handle it. In the IEM, we played Nidalee against Shen and destroyed him but it didn't work this game and we couldn't catch him and we lost. We couldn't initate on them and then we lose.
Rivington: Being a dominant Fizz player, and understabding how it works, wthey chose to 2v1 you. How do you pkay that?
Moma: There's no way to actually counter it. nRated needed to come up and support me. It's ok after level 6 but until then it's dso bad. He does so much dame to me with the AD Carry to we needed to do something. It was ok, but then we got aced at one stupid point and it was over then.
Rivington: It seemed like you guys had the advantage and momentun early game in both games. You had TF first game, dragons and even stole one.
Moma: It was good. We took dragon and some towers, they took some tpowers. But then Shen was always splitpushing, and always escape with ghost on Shen and then we can't catch him. We can't initate on them
Rivington: So the split push was a problem. You lose a lot of dps trying to stop
Do you have anything planned that you haven't shown on others
Moma: We don't actually have anything planned. We were so focused on beating CLG the past few days. We need to wait and see who we face before we do anything.
Curse Interview with Elementz
Rivington: So we didn't see
Elementz: They surprised us with a Kayle Nunu pick bottom lae and first blooded Pobelter top. But we managed to push in bot and denied Kayle cs. We took a Dragno advantage and then in mid-game fights we have a farm advantage and then
Elementz: Yeah, the Kayle Nunu worked really well and they could really kill us haha. Second game, Pobelter got camped top hahahaha.
Rivington: So he doesn't come to touraments much
Elementz: Yeah haha. He was playing Lee Sin
Elementz: Both games we banned Vlad, Udyr and Vayne.
Elementz: They banned Kogmaw, Mayokai, and I can't remember the other one.
Rivington: How was the dragon control
Elementz: I kept warding their entire side. I had a really good ward control of our bottom side.
Rivington: How do you feel about the comptetitoon?
Elementz: Yeah, we know them. We've played TSM a lot. We know Dignitas. v8 we've played a lot and they're actually pretty good. They might make it far.
Elementz: Last night was pretty passive. We went out for dinner, had a couple of drinks. Then went back and relaxed. Watched a movie haha.
Elementz: We've played 10 or 15 min after CLG started. The casters are loud, can't hear each other haha.
Rivington: What do yo think of the CLG aAa cgame
Elementz: Well, they're similar teams. I mean they have Nidalee poke. I wouldn't give it to either one of them
Rivington: So CLG won that yah. You also had a good showing. Any shoutouts?
Elementz: We have a Facebook thing. We're siging 5 shirts. Facebook, Team Curse. Also, check our lolpro.com
Epik Interview with Nhat Nyugen
Travis: So tell us, how did Game 1 go?
Nhat: They weren't expecting our red invade and then me going top and killing them by going top. It was really bad for Pobelter.
Travis: So what team comp were you running then?
Nhat: Picks that game we were running Shen top, Ryze bot, Nunu+Kayle bot and can't remember our jungler.
Travis: So I guess that first kill was good for your team?
Nhat: Well, after coming bot lane we were at a disadvantage from missing a lot of cs. I know Elementz doesn't run MRes Blues so we tried fighting but it can't work
Travis: Do you remember the bans Game 1?
Nhat: We banned Maokai, Alistar and Kog'maw against them.
Travis: And second game?
Nhat: We had similar bans. We banned Ryze instead of Maokai but they still got picks they wanted like Mundo.
Travis: So what's the thoughts on Lulu the new support? Will she make a splash at IPL?
Nhat: It's really a matchup thing. It really depends on the other picks. Elementz and v8 Muffinqt run it sometimes bot lane.
Travis: So how does she fare compared to other supports then?
Nhat: She can play really aggressive maxing Q Glitterlance first, or play passive with E first with the shield Help, Pix! and use that.
Travis: So what's the new lineup at Epik looking like and how's it looking for you guys? You guys lost Dyrus and Dan recently.
Nhat: We lost Dan in the jungle. We have ClakeeDee in the bot and Mashme in the jungle. We shifted Westrice up top to replace losing Dyrus. ClackeeDee and Mashme, they're really underrated and raw players but they'r e good and they've been doing well for us.
Travis: ClackeeDee is from the fighting game community actually, isn't he? So he's kinda used to LANs then.
Nhat: Yeah, he has a lot of tournament experience.
Travis: So what's the outlook for your next few matches.
Nhat: Well, we have to take it game by game and see who wins TSM against v8
Travis: And thoughts from this set then?
Nhat: Take it one game at a time
Travis: Any predictions for top three IPL then?
Nhat: Just us. Don't care about the other two. I just want us to do good. It's like a personal challenge thing haha.
Travis: Any shoutouts?
Nhat: Shoutout to my team, and hope we do well. And to our sponsors and IPL for running this tournament.
CLG Interview with Doublelift
Travis: So I'm here with Doublelift who I managed to get. For those of you who don't know, he's also my room mate who lives with me in the States and he appears on my show State of the League sometimes too. So Doublelift, how's it going?
Doublelift: Yeah, it's alright. I went to have a shower right after our games and just got back here before you dragged me onto stage.
Travis: So, I've seen the coverage of the OGN Korea Tournament you guys are in. And the production is really good. And you guys have these professional photos on the OGN page.
Doublelift: Yeah, they made us do these photo shoots. So I look like an idiot, like I want a hot dog or something lol.
Travis: Yeah, Hotshot and Chauster were telling me about how they have really strict rules for the OGN tournament.
Doublelift: Yeah, it's harder than playing the matches. When we play, we cuss a lot. It's so hard trying to catch ourselves. If we cuss on national television the station gets fined so we have to be careful. If we cuss we lose a ban and so if we cuss three times we lose all our bans for the next game.
Travis: So I guess send Saint V to rehab then?
Doublelift: Yeah, he needs a lot of help haha.
Travis: So what's like like there in Korea? You guys get along better now?
Doublelift: No, we just argue more than we normally do. The biggest thing from the gaming house we got is that we play against the Koreans. They train all day in like a small closet and play all day. They're really good.
Travis: So if they go out of Korea they'll stomp everyone?
Doublelift: I wouldn't say stomp. But they can rival a lot of the top teams already.
Travis: So how have you guys been getting better? I know you guys lost that game against Xenics and then trained really hard.
Doublelift: So yeah. One time we lost to ManyReason's team and we were all yelling at each other. We were so angry. Like, we almost ended up physically fighting with each other as a result. And then Loco came and said he'd be our coach and help us. So he coached us and went through things with us. Now Saint is our caller and everyone has to listen to him no matter what and not question him. It's like one of the reason we lost to ManyReason.
Travis: I met Jiji earlier and he said how you sleep 14 hrs a day. You slept a lot when you were living with me but I thought that when you went to Korea you'd change and not sleep as much.
Doublelift: Yeah I sleep a lot. But it's not a big deal I mean I get my stuff done haha.
Travis: You don't ever talk to me every since you went over there. It hurts man. You ignore me on Skype and everything. Tell me how everything is over there.
Doublelift: It's like.. wait, what was the question over there? Oh yeah. Like, we lost a lot of things after we went over there. We eat fast food every day haha it's so unhealthy.
Travis: You told me you have a gym nearby.
Doublelift: Well, we thought we had one but we don't. And we're too lazy to go find one.
Travis: I hear you have a crazy landlord?
Doublelift: Our landlord is like an attourney and a doctor at the same time. Like, when he was in Residence which is just before becoming a full doctor, he went to law school at night and studied law. And then we went and because business man afterwards. It's like he does all that and doesn't even become them and do something completely different. The landlord thing is part of his business stuff.
Travis: Is Chauster replacing my spot in your heart? You seem to be really close to him now.
Doublelift: Yeah, I mean he's my support man. We're like real bros. And I don't know how you can replace something that never existed. Haha. Not really. You're still cool. Just joking, you're not haha.
Travis: Wow Doublelift, so mean. I'm just going to end it here before my tears flowing gets broadcast to everyone. So, sponsors shoutouts and anything you want to give?
Doublelift: So shoutout to CLG, everyone who sponsors us in CLG like Razer and Own3D, any of our affiliates and people who work with us. Oh, and Tina.
Dignitas Interview with Voyboy
RedBaron: So tell us about how those games went. You guys had your backs against the wall a lot.
Voyboy: Well, we started off really poorly. Scarra died and I lost my lane and I was stuck between a Rock and a hard place. It was so hard for us but we had to try and scrape through and force it. And then eventually Corki got fed from a whole load of kills and we finally managed to win from there. We had to try everything to keep Corki alive to let us win.
RedBaron: So what was with the Lulu top pic game 2 then?
Voyboy: We had a team comp in mind. Lulu lets Kog move around and Irelia is not as good since the nerfs.
RedBaron: What was going through your team's mind when you were at risk of being 2:0'ed?
Voyboy: It was brutal. When they got like to that stage we were like how was this going so wrong? But we had to pull together and we managed to get through.
RedBaron: Is it something about the practise or mentality that lets you get through?
Voyboy: We friends. If something goes wrong, we don't go ballistic on someone or anything. We just say ok and move on and try to win.
RedBaron: Dignitas has been around on the scene for a while. But you're had a lot of success lately. How's it been like as a player?
Voyboy: I mean like I walk around and people recognise me. I never expected that in a million years from doing something like playing video games.
RedBaron: Is there any particular thing you'd like to see, like someone going "Voyboy I want to have your babies?"
Voyboy: It's be funny haha.
RedBaron: So what are your thoughts on LoL as a competitive game and the scene as a whole?
Voyboy: LoL has shown it's a top E-Sport and Riot has done a good job. And it's been big around the world, like in Taiwan and other places. We want to keep making things happen.
RedBaron: You're still in highschool right? How is it like being a progamer but still having to have school?
Voyboy: Playing competitively with going to school, 8hrs a day, and then doing homework. It's hard. I'm the limiting factor to our team, like they want to practise and I'm like, well, I can't.
RedBaron: Any final shoutouts?
Voyboy: Thanks to our fans for supporting us. Thanks to our sponsors, Intel, Razer and everyone else.
Monomatic Interview with NintendudeX
RedBaron: You guys looked like you were going to win that series. How did it feel not getting it and having the games slip out of your hands?
NintendudeX: We did really well in all three games. We took it to them first game.
RedBaron: You almost carried with Riven in Game 3. What's special about Riven?
NintendudeX: I really like having that mobility and CC and Olafs run Ghost so it's easy to combo everything to kill people.
RedBaron: You guys took out M5, arguably the best team in the world. They're not here because of you. And you've had a lot of other online success. How do you see this tournament?
NintendudeX: We plan on going all the way. And that hasn't changed, even though we lost to Dignitas. We still feel we can go all the way and win this.
RedBaron: So you're playing aAa. Any thoughts on that match up?
NintendudeX: We don't know much about them, but we saw their games against CLG. Can't comment on strategies, but we have ideas planned.
RedBaron: What are your thoughts on the IPL experience so far?
NintendudeX: It's been incredible. Only been here since yesterday but it's amazing. It's our first LAN but we've had an amazing time.
RedBaron: You guys in particular had a lot of big changes, having picked up ZionSpartan and Zigs. How did you guys manage to practise and everything?
NintendudeX: Zion and Zigs are excellent additions. We haven't practised that much but it's been amazing how well we've done. We were really surprised with our performance today and we hope to do even better.
RedBaron: You're the youngest competitive team here, maybe in all of LoL. How do you balance highschool wth LoL?
NintendudeX: It's hard to practise. We have to practise on weekends. It cuts into your social life and makes it hard, but we make it work.
Day 2
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Travis: Did you do research on aAa?
Paradoxical: Yeah, we had a laptop and we loaded up their games from Hannover and IEM and stuff. For the first game, we just copied all of CLG's bans. And then we got away with Zigs's Urgot because they didn't know about us. I think we're really lucky that not many people know about us so don't know what to ban or counterpick.
Travis: How is your first tournament?
Paradoxical: It's a dream really. We're just people who play solo queue. So it's amazing being here.
Travis: So what were you doing last night?
Paradoxical: We just went and got dinner. Panda Express haha.
Travis: Living it big eh?
Paradoxical: Being underage takes a lot of the fun out of it. But thanks to IPL for all of this.
Travis: Dignitas pushed you guys to the loser's bracket. Do you guys see yourself doing well, maybe even the win first LAN you guys ever attend?
Paradoxical: First place would take a lot of work. But we have a chance at top 4 definitely.
Travis: So any shoutouts?
Paradoxical: Shout out to my team and sponsor who fronted the whole trip out of his own pocket. And to Amy.
Travis: And your family? I know they're here.
Paradoxical: Yeah, thansk to them for coming.
Random Interview with Dyrus with Seltzer
Seltzer: What separates you from the other LoL Players?
Dyrus: It's a lot easier to get into than DotA. There's over 70 champions (Chiharu: 93 atm actually) and it changes every week. For someone who is an old school player from Beta it feels like a completely different game.
Seltzer: What are some of the things Riot does to help the competitive scene?
Dyrus: They throw money at it. People want to watch League and they want events. And they make it happen. More people want to watch. People want to be entertained. And it helps me as a streamer. And it helps E-Sports too.
v8 E-Sports Interview with TreeEskimo
Travis: So TreeEski, how are you feeling?
TreeEskimo: I'm great man. We just won our games 2:0 and it's all good.
Travis: So how did the first game go since it wasn't streamed?
TreeEskimo: It was a really interesting game. We did something unconventional where we picked two ADs. It happened in a tournament in Korea. (Chiharu: Xenics Storm v CLG) Corki is actually a really powerful top laner right now, especially against AP and we saw double AP. We had never done this before and me team was like ok, but we trust you. And it worked great.
Travis: How did it go down?
TreeEskimo: Across the board we did much better than yesterday. We got a first blood when they tried to invade us. And we forced a flash... wait that's second game. But we got first blood and then had lane pressure. Then we took Dragons, took towers and then we snowballed and won.
Travis: Is that Mundo pick you did and won hard with. Is it something you like and was it because of the matchup?
TreeEskimo: It's something part of the matchup. I like Mundo v Riven. Riven is probably more useful for the team. But then I did well. We picked Mundo first and they probably thought it was jungle but then I've played Mundo solo queue a lot so I know how to face Riven and I think he didn't know what to do.
Travis: So I guess it was like mind games. Cool. So, what are your chances looking like now since the games yesterday?
TreeEskimo: Our games against TSM, I played a lot worse than today. We got together in our room and we strategised and we talked about the games and we decided a lot better and then we played out hearts out.
Travis: You have a relationship with Takashi as a room mate. Nothing more than that. *cheers from audience* You guys picked him up a few months ago (Chiharu: This was when PhantomL0rd got kicked). How has it been since then?
TreeEskimo: We'ce been life long friends since like 3rd grade. It's good being together. We take flights together, we do well. Our team has gotten much better with Takashi, we can run special comps and plays.
Travis: Any shoutouts?
TreeEskimo: I'd like to give shoutouts to everyone on my team. They played awesome. Thanks to our old Managers Hexo and Simon. And to Riot for letting me work there for a while. And thanks to the fans for showing up and making E-Sports what it is.
Epik Gamer Interview with Salce
Travis: Hey there, I'm here with Salce from Epik Gamer. Some of you may not know it, but we're both from Tamecula, California. So Tamecula represent. How you doing Salce?
Salce: Yeah it's ok. You know, there's probably like just 20 people in Tamecula going like "Yeah! Represent!" Haha. You know, I actually get recognised at school sometimes by random people and get called out.
Travis: Oh really? What's it like for you then?
Salce: It's like really weird going to school and getting called out like "Hey Salce!" and I'm like "Uh... do I know you?" haha. It's kinda awkward to be honest but it's cool.
Travis: Yeah. When you go to college you'll have a lot more video game nerds to hang out with. So then, the games you played. It might be rough, but do you want to talk about it?
Salce: It's all about the early snowball from the start. The early gank and the kills top. We had to sacrifice objectives because we would have lost tower and like. Ah, I'm messing up. But like top lane was really snowballed on. We're limited on picks and they just... yeah.
Travis: Is the new line up like. You have two new people? Is it something comp-wise that hurt you guys?
Salce: MashMe does really good every time bot lane. We could have prepared better in the jungle with out picks. I think we didn't prepare properly as well. Our biggest problem was that our teamfights were so bad. We lost that fight when we should have won it. It was so bad.
Travis: What are your plans for Vegas then for the rest of the tournament?
Salce: Probably take a nap I guess. Being 18 is not the coolest in Vegas. But just hang out here and watch games I guess.
Travis: Any predictions for top 3?
Salce: Probably Curse, TSM and Dignitas to be honest. Dignitas may come ahead because they're too hard to ban out. Lulu Soraka is just ridiclous.
Travis: The triple Support comp is OP?
Salce: Yeah. It's just OP. The other teams will have a difficult time with it.
Travis: So where can people find out and support you
Salce: They can't actually... My excuse is that I'm still finishing Senior years but when I graduate I'll dedicate more time to my fans and make a page but yeah.
Travis: You need to concentrate on school first I suppose.
Salce: Yeah.
Travis: Any shoutouts then?
Salce: Got to make a shoutout to my older brother. He's here. He got me interested in video games. Starcraft, Diablo, and even LoL. He's my inspiration and he's what got me here today.
Travis: Well, take it easy then I guess?
Salce: Yeah. Oh, I'd also like to give a shoutout to my team and out fans. Out new line up is difficult but we tried out best. Also to Kurtoky. He's my homie. He couldn't make it but he wanted a shoutout. And also to Fae. (Chiharu: Princess Aura?)
Day 3
+ Show Spoiler +
Missed the very beginning, sorry.

Travis: You know, I bumped into Regi earlier and he was like, I'd rather face Dignitas than CLG. Do you have any thoughts on it?
SaintVicious: I guess it's a track record thing where we beat them. (Chiharu: TSM lost to CLG IEM Gamescon and MLG) But we have like a 10 or 20% winrate against Dignitas? I guess it's like aAa where they beat M5, and never lose against them but they can't beat NA teams.
Travis: You have to win two sets of Bo3s against TSM in order to win IPL now. It's going to be very exhausting.
SaintVicious: Man, don't remind me haha. I gotta get some juice to get me through that!
Travis: I don't even want to know what that means...
SaintVicious: Hey man, what do you mean? Hahaha.
Travis: Anything you want to say to your fans? We have girls screaming and like. *crowd scream* You know what, actually I want to know how you're so good with the women. You have like women tweeting you all the time and like-
SaintVicious: Dude, why you reading my tweets huh? You like stalking me or like- *crowd laughs*
Travis: But they're public and-
SaintVicious: And then you tweet me like: "Hey Saint, meet me up in Room 14." *crowd laughs*
Travis: Yeah, but I just wanted an interview man.
SaintVicious: Maybe they just want interviews! Hahaha.
Travis: And do you have anything to say to your fans?
SaintVicious: I really want to thank the CLG fans. It's like, v8 no offense but like when they cheer for v8 it's like "yayyyy" but when it's CLG it's like "YEAAAAHHHH CLG" and they throw babies at us and stuff. It's crazy.
Travis: Do you have any shoutouts you want to give?
SaintVicious: Definitely want to thank Razer and Own3D. They've been sponsoring us for over a year and they've been good to us, helping us get here.
CLG Interview with HotShotNidaleeGeeGee
Travis: How are you Hotshot?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: I'm great man!
Travis: How do you hit those spears?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: I press Q? Hahaha.
Travis: You're up against TSM now. It's like one of the biggest rivalries in League of Legends, you guys have been rivals since the beginning. Do you ever get nervous when facing them?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: I don't think any of us get nervous. At the beginning we used to but now we just play games and win.
Travis: This tournament we see a lot of picks at the beginning where you focus on specific champions like Kog'maw and Mundo and stuff. Do you have any thoughts about it?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: People jump on the band wagon with tournaments. Like, Corki used to be top, now it's Kog'maw top pick. But it's just a phase.
Travis: When you stepped off the plane from Korea and you landed, you got here. Did you ever expect to make it here to the Finals?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: I don't want to sound cocky, but I expected to be there in the top 3. I expected Dignitas to be there, I expected TSM to be there and I expected us to be there.
Travis: It always seems to be the same three teams who dominate events. Do you think there's anything in particular about it?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: We've all been around for so long. The other teams haven't been around as much and don't have as much LAN experience as us and I think that really affects it.
Travis: You have to go through 2 Bo3s to win IPL. It's going to be a long gruelling match. Are you prepared?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: It's going be a long series. It's kind of like an endurance run. It's so long and tiring. You gotta keep the endurance up and just get through it.
Travis: I talked to SaintV about the crowd and how they've been so great here.
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: This has been the best crowd at any event I have been to. I love you guys. I don't know about the thunder sticks though, haha.
Travis: We gave them out since we heard the GSL in SC2 was super loud. And we gave them out and then they just went nuts. They've been so loud with them.
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: Yeah. In NA we only get one thunderstick instead of two. You gotta battle it out with the person next to you haha.
Travis: The crowd has been great. The moment we asked them to turn it down they immediately did it. The production crew was like "Wow, they're so respectful."
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: Yeah! Like, thanks guys I really appreciate it.
Travis: Do you want to reward them by beating TSM then?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: I'll try my best to do that then haha.
Travis: Any shoutouts?
HotshotNidaleeGeeGee: Shoutout to Razer and Own3D and thanks to the fans!
Pre-Finals Interview with Dan Dinh
Travis: Your brother about to face CLG. Any emotions?
Dan Dinh: Well, he's my brother. It's my duty to root for him. He's my bloodline.
Travis: Do you think CLG can beat TSM?
Dan Dinh: I feel like if CLG is in their element they will definitely win. But then TSM definitely can win. They have that extra buffer of the extra set. Both teams have a really good chance, anything can happen
Travis: TSM recently got that extra help from what people call the manager or coach.
Dan Dinh: It's more like a manager/coach.
Travis: Yeah. Do you think it's been good for them?
Dan Dinh: He's been like a a life coach. The players know how to play the game and that's what they do but there are other things they are bad at like eating habits.
Travis: Do you think he has been a huge contribution?
Dan Dinh: Definitely. Any time you eat healthier and eat healthier, it affects you physically and mentally.
Travis: How have you found the tournament so far to be?
Dan Dinh: I think it's been great. The crowd has great energy, it's a great location. It really mixes together.
Travis: Let's say TSM does win. What are you going to do?
Dan Dinh: We're going to drop 5000 on Black. (Chiharu: Blackjack. Gambling in Vegas basically.) He was like: "If I do that, it feels like I just won Hannover." *crowd laughs*
Travis: You want to mention anything about Solomid and the stuff you do?
Dan Dinh: Yeah, we manage Team Solomid, Solomid.net. You can learn more about the players playing on TSM and read guide written by the pros.
Travis: You're on 4Not. Do you have any plans other than playing on the team?
Dan Dinh: I still feel attached to the game. You walk away from it for a while and then you want to play the game again. I told them I was going to be a lot less avaliable and then they can try me see how it works and can kick me any time.
Dan Dinh: Shoutouts to CLG and TSM. They're doing so good this tournament. Shoutout to the fans here and online. And shoutout to Mama who I know is watching right now.
Pre-Second Round Finals Interview with Kobe24
Travis: Hey there. I'm with Kobe24, an ex-CLG player. Do you mind introducing yourself?
Kobe24: I was on CLG for several years. I know both of the guys on the teams actually. I knew Hotshot before we were even level 30.
Travis: So you're just here to spectate the games?
Kobe24: Yeah, just here chilling and watching the games and cheering them on.
Travis: You and Dan were actually talking about talking about the time you guys were playing together earlier, right?
Kobe24: Yeah, there was a time Andy and Dan Dinh were on the CLG. Very very briefly, but yeah. A long time ago.
Travis: And you're here, you got to play in another showmatch, just like at Dreamhack.
Kobe24: And yeah I got to play on the Rioters v Pros showmatch
Travis: You got to be on the big screen, playing for everyone to see. Do you miss that?
Kobe24: Yeah, I do miss it. I miss the competitive scene and playing for real. The reason I quit was because I didn't have time to practise anymore and I got an Eningeering job. So I had to drop out. Kinda miss it. Things have changed so much.
Travis: Any plans to return to the scene? Feeling nostalgic?
Kobe24: I dunno man. I could maybe do a casting job but doubt I could be a player.
Travis: Do you want to talk about how CLG is going so far?
Kobe24: Yeah, they're really looking good. CLG came in hot after two games v Dignitas but TSM were coming in cold with no warmup. I think that was a factor.
Travis: So what do you think about Game 1?
Kobe24: Uh.. what was the team comp Game 1?
Travis: Um, I forget haha. Ok, so Game 2 then.
Kobe24: Well, I was worried about Game 2 because they didn't have a lot of CC with only Ahri charm but they never team fought until they were really ahead and then it didn't matter.
Travis: I was worried that TSM were in a similar position Game 1.
Kobe24: Yeah, they could only counter initate with CLG having such a strong tank line. Shyvana and Cho'Gath in the front, with Cho having all that CC. Vlad would try to pool and AoE but it just didn't work.
Travis: Are you rooting for CLG or for TSM?
Kobe24: Like I said, I'm really good friends with all of them but I'll say I'm rooting for CLG for old time's sake haha.
Travis: Who do you think will win the next few games then?
Kobe24: I think TSM is going to come out and win the first one at least. They still have a chance.
Travis: Big yells from the audience for CLG at least. Yeah. But I think in a moment there will be TSM shouts. So anyway, how are you enjoying Vegas?
Kobe24: Everyone's voices are going. Especially with the drinking yeah.
Travis: Any shoutouts you want to give?
Kobe24: My brother just started playing League of Legends. Just hit level 15. He's going to follow my footsteps and join a proteam haha.
Travis: Will he join a team before he hits lvl 30?
Kobe24: Yeah man, totally haha.
Travis: And like-
Kobe24: Oh, you know. Just the way this tournament has been run since when I just started is so different. Everything was on wireless and there were disconnects but everything has been done great and it's been great.
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