Starcraft 2 Pro-gaming organisation, 'e-Sports Federation' has been formed!
Startale's coach Won, Jong Wook nominated as head coach
'e-Sports Federation' announced their formation at the first inaugural meeting on the 28th of March and consists of 9 teams: Startale, IM, Prime, MVP, oGs, NSHoseo, FXO, TSL and Zenex. The role of the president was given to Startale's coach Won, Jong Wook and IM's coach Kang, Dong Hoon was chosen as the head director. The remaining seven coaches fill the role of director.
'e-Sports Federation' aims to protect the financial and playing rights of the current Starcraft 2 players and help the e-Sports industry advance as teams part of KeSPA look to enter the starcraft 2 scene.
e-Sports Federation accepts anyone willing with no special requirements, and will be open to foreign gaming organisations.
President Won, Jon Wook said "e-Sports Federation was formed with the culmination of opinion that there needs to exist an organisation made up of teams and players which can protect their rights" and "we will work hard to create an organisation that receives the approval of every e-Sports organiser and fan".
Head Director Kang, Dong Hoon said "e-Sports Federation will concentrate the capacity of e-Sports persons so that e-Sports can advance not just in Korea but all over the world" and added "the first priority of e-Sports Federation is to make sure there is a mechanism to allow every player to freely participate in tournaments."
Also, e-Sports Federation plans to announce its formation to Blizzard and ask that they facilitate an official negotiation between itself and KeSPA to express their thoughts on non-restricted tournament participation, playing rights, and player protection.