I'm Ariion, silver Terran playing on EU server.
I'm going to play (and of course stream) in two Playhem Dailies a week: 100% I'm going to play on Tuesdays, not sure about second day yet.
After every daily I will write analysis of all (or most interesting) games from that daily on blog, here on TL.net.
Also I will stream ladder and customs, but those will be without any schedule.
I'm also playing World of Warcraft, Battlefield 3 and some other games which might be streamed too, but nothing for 100%.
Silver player might not be something special, but I always try to play a macro game, so it wont be cheesefest as some people imagine Bronze and Silver

I'm not using facebook or twitter (might start using if I get more regular viewers) or anything like that, so to contact me You can use Xfire or just PM me here on TL.net or on Twitch.tv.
Stream link
TL.net stream link
I'm open for suggestion and critique
