"At WCG UK 2005, we were told if a Landed player managed to grab the one spot for WCG UK finals, All The Rage would pick us up, and support us with small salaries, equipment etc," explained Baker. "So we ended up joining those, eventually this was my first realisation of esports teams being a little less than honest. I ended up leaving for Serious Gaming, [a Dutch-based elctronic sports team.]"
Furthermore, I took the chance to discuss his thoughts on the UK scene (or how it was in July last year!) and he predicted that Bling could go on to make moves in the international scene - seems like he hit the nail with that one. Other names which he cited as a threat to him at national events include former GosuGamers member, Liam 'Ourk' Streames.
"There are definitely a few decent players that will be able to run with the big boys within the next few months. I fell out of my tree a little after breaking my arm twice, and UK players like Ourk and dignitas.Bling have definitely caught up, and do pose a worry on my mind in national tournaments such as WCG."
And finally, possibly the most important thing to UK readers, he mentioned that he heard things were planned for the UK. However, given the amount of time that this interview had sat idle in my inbox, we cannot be sure whether he was referring to the IPL qualifiers which were held in the UK or whether he knows something about the much-wanted MLG UK competition.
However, Baker feels there is absoloutely no reason that the United Kingdom cannot develop an infrrastructure akin to our European neighbours in Germany and Sweden. Infact, "[he has] heard things are going to be happening soon which is pretty exciting." Could this be eluding to a possible MLG UK or was it made in reference to IPL UK Qualifiers that were held in 2011?
The entire interview has been published on The Last Resort's website and is the first of many articles I am working on with regards to the UK community and the future that we can create. My next scheduled article will be developed around a discussion I had with Team Infused's Reece 'Tidus' Fowler where we discussed everything from the state of the scene, problems it faces, players with potential, the barcraft phenomenon and how we feel organisers/teams can influence the future.
I hope you enjoy the article and I look forward to any feedback, good or bad. You never get anywhere if you shy away from criticism.