Sorry if it has been posted before T_T
I think the 'send miners to minerals and wait for economy to pick up' in the initial stages of the game gets pretty dull and repetitive.
Therefore, wouldn't it be a slight improvement for faster paced early-games by adding a few mineral patches closer to the CC/Nex/Hatch with a resource amount of <200 so that by the time Terran needs comsat the closer mineral patches are depleted and scan can be constructed? Not FMP style or 0Clut but a more natural look? Seriously, when do mineral patches form in a linear pattern, as seen all the time in maps? :s
Will this create any imba? :s
Just a small train of thought~
Someone should make a map or modify any present map and test it out :s Try cheese, standard, etc~
i guess that's not so easy. you would only speed up the mining proess, while the build times for units and buildings stay the same. i'd be surprised if that wouldnt hurt the balance, but i cant really think of a concrete senario. maybe zerg would have a disadvantage, since the larvae spawn so slowly while the other races build their stuff in seperate buildings. but that's just pure speculation...
another speed-up setting could be putting the same amount of minerals you have in 8 blocks into 10/12/14/etc blocks. that should speed up the eco, but after possible rushes.
someone should really test it, maybe we'd get some intresting results
well, I think that would null the power of 9 pool perhapes. I am not all that certain though. Maybe put game speed on fastestx2 for the first 2 mins of game? x]
on 4-player maps it could fuck up trying to expand to another main..... that'd be annoying
not that its still not an interesting idea though, it would probably change some BOs around and maybe even balance but thats not always a bad idea if you're interested in combining different concepts
I got an idea... how about make stacked 100 worth of minerals on top of every normal minerals? that way peons dont have to run around trying to find new mineral patches, and eventually those 100 minerals drain out.
On August 10 2005 22:26 Sorrow_eyes wrote: I got an idea... how about make stacked 100 worth of minerals on top of every normal minerals? that way peons dont have to run around trying to find new mineral patches, and eventually those 100 minerals drain out.
that would change the balance much much more
i think toss and terran would gain a much bigger advantage but i'm not sure which one more... think about how many zergs only have like 12-15 drones on the minerals while the toss/terrans might have 20-30
Well, it would only be geared toward the mains :s
I would like a top gamer's opinion kekekekek <^____^> maybe after a test run.. :D
On August 10 2005 22:26 Sorrow_eyes wrote: I got an idea... how about make stacked 100 worth of minerals on top of every normal minerals? that way peons dont have to run around trying to find new mineral patches, and eventually those 100 minerals drain out.
lol 1 irradiate = bye bye drones
Camila he said one block on top of every _normal_ mineral block. That'd be like 8-9 normal mineral blocks like on every map+8-9 low value mineral blocks for an early extra-boost on top of them. And locked is right, t and p would have more advantage from that than zerg.
btw I like the initial idea, I had it a couple of times myself, but never did a map like that yet. In general, it's P>T>Z with such a mineral system, so it would be good to have the rest of the map favoring zerg and terran more, to balance it out. One idea would be to place the "normal" minerals so that to mine them correctly, you should build a mainbuilding where the "fast" minerals were standing before. zerg could build another hatch, terran could lift of and land there, only toss would need to build a new nexus. Might be too much though
[ ] you understood what he said
this obviously is directed at camilla
On August 10 2005 21:39 ryuGie wrote: I think the 'send miners to minerals and wait for economy to pick up' in the initial stages of the game gets pretty dull and repetitive.
You think Broodwar's initial opening is mundane? Try playing Age of Empires... Seriously you can go 15 minutes in the game without building a single unit, especially on large maps and/or island topography.
how about workers take 1 second to build in the whole game -_- (hope u guys noticed the sarcasm)
stacking is dumb cos u can't select the mineral patches below the top one to see how depleted it is.
It'd make 9-10 gate that much more powerful...
I hate this idea, and I think everybody else would too.
This is like changing the dimensions of the chess board. Fuck that and fuck you.
beginning of game is fine imo, yes slow and boring but it gives you time to do things like scout and prepare a strat to your opponents race, pos and his strat. It would hurt the game more then help. But thats just my thought, but innovative idea anyhow. Ill take the slow repetitive balanced game. Especially me being a z player ^^
On August 11 2005 12:15 Aquemini1337 wrote: beginning of game is fine imo, yes slow and boring but it gives you time to do things like scout and prepare a strat to your opponents race, pos and his strat. It would hurt the game more then help. But thats just my thought, but innovative idea anyhow. Ill take the slow repetitive balanced game. Especially me being a z player ^^
feel the same, i like that time aswell to relax abit, and prepare
you should be hang for thinking of such a stupid idea. closer mineral patches fucks up the game in alot of ways. If this actually is possible, you would want this stupid idea to vanish very quickly, trust me ^^. Think of it like Warcraft 3, so fucking stupid because right-click autos mining/gathering where in Starcraft you are damn lucky to be able to manual your resource which is what Starcraft is all about.
I like the begining of game, so calm and peaceful, then BAM, ACTION! :D