recently i've been playing tetris battle on facebook, it's gotten to the point where i say "i play tetris" . I've noticed that you've said similar things , didn't you even write that T-spin guide a while ago? But you've never actually shown us how good you are . How good are you?? Please post a video or something? what site (?) did you play on?
At IPL3 some of us who were at the non-main stage were more interested in watching FlameWheel dominate tetris than watching many of the top pros play star2. He's just that good!
they aren't hackers; tetrisfriends' scoring system just bugs out sometimes -_- (it's happened to me too, sigh) more concerning is the guy who recently legitly passed 72k. I'm getting nervous... she(?) has raw speed but if she improves her theory she might pass me/flamewheel D: (note: I'm talking about the Ultra game mode here)
but yeah fw is pretty decent at tetris, especially because he can actually play arena I'm just a noob who zt stacks mindlessly though, Q.Q
also: flamewheel started tetris fall '08 I believe (or ultra, at least)
On January 06 2012 17:04 ]343[ wrote: they aren't hackers; tetrisfriends' scoring system just bugs out sometimes -_- (it's happened to me too, sigh) more concerning is the guy who recently legitly passed 72k. I'm getting nervous... she(?) has raw speed but if she improves her theory she might pass me/flamewheel D:
but yeah fw is pretty decent at tetris, especially because he can actually play arena I'm just a noob who zt stacks mindlessly though, Q.Q
also: flamewheel started tetris fall '08 I believe (or ultra, at least)
I wasn't aware of that, always thought they were hackers.
ZT and ST are just the blocks. Zs and Ss are squiggles and the T is the T. So it's not really short for anything just highlights the importance of the Z/S and T blocks.
I haven't played in a while other than mindlessly ranking to 99 on Facebook. Pretty bad at Ultra these days.
On January 06 2012 17:11 flamewheel wrote: ZT and ST are just the blocks. Zs and Ss are squiggles and the T is the T. So it's not really short for anything just highlights the importance of the Z/S and T blocks.
I haven't played in a while other than mindlessly ranking to 99 on Facebook. Pretty bad at Ultra these days.
Alright. I have been trying to learn ST stacking lately and I always mess up the left side : (((((((((
On January 06 2012 17:11 flamewheel wrote: ZT and ST are just the blocks. Zs and Ss are squiggles and the T is the T. So it's not really short for anything just highlights the importance of the Z/S and T blocks.
I haven't played in a while other than mindlessly ranking to 99 on Facebook. Pretty bad at Ultra these days.
Alright. I have been trying to learn ST stacking lately and I always mess up the left side : (((((((((
don't worry man, the left side is the whole hard part
This reminds me of the first time I saw someone play FFR (dancedance revolution for your fingers (like stepmania)). Then I ended up playing it for like 4+ years. The patterns all become so cerebral, I love it.... Now I want to try hardcore tetris ^^.