![[image loading]](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/220/8/3/Kiwis_Are_Awesome_by_Vectriss.jpg)
Hey guys, sorry for the late notice! We are hosting another GSL viewing party and all are invited. Also this is the inaugural meeting for the official Starcraft 2 club for Auckland University! You can opt to join whether you're a member of Auckland Uni or not
Eng 1.439 Lecture Theatre, 20 Symonds Street; it's inside a glass box area with red neon light art work. Has huge metal doors. You can't miss it.
Saturday 3rd December 2011
At around 8:30 pm sharp, we will have a 30 minute Annual General Meeting where we will go over the constitution, membership, events, executive members, etc.
The actual finals should be starting at around 9:10pm
-----------------The winner of the recent MLG: Leenock (Z)!!-----------------
--------------------The "New star" of New Star: Jjakji (T)!!--------------------
Should there be any mess up with the lecture theatre's internet, we'll be moving to the Leech Study Area on the floor below in the same building; 42'' TV, comfortable chairs.
The building has a 12am closing time, so we have to leave before then.
If you cannot find me or can't get access into the building, please txt/call Sunkee, our awesome event organiser on 021 242 3403.