I have a strange problem:
I can watch live streams with no problems at all, but when I try to watch a recorded vod on justin or twitch, it wont play at all. I can see it buffering, but it just doesnt play. Watching vods on own3d works fine I tried FF7.0.1 and IE 9 with the newest flash player.
Could somebody please help me with this problem? It's really annoying, because my favorite streams are not in my timezone ...
Same, Chrome works fine though, I think it's because of the new firefox update
same thins happens to me, I cant watch mine or any other peoples vods on twitch tv. I've tried using IE, Firefox, and Chrome. I tried to restart my comp and search anything about issue on google and I cant find any solution. Everything I have is updated!
Same thing is happening to me, no matter what browser I use.
sry for bumping this, but is anyone else experiencing this? Could someone just plz click this link vod of HerO's stream and test if the vod plays?
If so, could you please post your PC configuration? (OS/browser/flash version)
Plays, although I need to skip to any point in the vod first and press start again. Newest Chrome release, today there was a flash update for me, maybe this fixes it, gl
It doesn't auto-play, but I clicked "pause" then "play" and it started. Chrome 15 (up to date)/Win 7 x64
Yeah, using Chrome worked for me too. I guess from the timing of the problem the newest flash update ( from roughly a week ago was the reason for breaking it, does anyone know how to roll back to a older flash version?
yesterday i had the same problem
Seems to be an adblock issue, unloading it lets the video run for me and gets an ad at the start. With it loaded the video won't play.