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Playhem is holding another $400 Open tomorrow Monday October 10th in conjunction with the Playhem White-Ra BarCraft event at the Tir Na Nog in Philadelphia. Games will be streamed live on screens at the Tir Na Nog with White-Ra playing his games in person at the venue. We hope to see as many of you as possible both signed up for the tournament, and also attending the BarCraft in Philadelphia with the Playhem staff and members.

Click here to register!
Streaming: This tournament will be covered on our new channel: PlayhemTV!
Date: Monday October 10th
Time: 3:30pm PST // 6:30pm EST
Where: http://playhem.com/ and channel Playhem, Playhem2, Playhem3, Playhem4 in-game on SC2.
Region: North America
Prizes: 1st: $225, 2nd: $100, 3rd: $75
Format: Single Elimination.
Additional Rules & Information
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•All matches must be started on the map listed on the player bracket above the current round being played.
•In a 'best of X' series, the loser chooses the next map to play from the map pool.
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NA Map Pool:
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EU Map Pool:
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MLG Xel’Naga Caverns, MLG Metalopolis, MLG Shakuras Plateau, MLG Shattered Temple, GSL Crevasse (Official), GSL Tal’Darim Altar LE (by BalphEubank), GSL Xel’Naga Fortress (Official), GSL Terminus RE, GSL Dual Sight (by MildCocoA), GSL Daybreak (by Ayaka)
EU Map Pool:
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MLG Xel’Naga Caverns, MLG Metalopolis, ESL Shakuras Plateau, MLG Shattered Temple, MLG Tal'Darim Altar, GSL Crevasse (Official), GSL Xel’Naga Fortress, GSL Dual Sight, GSL Daybreak (Official)
•All maps played on must be the exact name shown, letter for letter, no exceptions.
•If your opponent hosted on the incorrect map it's your responsibility to leave the game at once and contact an admin. Failure to do so may result in the game being counted even though it's not the correct map.
•Each map in the pool may be played once per series. Maps may not be vetoed by either player.
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•All players should make an effort to be in one of the Playhem sc2 channels (Playhem, Playhem2..) when they are participating in a tournament, however this is not mandatory.
•Should your opponent be missing, you must attempt to add them to your friends list by the character code on the bracket and message them, if they are unresponsive or offline you may contact an admin according to the following:
•If your opponent is offline/unresponsive for 15 minutes after the start of the tournament OR 10 minutes after you were due to face them in any later round after the tournament began you may report a no-show to a tournament admin and be advanced.
•Reporting false no-shows in an attempt to get a free win, or not taking the appropriate measures listed above may result in disqualification from the tournament.
•Some exceptions may be made for players that are forced to delay their games and ask for an extension before hand so long as it's within a reasonable time frame, players should try their best to accommodate the other person if possible.
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•Disconnects in most cases will count as an immediate loss within the criteria outlined below:
•If the disconnect happened in the first 4 minutes of the game and no contact between the two players has been made (scouting, cheese, etc) then the game should be replayed. Once a player has scouted their opponent, disconnects will count as a loss.
-Scouting constitutes vision of any portion of the opponents base/units/structures/spawning location. In the event of one player being random, indication of their race also counts as being scouted.
•If it's obvious that your victory was imminent and definitive before the disconnect happened (ie. you were finishing off his base and he had no army left), contact an admin immediately and a decision will be made on a case-by-case basis.
•The player who did not disconnect may offer a rematch after any disconnect at their own discretion, this is NOT mandatory and entirely up to the player to decide.
•If a disconnected player does not return to battle.net within 5 minutes, you may report him to an admin as a no-show and get a walk-over for the remaining game(s) of the series if applicable.
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•In the event of a stalemate game / tie, the game will not count as a win for either player and should be replayed on the same map.
Any admin can overturn or supersede these rules at our sole discretion, this will typically not be done except for extraordinary circumstances. If you disagree with any admin's ruling you may politely argue your case and ask it to be reviewed by another admin. These rules may be changed/updated at any time without notice, check back frequently to stay up to date on current rules.
Last update: September 10, 2011
If you have any questions feel free to post in this thread, hop in channel Playhem, or message Neeb or myself in game:
Ben.477 and NeebSAGA.240
Thanks and I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!
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If you don't join this event, you're definitely killing eSports!