Unfortunately I didn't have it proofread (everybody's offline) so it may have some mistakes. If you manage to find them pleas please please send me a PM or leave a comment here and I'll make corrections asap.
During summertime everybody relax, but you worked hard. You traveled and won a lot during August. Do you feel that this month was very successful for you or you still wanted more?
I think that August was a month of success. It would be hard for me to aim higher than 2nd place at the Assembly or 3rd place at IEM right after the Koreans.
Let's talk about recently finished IEM. Everybody were counting on you going to the play-offs but nobody was expecting such a win over PuMa. If you'd met him in the play-offs, do you think you'd be playing in the grand final?
It is really had to tell what would be the score in the play-offs. Our games in the group stage didn't really mater so I think PuMa didn't really care about our games. I would feel much more comfortable playing PuMa rather than MC because I feel better playing PvT and not PvP.
Unfortunately you played against MC. Currently he is being seen as the top protoss player in Starcraft2, but you did an amazing job. Do you think that even with the level you are currently at, being as they said on NW (netwars.pl) "first after the Koreans," they can be outplayed?
Koreans at the present moment can be outplayed by the foreigners, but as the time passes by the level gap may increase because they (Koreans) have better conditions to practice than the rest of the world. Starcraft 2 is fairly young, all we can do is wait and see how it's going to develop in the future.
At the beginning of the month you attended Assembly Summer 2011 where in the grand final DIMAGA won, but barely two weeks later during ESET Summer Masters you beat him. Have you thought of it as a revenge for Assembly?
Yes, as I said in every other interview, I wanted to repay him for the Assembly grand final. At that time I felt much more confident, I was well prepared mentally and had new strats which I learned between Assembly and IEM. Everything have worked out and i managed to win.
A few months ago in one of the interviews you said that your biggest achievement was taking 2nd place during DH Winter 2010. Has your view on this matter changed since then?
I think so. I consider taking second place at the Assembly, and third place at the IEM Cologone and IPL #2 as the same achievement as DH2010. Although, there's a difference since DH was my first big victory and I didn't beat any Korean on my way to the finals on contrary to IEM (PuMa) and Assembly (NaDa). I hope that my success won't be just second and third place.
At the NASL website they wrote in your biography that you are a "pride of Poland." Do you feel the pressure linked only with your performance, but with a fact that you are getting more and more popular both in Poland and worldwide. In your opinion, are these three words too much?
No, I don't really feel such big pressure. I am very happy that people call me that way because then I know I don't play only for myself but also for those who support me. You play much better with a thought that you cannot disappoint people believing in you. I want to represent Poland in the best way possible.
WCG qualifiers are on their way. As usual, everybody ask the possible winners how much do they practice. The most popular answer is, "I don't practice at all, maybe I'll play something 2 days before the event." During an interview you conduct at Gamescom you said you want to take part in the WCG Polish qualifications. Are you going to practice before the event as much as you normally do?
I don't plan to change my training schedule. I will keep playing the way I do now. A few / over a dozen games per day is enough to maintain your skill or learn something new. If I fell that it is necessary to practice more, I definitely will, but with all this being said, Polish WCG is happening during school year so there might be a possibility that I won't be able to practice as much as i do now.
Do you treat gaming as serious as studying?
Yes, but I'm leaning more towards studying now because of the upcoming matura exam (SAT - USA / A levels - UK)
Before the summer break a lot of this year high school grads fail to pass math at their matura exam. Are you good at math?
It won't be an easy task to achieve maximum score. I don't feel very confident in math, but passing with good score shouldn't be a problem.
And do you know from which subjects you want to pass your exam and which universities you want to apply for?
I haven't decided yet, only time will tell.
For the past few months you attended many tournaments and you won a lot. In the past, many people behind the events didn't pay money to the players. Did you have such problems?
So far I didn't have any problems with receiving my prize.
At the present moment Starcraft 2 is slowly taking place of SC: Brood War. In your opinion, is the SC2 scene better than the old BW one? I am asking about the achievements, and not really about forums spam.
No, I reckon that we achieved much more in SC:BW at present times. But we did that in 10 years time and SC2 is one year old. We will achieve much more in SC2 if the players will keep on working as they do right now.
Draco went to Korean, SunCow went to Korean and they didn't like it. If you would have a chance of going there and practice with the top-notch players would you go?
It would depend on the situation both at home and at school, but I am leaning towards No rather than YES when talking bout Korea.
Aren't you convinced that Korea is such a great place as the 99% of players who dream of going there and practice in the so popular "training house?"
Some people need to go to Korea in order to become better payers, I don't feel that way. I can become better while staying at home, stress free.
And I think that we can wrap this up stress free as well. I would like to thank you for your time and that you soldiered through it. As usual, the last words are yours.
Thanks for the interview. I would like to say hi to my fans who support me, my auntie Weja, friends from my hometown and thank mousesports and our sponsors - GEIL, MEDIOn, Razer, INTEL, Sansibar for their support.