![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/qDayD.jpg)
Samsung KHAN has had the experience of winning their first match against CJ Entus in the 08-09 post season and then losing from behind, missing their chance of going further in the league. Because they have experienced being in high spirits and having it all crash down in one moment before at that time, even though Samsung has won day 1 of the Round of 6 playoffs against Woongjin, Stork said, "We will not be unprepared for what is yet to come." Although his results in the regular season were not that good, even though Stork who has much experience in the post season is nervous about it, with the goal of wanting Samsung to go high into the upper leagues, now is a critical stage where everything must be able to go smoothly.
Q: Your thoughts on winning?
A: Out of all the Protosses on our team, my mood is the lowest among them, but it's a relief that I won. I'm happy that I was able to be of help to Samsung winning their 1st match in the Round of 6 playoffs.
Q: Did you get motivation from the rookies' victories?

Q: You played against a rookie, but did you expect your opponent's strategy at all?
A: I thought of all the possibilities that could be used against me and prepared for them. Rather than having a planned strategy in mind, I let my intuitions and instincts lead the game. The build that

Q: You encountered many "Nalbil"s from Zergs in the regular season; did experiencing so many help you out? [T/N: Okay, "Nalbil" is Korean slang for a clever build, but I believe that it means cheesy builds in this context. Poor Stork, dying to so much cheese this season.

A: Many of my losses in the regular season were due to build order losses, so I took that opportunity to think over it a lot. I wanted to have no trouble whether I won or lost, so the moment I saw that build today, I had a feeling that I had seen it before.
Q: Your goal for day 2's match?
A: I remember how we won our 1st match against CJ and then lost 2 years ago. I'll set aside my happiness over today's victory for a moment and practice hard for tomorrow's match. Tomorrow we'll definitely settle the score and go to the semi-playoffs.
Q: Any last words you want to say?
A: It's been a long time since we made the post season like this, so with half nervousness and half excitement I practiced until dawn, but I slept early in the morning and woke up. After a close hyung of mine who is currently enlisted in the military saw the articles that our team had advanced to the post season, he gave me a call. I hope that he stays healthy and takes care of his body in the military.
Source: http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/news/read.php?id=46990
Congrats to Samsung for winning their first match against Woongjin, and I would translate Coach January's interview if the match wasn't starting in like 5 minutes! So here's a long time no see picspam instead!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/y1KY0.jpg)
The happy winners!
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9QF3q.jpg)
Jangbi: "y hullo thurrrrrr hurrrrrrrrr-"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oXNWW.jpg)
Soulkey: *Blocks ZerO's path*
ZerO: "Oh Soulkey... You think that you can be like that with me~?"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2YUUT.jpg)
*Suddenly appears behind Soulkey*
Soulkey: "Ow ow ow ow okay okay I regret it hyung, I regret it T___T"
hOn_sin: *Watching in the background* ".........."
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GPrRk.jpg)
Trolluary: "Hmmm... To troll, or not to troll today.... That is the real question....."
Really gets sent out against Grape! What's Samsung's reaction to this?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0oGWL.jpg)
Stork: *Watching Really's play* "........."
Jangbi: "Damn bitch, what the hell was that? Even I could play better Terran than that!"
How about Woongjin's reaction then?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pBqvF.jpg)
ZerO: *Watching Really's play* "So... This is our 2nd best Terran playing right now?"
Light: "Yup."
ZerO: "And why do I have a feeling that our best Terran will get owned as well....?"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8JIdA.jpg)
Really: *After losing to Grape* "Did I... Did I just get Graped....? For the 2nd time this season.....?"
*Reality, after winning against Light*
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NW5cK.jpg)
Reality: "Did you... get a taste of reality, Light?? Lololololol-"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pVylf.jpg)
Stork: "January, this bitch keeps on bothering me! From stealing mah seat to nagging me during the game, you gotta keep his ass off me!"
Coach January: "Why do you keep on bothering Stork?! Do you have the hots for him or something?!? Do we have to deport you off to Woongjin?!?? I think that their team's style fits you better than here!!"
Samsung's reaction when free gets sent out:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TARwD.jpg)
...a standing ovation.
Brave: "Oh man, we have this game in the bag already."
Sharp: "His name is so true! A free win to all!"
Stork: "Good work team, I'm proud of you guys."
Juni: "Heck, even I'm doing better than him these days!"
ByuL's BM ceremony against free:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zmSTu.jpg)
Well, at least he didn't do a manner hatch!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GoSoI.jpg)
Woongjin's coach Lee Jae Gyun: "...why did I send out those guys again? And why did I just do worse than Trolluary today?"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hOtOF.jpg)
Samsung KHAN, ready to win their next match today? Who knows!