I just came back from a 5 week long break due to the fact that I was in the hospital. I was placed at ~700 points when that still was something noteworthy so I get enemies around ~1,5k right now.
Obviously my mechanics aren't 100% what they used to be, multitasking is a bit lackluster but its okay - I can hold my ground in PvT and PvP with okay win-rates but PvZ gives me headaches - I also watched the bunch of LiquidTyler-Replays that got released a few days ago but I don't like the double-gateway-style hes using in this.
My problems with that Match-up aren't specific or anything that I could nail with a replay, its more the fact that I missed 5 weeks of Metagame: 5 weeks ago I used to open up 3Gate-Sentry-Expand into Colossi with reasonably quick upgrades, third and Blink Stalkers afterwards.
But when I try to do that right now I just get Fungal'd, Baneling Bombed into the stone age and whatnot, so I feel rather old fashioned for still trying that stuff out.
Because of that I have a multitude of questions:
The Opening
Whats standard right now? Most of the time I go for FFE on Shakuras/Tal'Darim (I have no map vetoed) and 3Gate-Sentry-Expand on the other maps. Is that still viable or have other standard openings for Non-FFE-Maps arosen?
(I get my expansion at ~6 minutes, add a forge and my 4th Gate after the Nexus has gone down and go from there. I don't have any problems holding Roach/Ling-Attacks Losirastyle, but my problem is rather that Zergs have started to get their thirds up even qiucker than they used to five weeks ago, so they're working on their advantage while I'm still busy going up to 8 Sentries and Stalkers afterwards - is it still doable to kill those expansions with a 10-Minute-~100-supply-push or do I need some sort of tech?)
The Follow-ups
Regularly I'm getting a quick SG for convenience and safety while trying to be as obnoxious with my Void Ray and adding 2-3 Phoenixes depending on how things work out.
But after that ... I'm lost. I know the Ace-Phoenix-Zealot-"All-In", but most of the time I'm more a fan of building up to a solid lategame with a quick third - is there currently a build around that aims for that?
And if not is there any way to decide which 2base-push would be the most fitting? (i.E. Blinkstalkers, double-stargate, quick colossi, etc).
This is where I'm in trouble right now. Are colossi first still viable and I just need to tech switch out of them quicker than I used to? (Like only getting 2-3 colossi to secure the third and eventually push a bit)
Or is there something else thats know standard like ... uh ... Blinkstalkers with quick upgrades, Air, DTs, whatever ^^
Lategame Composition
I used to stick with my composition Colossi/Stalker till the late game, adding Stargates while the 4th got up to mix in more and more void rays to be T3-Proof. As of now I mostly run into a lot of infestors, so I guess I should mix in HTs? Would a Lategamecomposition of the current metagame then more look like Archon/VR/HT + Whatever I can afford out of my Gateways?
(Of course its always situational but I just have no fix Idea what I should strive for and that makes my game very shaky)
Well, thats my bunch of questions - is the metagame still the same in the sense of 3Gate-Sentry-Expand into Colossi or has the standard changed and I need to pick up something new?