Banners by Prototype and disciple!
Air Force ACE vs CJ Entus
ggaemo << Set 1: Alternative >> Hydra
Iris << Set 2: Beltway >> Snow
Much << Set 3: Circuit Breaker >> Horang2
Peace << Set 4: New Bloody Ridge >> Movie
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ggaemo < Hydra on Alternative
Iris > Snow on Beltway
Much < Horang2 on Circuit Breaker
Peace < Movie on New Bloody Ridge
PianO < Leta on Icarus
Air Force ACE 1 < 4 CJ Entus
Recommended Games
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Set 2: decent TvP, watch if you like the players and the matchup
Set 3: above average PvP, weird timing attack and some nice engagements
Set 3: above average PvP, weird timing attack and some nice engagements
Poll: Who are you rooting for?
ACE (29)
CJ (21)
50 total votes
CJ (21)
50 total votes
Your vote: Who are you rooting for?
Special thanks to BLinD-RawR and DropBear for help with the emergency LR thread