I've had a bunch of people express an interest in meeting up somewhere in Seoul before the ABC Mart MSL final to attend as a group. I figure it's easiest if we discuss it in this thread so that instead of everyone having to meet in one spot people can potentially split off into smaller groups if it makes things easier.
Also anyone who reads this now and is planning on attending is welcome to ask to be included and I'll edit this OP as the thread continues to show who is meeting where/when.
ABC Mart MSL Finals
ZerO vs. Flash - Saturday June 11th 17:00 KST Kwangwoon University Auditorium (광운대학교)
People who have so far expressed interest in attending:
Meeting at 12:30pm at 성북역 (Seongbuk station) on line 1, outside exit 1, for food/drinks and then heading over early are: Thorin DarthThienAn Tomred87 LastPrime ggggbabybabybaby OopsOopsBaby
FuRong will be at that station at 3pm, due to prior engagements, so if anyone wants to meet him there instead PM him for his cell # or me and I'll give you it.
Others who said they wanted to go but haven't responded re: place/time: WormBeard gorchiza LimitlessSky OopsOopsBaby izolight
It's worth bearing in mind this story from yoonyoon about attending the last MSL:
"I went to the previous MSL at Yonsei, and they had tickets for the fanclubs for each player that let you enter earlier. You need to join their daum fan cafes for that though, and they only accept the requests on a certain day(probably already passed). You don't really want to sit among teenage fangirls anyway, even if you get to sit closer to the front. The normal people stand in line the day of, an hour or two (don't remember) earlier, in front of the auditorium. There were two lines, one for each player. I didn't really want to pick a player last time, but there wasn't a 'neutral' area so I just stood in the shorter Hydra line."
And this from tomatriedes:
When I went to the Flash-Effort OSL final all the seats were gone by one hour before the event so, since Flash is playing this time I wouldn't take the risk- just get there at least two hours early and bring something to entertain yourself, especially since you're flying all the way to Korea! Note once the seats inside are full they usually won't let any more people in so you'd be stuck watching it on a screen outside. That happened to me for the first game of the Nada-Savior final. Luckily by the second game some people inside left, so we were able to be inside for the rest of the games.
Based on that I want to get to the venue at least 2 hours before the scheduled starting time of 5pm. I figure it's better to pass a little time talking/reading something/listening to an ipod than having to stress about getting in and getting a seat.
ggggbabybabybaby has a good suggestion of a meeting place:
Anyone interested in meeting up at 성북역 (Seongbuk station) on line 1 beforehand and walking over? Maybe get some food/beers before/after?
My hotel is in the same region as the finals so I'm down for meeting him and others there if you want to go along around that timeframe. If people want we can meet up a few hours before that and go get some Korean BBQ to eat and then meet anyone who doesn't want food/can't come that early but still wants to go at that bus stop.
Here's what you do: * Tell me if you want to meet at ggggbabybabybaby's suggested spot * Tell me what time you want to/can meet * Tell me if you have somewhere else you'd rather meet, this might be where people who are all in downtown Seoul find somewhere separate to meet up.
I'll keep track of the thead and edit this post to show who is meeting where and when so by the day of the Final comes everyone knows where to meet. Also then you'll know who to PM with your cell phone numbers etc. if you want to make the plan doubly sound 
P.S. Apparently KT plays SKT on Sunday 12th at the MBC venue so I am gonna attend that too, so if someone wants to go there then drop me a PM separately for that or say in this thread.
I can meet at anytime, assuming I'm awake.
I'm down for whatever beforehand in terms of hanging out - I don't drink but I don't mind if you guys wanna go get drinks somewhere.
Don't care where we meet~
The MBC venue? Is that still in COEX?
51342 Posts
loox in mullaedong. basically a deserted mall with only the mbc studio the only venue to care about.
I can meet at any time. Location is fine too.
I can meet at 성북역 station, but the earliest I can get there is probably about 3pm because I have something else on beforehand.
I really need to visit MBC's arena... I've been to OGN so many times.
Also, show up early to MBC to sign up to get seated because standing for so long is not cool.
I have the Cheon Wae Dae tour at 3pm =/ and then I'll got to the University but me attending this match up is up in the air because I might get Music Core tickets.
I will definitely meet up with all of you after wards though!
I'm interested~!
I'm free anytime + anywhere.
wow, darth is in korea? luck bastard x(..... i hope zero win, there are rumors he gona switch to sc2 if he won
Really want to go, but not sure I can make it by 3pm ='(
Me and my gf would like to come too.
I am coming as mentioned , just give me the hour and place ( the place mentioned by ggggbabybaby ) It will be nice drink some beer beforehand too. I have been already to finals with ggbabybaby , I don't think that we will wait a lot.
I am up for SKT vs KT sunday too ! information PM pls !
So what's happening with all this then? Looks like some people are willing to meet up at gggbaby's location, but who should I give my number to or who should I call when I get there?
Thorin's the one that's been coordinating everything so far it looks like, but looks like he won't have a phone until he gets here. I don't mind being the one to call/giving out my phone number, just PM me to exchange info.
Since 'subway station at line x' seems kinda ambiguous to me, I'd suggest designating a place to chill while we wait for people, ie. at exit/entrance #, or at the gates that you leave through or something. Does anyone know a good place to eat around there?
I'm not familiar with 성북 station so I don't really know which exits would be good to meet up.
Alright I guess everyone PM DarthThienAn with your phone number and he'll sort everything out.
If you don't have a phone number and want to come make sure you post here. We'll have to decide on an exit to meet at.
Doest anyone live near 성북 or is familiar enough with the station to know a good exit to meet at?
so whats the plan if there is any?
Ok the final plan is meet at 12:30pm KST at 성북역 (Seongbuk station).
Since no one is familiar with the place, let's just meet just outside exit 1.
We'll go get some food (bbq or something else, whatever) and then head over to the venue whenever we finish eating so we can get decent seats.
I believe Thorin is only just getting to Seoul today. Once I get a hold of him I'll post an update.
If I don't edit this post then this is the final plan. Please PM me if you want to exchange phone number.
If you don't have a phone then just go the designated place and time. I'll go there a bit early 12:20 or so and I guess we will wait around until like 12:50ish in case some people are late.
Based on what others have said I think we need to get there at least 1:30 early, especially if we have a decent sized group. So as long as we get some food by 1:30 then that gives us like 1-1.5 hours to eat and then 30 mins or so to get over there and get seats. Should be more than enough time.
sounds good~ everyone PM your number to either me or ggbaby I guess or Thorin, can you PM everyone's numbers if they wanted to meet up at 1230pm? cool~
Updated with confirmed people etc. Again: anyone is free to come as long as they go to one of two meeting times at that spot. Anyone who has pm'd me their cell # for the 12:30pm meeting I can call you if you can't find us once at the station.