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AusCraft2 Down Under Derby 2[SEA]
The Down Under Derby is a bi-monthly tournament open to players of all skill levels from the SEA server. With $200 up for grabs each months it's a tournament to keep your eye on.
The Bracket Has Been Released and can be found at:
Please note:
* Due to the administrative load involved with running the tournament we will be running it bi-monthly for now.
* If you no-showed to the last tournament, you cannont enter this one.
* We had some non-SEA players sign up last time and if effected our bracketing, if we cannot add you to our friends list you will not be entered into the tournament. Sorry folks, SEA only.
We've listed to community feedback and made a few changes from the last tournament including:
* An increased prize pool, so second and third place walk away with cash prizes
* Tournament start time is now half an hour later so as to accomodate people coming home later from work
* The game time at 19:30 can be moved if both players agree to it (detail below).
* The website now has a forum for members to discuss the tournament
* A chat channel will be open for players to use on game day
Register at: http://www.auscraft2.com.au/registration.html
Entry Requirements: SEA Account
Registration Dates: 1st June - 29th June
Tournament Dates: 1st July - 1 round per day. Check-in starts at 6:45pm. Matches start at 7:30pm
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (GMT +10 hours), that's Melbourne and Sydney Time.
Where: SEA Server
Prizes: 1st place - $100 AUD, 2nd place - $70, 3rd place - $30
Spectators: Not permitted
Referees: Quarter finals, Semi Finals and Grand final may be refereed by AusCraft2 Administrators.
Player Requirements: Players are to check-in via our website, as well as contact each other in game and play their matches. Winners are required to submit their replays via online forms on our website. No log-ins are required in order to make the process quick and easy.
Bracket: Will be posted at http://www.auscraft2.com.au/auscraft-2-down-under-derby-2.html shortly after registration closes. Registered players will be notified of bracket release by e-mail.
* The tournament is played out one round per day, with the winner of each match up advancing to the next round.
* The opening round is a 'Bye-Round'. Players who register early have a greater chance of not being included in this round and will be entered straight into 'Round 1'.
* Each round will be a best of 3 (BO3), with the grand final played as a BO5. Starting map is Metalopolis. The losing player chooses the subsequent map.
* Losers are eliminated (there is no losers bracket)
* Losing semi finalists will play for 3rd place prize
* There are no restrictions on player numbers in the tournament which means the number of rounds / days for the tournament will vary (128 players equates to a 7 day tournament).
* Tournament end date will be announced when the tournament brackets are released.
Plan your play around your day policy
Stuck for time or you think you might be running a little late for the tournament? Do you need to play early? As long as your opponent is happy to, you can delay your game, so long as you or your opponent has notified us of a win by midnight of game day, we're happy.
The fine print is below. Make sure you understand your responsibilities before rescheduling play.
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* Each round is a BO3 except for the grand final which is a BO5
* 1 round per day is played. At this stage it looks likely that we will be having 7 rounds.
* The above means that you will need to be available to play from 19:30 EDT each day.
* Players who 'no-show' will not be permitted into the next next AusCraft2 Down Under Derby. Habitual no-showers will be perma-banned.
* Although check in is from 18:45 and game time is 19:30, notifying us of your win can be done as late as midnight EDT of gameday. This means, that if you need to play the game earlier or later than 19:30 and your opponent is happy to do the same, you can. Simply check-in whenever you play.
* AusCraft2 does all it can to help players contact each other (with in game ID's and a website forum - we don't disclose e-mail addresses sorry), however if you can't contact your opponent to reorganise a game time the responsibility is yours. This policy is the exception and not the rule. Generally you are expected to be available at 19:30.
* Not being able to contact your opponent is not an excuse for missing game time and may result in you being considered a no-show. At the least you will forefit your round.
* It's strongly advised that you keep records of any rescheduling (via screen dump or the like) as abuse of this policy will be looked upon in a very dim light and may result in both players forfeiting.
* This policy is designed to help people in different time zones accommodate play or to help a parent get food on the table before they start their tournament. It is against the spirit of play to abuse this policy.
* 1 round per day is played. At this stage it looks likely that we will be having 7 rounds.
* The above means that you will need to be available to play from 19:30 EDT each day.
* Players who 'no-show' will not be permitted into the next next AusCraft2 Down Under Derby. Habitual no-showers will be perma-banned.
* Although check in is from 18:45 and game time is 19:30, notifying us of your win can be done as late as midnight EDT of gameday. This means, that if you need to play the game earlier or later than 19:30 and your opponent is happy to do the same, you can. Simply check-in whenever you play.
* AusCraft2 does all it can to help players contact each other (with in game ID's and a website forum - we don't disclose e-mail addresses sorry), however if you can't contact your opponent to reorganise a game time the responsibility is yours. This policy is the exception and not the rule. Generally you are expected to be available at 19:30.
* Not being able to contact your opponent is not an excuse for missing game time and may result in you being considered a no-show. At the least you will forefit your round.
* It's strongly advised that you keep records of any rescheduling (via screen dump or the like) as abuse of this policy will be looked upon in a very dim light and may result in both players forfeiting.
* This policy is designed to help people in different time zones accommodate play or to help a parent get food on the table before they start their tournament. It is against the spirit of play to abuse this policy.
All Rounds. Maps to be played in this order:
Game 1: Metalopolis
Game 2: Loser of Game 1 chooses from pool below
Game 3: Loser of Game 2 chooses from pool below
Game 4: (Grand Final Only) Loser of Game 3 chooses from pool below
Game 5: (Grand Final Only) Loser of Game 4 chooses from pool below
Map Pool.:
Xel Naga Caverns
Backwater Gulch
Scrap Station
Shakuras Plateau
Shattered Temple
Tal'Darim Altar LE
Additional Information:
Visit our website www.auscraft2.com.au for additional information. If you can't find what you're looking for, use the 'contact us' form on the site. Alternately post in this forum and we will try to get back to you.