If you love money maps and you think your elite stuff when it comes to BGH, then I have found a site that may be just for you. They are recruiting the best of the mucho $$$ community to run their website. Their argument is that there are far more of them than melee players so why waste time with melee players anyways.
They are currently holding a very insightful poll, perhaps the most intelligent poll I have seen in a long while.
Which game do you prefer?
Starcraft Original or Starcraft Broadwar?
Now that is just pure brilliance, without a doubt a subliminal. Also apparently after the whole ex-Starcraftgamers Editorial staff disappeared along with its 6000 or so active members "Henrik" posted this explanation,
"For a week or so we have been down and working with a new design and getting more crew. Some of our crew have left the site but we have recruited about 30 new people in total, to ensure that our starcraft site still will live and grow. Since we still are working on the site, it can look abit strange, but we rather have the website up, even if its not that good looking ^^"
Nineteen minutes later they posted this very important update,
"This site will be administrated and run by the Starcraft clan X-tra, which has about 40 members in total. Four people will actually lead the site and forums. Myself (ZeNNaN), Casey Robert Molloy aka Sky-King (USA), Markus Jonsson aka Stats-murder (Swe) and Dark (USA). I will be the representative of the site, StAtS-MuRdEr will be in charge of all editorial material and recruiting to the site. Dark and Sky-king will be in the decision making group. A new crew section will be up soon as possible. More info coming soon"
Note their shrewd cunningness in making sure the highlight clan X-tra as being a "Strarcraft" clan just in case you got confused even after noting that their domain is "starcraftgamers".
As for the four new Admin one should note that they have among them one that is with out a doubt the smartest of the lot as he has refused to give his first and last name like the others and is simply known as "Dark". His function after all is "decision making".
They also are holding very interesting interviews of Counterstrike players. Apparently the owners believe that most gamers will not be able to tell the difference between CS or SC since it’s the same letters but they look the same to most dyslexic first person shooter.
They currently are actively recruiting new admin so if you think you have what it takes to be a counterstrike smurf posing for a starcraft player please visit them and join them.
On a more serious tone I have never seen a worse public relations blunder with the gaming community than the one currently being demonstrated by NordicGamers.com and Nordichardware.com. To put it in simple terms they transformed themselves from a respectful company in the gaming community to the laughing stock of the European Starcraft community in just a few days. This is no small achievement, you really have to try.
The only thing that saddens me in this sorry affair is that I still hold the name "Starcraftgamers" dear in my heart and to see it defiled by comercially oriented counterstrike smurfs just hits me in the liver.
More information click on: www.starcraftgamers.com
As for a rather large number of gamers out there who do not even know what Starcraftgamers was all about you can check at www.gosugamers.net for more information about them and the hidden destination of this vanished community.