By moving this to the blog section you are seriously hampering my scientific way of conducting research upon a diverse community where millions of people a day will read the general section. Its sole purpose is to show that a thread is more or less a trip in time, and that we are all people traveling through time, one second at a time.
These are not ramblings of a mad man, it is a piece of art, if any one wants to go back to my source, please visit the blog of this exact same post, in multiple threads.
I am still not trolling, I just want answers, and the best way to get those answers, is to have many people read it and give their opinions. Time, is my only purpose of writing this thread that goes back multiple threads.
i stopped reading when you said adhere... why would you use that there?
I will Add Here, a list of what I feel when I bold/italicize words. That is why I used that word. If anyone is curious I did not need a teacher to ask me to write my essay.
Italics tangent.
Italic word, extra important.
Bold, main idea of surrounding paragraphs.
Underline, purpose.
Quote, essential piece of reading material.
Obviously no one is stopping you from continuing to write these incoherent ramblings, but if you're serious about accomplishing a goal, you're doing yourself a disservice by ignoring clarity and meaningfulness in your writing.
The thing is? I do not see what you all do not get.
On the same note. Please don't post things like: 'FURTHER PROVING THAT EVERYTHING I HAVE TO SAY IS TRUE.'
Clearly you missed how I brainwashed anyone who just read the last paragraph first.
By making them notice such a statement.
Then saying, here and now. That I love the Romanian per son who got it.
This is how I will begin my actual argument with you beings. For you see, the only point I can possibly attempt to prove here is that time as a concept, as far as I am personally concerned, is completely a silly way you all think.
If the person who taught me what to outline in a forum post read my posts at all, they would also know that I changed what they made dramatically after I copied it. I did not know how to use that language until it was literally shown/proven to me in my own writing. Do you see how I have changed everything since my essay? Except for my unreachable goal. The end purpose might not even be got to unless this thread actually has an end to the number of posts it possibly can create. Do I expect it to stay here for 50+ Pages? hardly, although I would not want to keep on making threads like I have. I must make this a general; forum; thread; because I need you, my peers, all to tell me why I suck at writing.
So I can educate myself
the theory that one bit of good advice that's actually listened to is better than ten bits of good advice that are only heard.
Do you see my point yet? No.
So by, on the surface level, initially disagreeing, we of course agree that we all should ask and answer our own questions
Precisely what I do after every question I ask you. If you recall I stated that the only way some one can answer their own questions is by discovering true knowledge through their past experiences that can relate to what they are trying to know.
The following, Ladies & Gentlemen is precisely the entire purpose of my argument as I am presenting it to you all. That for some reason this is different than printing out my word document and sharing it with people I meet on the street.
Time is a silly concept to be living in the future of what you are planning to do next assuming every little thing goes your own direct way of thinking.
Practice in living now always is exactly what I live by today. I am not so stupid as to not be able to react in situations or think ahead, I simply do not wait any longer for things to happen. This precisely, is what allows me to exist.
What am I? A communist as far as I am concerned. And no, this does not mean a sort of communistic government is needed or that I have ever read such a manifesto. I am a janitor, and I am absolutely happy with my life and the way it is headed. I just dropped out of college this year. I truly failed 4/5 finals Fall semester. I may have not actually passed my research/writing class because I did not do an oral final. I did pass my business class. I should not have to say the innuendo that I am a worse oral speaker than writer, however spend enough time with me and you will see what I already see.
I will spare you the tangent of why I know this is way better than any of you who are going through the college structure, unless you truly are loving what you are doing to the same degree that I am. Either way, it does not matter to me. I am so above money because money literally comes to me when I will for it. Can you prove me wrong? Absolutely not any more than I can prove me write.
This is a play on words and how they sound and what they mean.
Parents are what give them the proper mindset, it's why other places with the main ones I'm thinking of being asiatic countries are doing so well at studies while we (North America) are falling behind. Human interactions are important. Parents are always teaching their children, whether on purpose or on accident. I'm reminded of Mathilda, while fiction it applies. When a person is bad, that person is to be punished. What he meant to say is when a child is bad.
Did you see how I re-time-d those statements to say the exact point I am making? If you do, then you know what my source is.
I love my mother and father so much, I could not ask for better teachers. There is no possible way that my parents were responsible for my mindset of furthering my education in the public institutions of middle/high school in America. My college experience, and the fact that I actually failed more like 8/10 classes in college, is exactly how I know that the education experience every child now receives is 50% wrong. The crime? They brain washed you in to think ing you can not be brainwashed at all in the con cept of what it means that which I just writ.
Here I will tanget to the people thinking of my mental illness, for apparently there surely is one. Which feeling do I solely attribute my illness to? Anxiety. What is my source of writing these responses here? Galaxy Quest. My favorite movie of all-time possibly. Unless there is a better one waiting for me. Although my best friend did pull a knife on me, he did not injure me. I literally lost it the day after I posted my first essay and was hospitalized for 6 days. I truly believed that if I were to sleep I would not wake up.
I literally induced an acid flashback upon myself, on purpose.
Academics often does not show intelligence, yes, since playing the game is a vital part of academic success.
It is absolutely hilarious to me you say 'game' for I was playing the Virtual Reality game of Reality. Stating so publicly is exactly why I ended up in the psyche ward. If any one were to care about what I say, then please think up on the following. I performed a miracle upon a schizophrenic man while in this ward. He needed to sleep with the light on, and only came out for meal times. He did not speak to any one person, except my self and one woman who was abused by her parents to the point she could not cognitively hold an intellectual conversation. This man came up to me and told me his name was Adam. I suspect he was crazy for killing or injuring his best friend. We will never know if what I just said is true or not, but it sure makes me happy to think this way. Is that wrong? Recall I am not a religious faith-truther.
I was discharged on bipolar anti-psychotic Zyprexa, but I knew I was not wrong the second day in there. I have been conducting my experiment before I knew it was even going on, because I am showing here and now that my own experience through time is precisely what qualifies my self to be so educated on such a world of drugs. How? You can not tell me that weed is not an ok way for me to deal with my own issues. Try it. I dare you. It is a natural plant, that in the mean time of its being illegalized it has shown the true nature of man kinds' greed. They alter it with more chemicals to make it more addicting. It can send you on as bad of a trip as acid, as I am living proof of my recent hospitalized event. I took only 3 drugs that same night I went bat-shit-insane.
Alcohol. Nicotine. Cannabis.
No you people who are impatient, these are not the drugs I am going to push on you today.
I will now tangent to a rather bipolar experience I had on a follow-up out-patient visit to the nice social worker people. This man, Jaime (Pronounced Hi-Me; not a joke), told me it was perfectly ok to smoke cigarettes, but I had to promise him not to drink or smoke the rather. Up until that point I was convinced that my maniac episode was due to not smoking a single cigarette for three weeks up until that same day my best friend flew in for a visit.
Once he said this I instantly became angry that he and every other human on the planet would tell me that they should not do drugs AND alcohol. Or cigarettes.
Whether they all actually would, is irrelevant. I am so appalled that is what we teach our children about language about drugs. Simply because alcohol and cigarettes are legal, does not make them any less different than caffeine or Ritalin. That is that they work for some, and not for every one, but not for no one.
You achieve the same effect when you imply that Jesus wrote parts of the Bible.
Also when I state that I have never been to church or read the Bible past Moses parting some water? I could have been that writer as far as I am concerned, what I am saying now is that I do not think it should have been written into word-law that was/is The Bible.
And failing evidence they at least expect some reason to trust your authority on the matter. They need some reason to believe you're an expert.
The only point on education I feel that I can make; is that I know anything about drugs and the way they eaffect other people. I am the silent observer in a sea of people. I love to talk these days, being in the hospital showed me how to talk to strangers. The way we are taught about drugs, is seriously, seriously, seriously, wrong. As far as I am concerned here and now? We sell cocaine in the same form as caffeine. What is chocolate? No the powder people love to shove up their nose is not the same thing as in your soda. In essence? It totally is.
it seems to me that you're an idealist. My only problem with idealists like you is that even if their ideas are right or wrong, they keep wasting their time trying to convince people in an internet forum while posting anonymously. Instead of expressing your ideas on people who have a direct connection to and can influence/change the things you want to be changed, you are just wasting time on this forum. You should get yourself invited to education summits/meets and try to convince the people there or write to your congressman/senator, but the problem is you don't even have any credibility. I might be wrong because you might be someone working in education, but still, expressing your ideas here is a waste of time and will not bring any change.
I am an idealist. I feel we all should be, if we ever want to change the way we think about 'perfect'. Idealist = Optimist
Going to talk to people at education summits will probably get me laughed at in this current form. This is why I am here, not wasting my time, but learning more every post, that the way I think is wrong, and that it will never get my true message or goal across to any one.
Posting anonymously is exactly what I did not do by giving you my full name and; Facebook e-mail. Convincing you people are idiots when it comes to the concept of time or what I want to change, is exactly what I am not showing to you now. To do so would be impossible.I am not wasting all of my time here, although currently I have no where else to be wasting it. I am simply trying to educate my self by writing better based on things that other people seem to be confused upon.
Nevermind, I do have more input. What do you have against Ritalin? I literally go out of my way to get it since it's not prescribed to me. It makes school a fucking blast. Doesn't really affect me psychologically and the appetite thing goes away after a few times. Also as a drug enthusiast I find you lack of knowledge on the subject appalling. LSD in it's pure form is pretty fucking easy to find, why the hell wouldn't it be? People suddenly forgot how to make it? Cause demand sure as hell isn't going down for something that causes 0 physical harm and brings all kinds of trippiness. Meth is pretty bad, should be banned. Heroin is really addicting, to my knowledge not physically harmful in itself just the withdrawal symptoms are harmful. Also comparing Ritalin to meth or coke is pretty audacious consider methylphenidate is not methamphetamine. It is considerably weaker.
This, Ladies & Gentlemen, is a source I can have a personal argument with. I have nothing against you taking speed and going to class. My issue is that you seem to think Ritalin and speed are not the same.
I have heard by many people that legit LSD is very very hard to come by, though this is entirely throughout my own personal experience. I have gotten good Acid, and it was fun.
Though I do not believe any person should experience a true trip in time that long. For the ones that are curious, hallucinogens make me do anything but see shit that isn't there. In fact what I know about it is that it breaks down your mental psyche barriers that you create and manifest a personality in, and restructures you from the memory up. However this takes, quite a bit of time, and is exactly why I state here and now that magical mushrooms are the only hallucinogenic drug aside from Marijuana (which can be just as potent) that should be taken by any one being. You will never make closer friends if you do not. I believe I have experienced both a meth and heroin high off of ecstasy, though I will never touch those substances with my trusty ten foot pole.
How I know speed = Ritalin, is because my best friend's name is Tyler Jack Nye. The same one who tried to kill me, has had a slew of medical conditions through out his entire life. I know this man so well yet I cannot even list it unless he were here to write it for me. He was given Ritalin every day since first grade, up until he quit on his own turning 18. Then one day I give him some speed and he is just like how I knew him from the first time I ever met him.
Teachers today are not really teachers at all. They just throw facts or formulas at you and expect you to memorize. There is definitely a difference between knowing these things through memorization these things and understanding them. And since everyones thought process is different everyone also has a different path to understanding.
My thesis upon being able to rewrite past statements? This is my second paragraph concept for concept.
A teacher can not mold the information in a way that will connect with 30 different brains at one time thus they do not really teach you things but tell you things.
Precisely why I speak for the 1/11% of people who do not get it.
your version wont suffice. You need to present it in an organized fashion so other people can break it down as they please.
Absolutely why I believe this thread is the only way to true understanding of what I need to write/say about education in order to start/actually change it at all.
The only other point I will attempt to make, now, is that this whole thread including every single poster is one long essay in the format of a trip through a time period that which it was written in. If you want to call me crazy, then here you go, I have 4 time machines. The first we all failed to notice we have had since we were born, our brains. That is the most important fact I feel I am actually right about, and that every one does not notice, thanks to the way they view time on the clock. The one thing I have always wished for but never had, was a time machine so I could return to the past and fix my mistakes. But this is a fallacy, for time is always now, and I live without regret.
I almost forgot;
Online does not do this, and will not solve that problem. I can attest to that, it's been my life for the past two years a mix of online and in school. Online does not cater to everyone, as they always teach in different ways as well.
I did attend some online courses in order to boost my grades up Junior year of high school. I 100% agree with you that online education in its current form is not the answer. What I can attest to is that letting kids grow up on Facebook and chat rooms does not deter human social interaction, if any thing, it makes it more complex and worse because arguments will be had over who liked who's status over boys.
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