The Copenhagen Games is taking place this week (starting on tuesday), and I am streaming the event onsite. Within the next few days I'll not only stream the StarCraft 2 Tournament itself, but I'll also try to provide you with constant information about the tournament, about the the location, the participating players and a lot more.
We left Germany on wednesday and prepared the first video which includes pictures of the location, of our trip to Copenhagen and some additional information about the tournament.
1. Introduction - Our trip to Copenhagen and pictures of the location itself - *click to watch*
So am I Can't wait to talk to MC! I'll make sure that we upload more videos later on when the players arrive. In addition I'll make sure to provide you with the recordings of the stream asap!
We got everything set up for a great coverage, the crew looks very professional and I'm sure we have some amazing days ahead of us!
We are just setting up the stream to ensure everything works fine in the evening. Going to record some videos of the event in about an hour as well so you get an impression of whats going on
First players are here, the mousesports team arrived as well Naniwa will apparently not come to Copenhagen as he's ill. That's at least what I've heard from the admin, I'm sure they'll confirm it as soon as they know for sure.
We already played some games, and damn the guy is way better than I thought! So far the score is pretty even though *hrhr* We'll release a video later on with some footage of that awesome tabletennis game! ^^
Another interview was just uploaded. Mouz|Mana is answering some questions to his group, his problems in PvZ and tallking about nervousness at offline events:
Oh yeah! Khaldor for sure made me run around a bit, but mostly from not hitting the table. :-D Nah, Khaldor was good. I want the last three balls though!