Diamond 3300 (season 1) Protoss I'm sure there are threads out there about this topic but I havent been able to find any since Dallas occured. What I'm referring to is the mass burrow move roaches. I don't have any replays as it is more of an overall concern I'm having (but can find some if need be)
This isnt any sort of balance issue as I know it can be beat.
My usual build in PvZ is a 3gate expand with hallucination, unless i scout the roach warren earlier in which case I go robo. With the Hallucination build, I usually see the lair morphing close to completion and the roach warren moving telling me exactly what i wish to know. The problem, however, is I never seem to be able to get enough units at this point to hold the push but still end up with a worse economy after the attack. And even if I do hold it, they usually have a bigger army queued up or have tech switched into hydra or muta (depending on my number of immortals) I'm always stuck at a certain point trying to decide if i should get the robo just for observer and go Stargate, or if it makes sense to double robo Immortal, or the somewhat effect mass sentry zealot, to lay FF's on top of roaches and prevent unburrow. Ive been losing to this build for 2 days straight now as every Diamond Zerg seems to have been watching Idra play.
TLDR; Burrow move roaches are dominating me. What is the best decision to make after a 3gate expand if i see the roach warren moving, and lair finishing. Robo or Stargate play, early aggression, gateway push with obs, anything I'm missing...
Going to play a lot tonight, so will upload a replay if it is needed, but hopefully people will have just some general thoughts for me. Thanks
Get a robo, observer, and turtle, turtle, turtle.
Include a replay when making a qq thread or it's worthless because we can't help you at all.
Forge and cannon your nat ... with force fields you should come out ahead since he stops droning for a timing push.
Zapdos, I'm not asking for you to critique MY play, as i know I lost because of things I did wrong. I'm asking for what people do in situations in their OWN games. I just want to hear what people are having success with, thanks for the input though.... And as for Hysteria. I usually have 2 or 3 cannons at my nat and rarely flat out lose to the timing push, its the afterwards thats the problem. Right around the time they'd be taking their third I just cant quite make the most educated decision where to go from that point.
On April 07 2011 01:37 TechnoSchaman wrote: Zapdos, I'm not asking for you to critique MY play, as i know I lost because of things I did wrong. I'm asking for what people do in situations in their OWN games. I just want to hear what people are having success with, thanks for the input though.... And as for Hysteria. I usually have 2 or 3 cannons at my nat and rarely flat out lose to the timing push, its the afterwards thats the problem. Right around the time they'd be taking their third I just cant quite make the most educated decision where to go from that point.
Keep going hallu, once you scout roaches check for a third, continuously scoutc 2-4 pheonixes and make sure you know if he's expanding or doing extremely aggressive 2 base. Get a robo as soon as your scout roaches and get an observer followed by immortals. Remember keep scouting, if he switches to hydra just go to collosus and keep turtling. If you turtle he shouldn't be able to damage you and his 2 base timing won't be very effective.
whenever i 3 gate expand against zerg. i push with my 2 sentries and a zealot, warp in units from a proxy pylon and put pressure. at the same time expand. the point of this is not that you deal huge amounts of damage, but is to force them to make units instead of drones.
I usually tech to colossus with an observer so they can't unburrow and snipe my colossus, but otherwise I think stargate tech is better with voidrays. Either way, you want colossus for the hydras and a few voidrays to take care of the roaches. Dt's are nice too for pressure. But, like zapdos said, theres not much to be said without a replay.
if you get hallucination you should be delaying your robo a little bit longer and you should have a forge for upgrades so getting a cannon or 2 at your natural will help, also when they attack and you forceifield there army and cut it in half if they burrow forward and its a small choke you can cast another forcefield and move your army back a little and get quite a few free shots- focus fire roaches so they die- don't select your whole army though to focus fire select 8 or so stalkers and have them focus fire a roach (shift quee) so they move on to the next roach when it is dead- this little bit of micro helps as you can then actually kill roaches when they are burrowed- any immortals will help as well i am not sure how many stalkers is optimal for focus firing a roach as it would be hard to calculate with the fast regeneration.
The earliest timing for the roachburrow push is around the 10 minute mark, so if you time out a cannon or observer to complete by the 9:30-10:00 mark you should be fine. The only times you should flat out die to this push are when you went stargate or straight to colossus without getting detection.
On April 07 2011 02:02 Exley wrote: The earliest timing for the roachburrow push is around the 10 minute mark, so if you time out a cannon or observer to complete by the 9:30-10:00 mark you should be fine. The only times you should flat out die to this push are when you went stargate or straight to colossus without getting detection.
Yep I always get one cannon near my expo a few seconds after I expand. Then I chronoboost +1 attack on my forge and make a bunch of stalkers. One other neat trick that I think works if you have a lot of sentries is to FF on top of where the roaches are scheduled to unburrow so that they can't pop up.
Hungary11249 Posts
Due to the lack of a replay, this thread is pure theory. Closing.