![[image loading]](http://pixelirium.de/sc2/snowblind/snowblind_angeled.jpg)
Description: i was attempting to create a non symmetric map. balancing imbalances (really isn't that bad at all). it's 4.23am here and i have all my thoughts on this topic basically written down in this thread already :D i also tried to do a snow themed map based on mostly meinhoff texture set, mixed with some selfmade and some altered textures. don't judge it too fast. give it a try, you may enjoy playing it. i did :D feedback very welcome
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"Snowblind" is available on EU
I remember all the old bw maps with a similar tileset to this one used to make my eyes hurt really bad when playing on them. I assume that's what the map name is referencing but honestly it does suck and probably would really hurt the maps popularity.
I actually LOVE snow terrain
The biggest problem I can see is if there is a Terran spawning bottom right, they can protect three bases (and easily acquire a fourth using medivac ferries) using siege tanks. Maybe try to make the 7 o'clock expansion slightly farther away?
EDIT oh and one more glaring problem. The top base can secure four bases by controlling just three ramp areas (all above ground defense) while the bottom two bases have to be way more spread out.
about the snow tileset: i really don't see the problem with it, but i have heard the complains from other people already. i have darkened the lighting quite a bit but it seems for some people it can't be dark enough :D i dunno if some people have more sensitive eyes or just have really high gamma settings. personally, i find many dark maps way too dark. and i love blood splashes on snow textures :D
@YoureFired: indeed. however, about the highground advantage: the low ground distance between the 2 bottom ramps is a little shorter than on highground. making it quite hard to defend all ramps/prevent your opponent from getting up. especially with less mobile units like siege tanks. also. if the 2 spawns on the right decide to take one of the close thirds, they're forced to expand towards the more vulnerable centre of the map. the left spawn has his 3rd/4th base in either direction further away than the other spawns, but has a direct route towards them.
lefix you are awesome. When I've thought all there is to think, I will share my comprehensive thoughts, but how about this for starters:
Everything is approximately reflected for each spawn pair, with a few exceptions, and the question is whether those break the parity too much. For instance, if I spawn left side vs you top right, my third might be slightly harder to take, but I am compensated by the nice spot in front of my natural to camp out at. However, my fourth base choices are crummy compared to your 3oclock option. Nevertheless, I really like how in this example the main axis between the armies moves across the map. It's cool that all of the map comes into play so quickly.
I'm afraid you could only satisfied with the balance after a multitude of games, but that's not categorically different than any other map. =)
haha, yes it really requires an insane amount of testing. usually you only have to think about balancing 3 possible scenarios, tvz, zvp and pvt. but on this map it's also tvt, zvz and pvp. on 6 possible spawn variations. making it 24 possible matchup scenarios to balance in total. it is almost impossible to keep all that in mind