But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
#teamliquid is my true love! The course of true love never did run smooth. Sweet are the uses of adversity, but conscience mine hast worn thin!
O treacherous tofucake!
Why hast thou keep me in wait?
I do repent; but heaven hath pleas'd it so! The quality of mercy is not strain'd,Thus bad begins and worse remains behind.
[20:17] <JAMAL-> how do u get the MLG stream to work?
[20:18] <hawaiianpig> lol shakuras even
[20:18] <hawaiianpig> lol
[20:18] * Racoon`8[ (~alkjdflka@f049203057.adsl.alicedsl.de) Quit (Signed off)
[20:18] <Zealotdriver> lolol it is the wrong map
[20:18] <@tofucake> disable adblock
[20:18] <Zealotdriver> LOLOL
[20:18] <@tofucake> f5
[20:18] <TheTurk> disable adblock
[20:18] <GG-kilgore> internet explorer
[20:18] <Primadog> What error are you getting Jamal?
[20:18] <@tofucake> lol at overview
[20:18] <MooN> tofucake piracy? it's a free stream man
[20:18] <GG-kilgore> for the win
[20:18] <@tofucake> no
[20:18] <JAMAL-> just a spinning faggot
[20:18] <hawaiianpig> disable adblock, use IE!!!!!
[20:18] <@tofucake> a restream of the HQ is piracy
[20:18] <JAMAL-> ill disable adblock
[20:18] <learningdisease> when will we see TLO play!
[20:18] * tofucake sets mode: +b *!*foogs@*.users.quakenet.org
[20:18] * You were kicked by tofucake (JAMAL-)
[20:19] <JAMAL-> why was I banned?
[20:19] <tofucake> bad words are bad
[20:19] <JAMAL-> saying faggot?
[20:19] <tofucake> yes
[20:20] <JAMAL-> i sincerely apologize
[20:20] <JAMAL-> for my mature language
[22:27] <JAMAL-> when are you going to unban me?
[22:27] <tofucake> never!
Can someone please unban me from #teamliquid on the IRC