Match VOD:
Part 1
Part 2
Brief Battle Report [Spoiler Alert]
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This was quite an eventful night in the world of Taiwan StarCraft II eSports: Wayi Spider’s Max battled to keep his hair, in an unheard act of bad manner on televised StarCraft II matches we saw the first use of pylons to spell out a player’s name, and also half of the infamous casting archon, Artosis, came to the TeSL studios to observe and report, in short, a great time was had by all.
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Artosis on live Taiwan television
Game 1: Apollos_Apro (P) vs. SPIDER_Max (Z)
The big news coming into the game was that Spider’s Max (Z) put out a video during the week saying that if he lost to Apollos Apro (T) that he would shave his head. This was Max’s first time playing in a televised TV match (every week each team picks 3 players that are eligible to play) and also he is one of the few Zerg players in the league. Apro is the uncle of famous Taiwan player Sen (even though he is only 2 years older than him). Despite the head shaving antics, once the game started, both players were very serious. Max amassed an army of Roaches and Hydras breaking down the rocks in the middle (Scrap Station) and then sent in a huge flock of overlords into Apro’s main base, making it look like a big drop. When Apro went back to defend Max attacked from the front. It looked like Apro would hold it but the DPS of the Hydras was too much and Apro tapped out. Max threw his arms into the air in celebration, jubilated about getting to keep his hair.
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Max exstatic about winning in his first televised match. He is safe from the clippers today.
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Apro scratches his head wondering what happened. (And probalby very gratefully that he did raise the stakes by saying he would also shave his head if he lost)
Game 2: Apollos_HRU (P) vs. SPIDER_DS (R)
This was a match between two of the best former WarCraft III players in Taiwan. HRU (How Are You) was considered by many to be one of the best players available in the draft, but because he is not able to live in the team house, only the Tt Apollos put him on their wish list. DS (Demon Sheep) is considered the strongest player on the Spiders team, he is mathematics major and is known for his sharp calculations made during the game, and he won twice in the Spider’s loss last week. DS ended up rolling Protoss and a 4 Gateway battle ensued. HRU was a little more aggressive and managed to overwhelm DS in the end, giving him his first loss of the season.
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With today's display of cockiness and bad manner HRU is already starting to be called Taiwan's MC (referring to oGsMC's antics, not necessarilly his play style). But, hey, every league needs a bad guy, right?
Game 3: Apollos_SoftBall (T) vs. SPIDER_Jas (P)
SoftBall is generally considered Taiwan’s second best player next to Sen. In the game it seems that Jas had the right idea, using a Dark Templar drop, but came up short in executing it. There were several errors committed in microing the Dark Templars allowing SoftBall to take care of them with scans without taking too much economic damage.
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Game 4: Apollos_HRU (P) vs. SPIDER_DS (R)
The order of the players in the first 3 games are decided beforehand by the coaches of both teams. If the match is not decided (Best of 5) after three games the players for the next game (or potentially 2 games) are picked from the coaches out of the 3 eligible players. In this case the two players picked just happened to make for a rematch of game two. This game turned out to be a pretty entertaining PvP game. DS purely used Stalker with Blink, while HRU had a more balanced army backed up with Colossi. The players battled back and forth, but it in the end HRU had too much of an economic advantage and slowly starved DS. It was during this process that all of the sudden an “H” formation built with pylons appeared on the map. Everyone was in shock at this televised display of bad manner, and cries of “Taiwan’s MC” immediately flooded the forums.
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Demon Sheep with a look of devastation after being humiliated by HowAreYou's pylons. After the match he vowed to avenge this defeat.
Yesterday everybody was excited to have Artosis in the studio. Artosis took a lot of footage with his video camera, so everybody should be able to see that soon on Artosis.TV! After the match was over all over the players had a chance to meet Artosis and get his feedback about the TeSL. Artosis also did an interview of SoftBall afterwards, so everyone can look forward to that too. Also during the match it was announced that Tt Apollo has signed some kind of a deal with Ukrainian player Whitera! From what I have heard it might be just that they are sponsoring him, still waiting to hear any official details. All in all it was a very exciting, and heart-warming night where StarCraft eSports enthusiasts from all over the globe got the chance to form new friendships and
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Artosis took lots of great footage, which hopefully will help the global community become more familiar with the TeSL
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After the match GSL caster Artosis was interviewed by TeSL caster and former ZergKing (before Sen) SoBad
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Artosis interviewing Tt Apollos star player SoftBall
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Members of Taiwan's Rush clan present Artosis with a Rush jacket (they are hard to get)
If you would like to see even more pictures you can check out TeSL's official battle report (There are more pictures at the bottom)
(In the future some of us Taiwan StarCraft community members will try to keep everyone informed about the TeSL by providing a preview for the weekend’s matches on Friday, and brief battle reports after the matches on Saturday and Sunday. It is our hope that once TeSL has the recourses to provide quality reports and streams themselves that we won’t have to do this anymore.)